Special non ETP1.2 standard restrictions about ETP dataspace
Just an issue to backlog what is already documented (in README at the root) and not strictly honoring ETP1.2 :
- No default dataspace supported eml:///
- A dataspace name (in an ETP canonical URI) cannot be a non constrained string
Point 1 is quite clear and does not need extra information imho. Point 2 is documented as :
the RDDMS enforces that data space paths are composed of two parts, example 'project/study'
I tried to create the dataspace 'project/study' with this pseudo code:
Energistics::Etp::v12::Datatypes::Object::Dataspace dataspace;
dataspace.uri = "eml:///dataspace('project/study')";
dataspace.storeCreated = 0; // mandatory per ETP specs
dataspace.storeLastWrite = 0; // mandatory per ETP specs
However it fails with the following exception :
5 : Space URI neither matches PATH, nor uses UUID
At a first glance, the README documentation seems to be inexact as well. Nothing is told about UUID. And PATH, which is not a mandatory attribute in ETP specs, seems to be forced as well to be the same as the name of the dataspace in the canonical ETP URI (except if UUID is used). Notice that if I provide a "project/study" path to my dataspace in my above pesudo code, everything's working.