[BUG] Deployment wiki Errors
A series of wiki errors were discovered during several rounds of greenfield deployments:
- In Common resource deployment, Elastic setup step, the link to Elastic cloud market place is no longer valid (404 not found error). It needs to be replaced with the self managed Elastic from market place. The statement about needing credit card for billing is no longer valid for self managed Elastic thus needs to be removed.
- In common resource deployment, in the "Installed Azure Resources", step 8 is no longer needed. Instead need to add: grant “admin consent” for API permissions as needed for the ad applications created.
- In central resource deployment step, unit tests step requires gcc to be installed first otherwise tests fail. wiki needs to add the installing gcc step as a prerequisite before unit tests step.
- In configuration data loading step, in the prerequisite, hard-coded branch version 1.10.0 line needs to have a comment about changing it to the branch name that matches the current release being deployed
- In configuration data loading step, the command for running ingestion dag needs to be changed from "python" to "python3" or setting up alias to link python to pythion3 on the deployment machine following this guide.
- In the rest api testing step, the script to create client secret fails with permission issue. Add a description after the script about manually adding client secret in azure portal if script fails.
- In the rest api testing step, the docker command needs to be changed to "sudo docker-compose up"
Edited by Lucy Liu