Adding Airflow Multipartition Partition Changes
For enabling multi partitioning support for Airflow following infrastructure changes are required
New AKS Cluster needs to be created in dp resource group
Same configuration as what we have in service resources group
Autoscaling needs to be enabled for AKS cluster
The virtual network used by node pool should accommodate for atleast 2500 ip addresses
AKS should have access to node resource group in which node pools exist
AKS Access to Create and Remove VM's in Node Resource Group
AKS should have access to only pull images from central resources ACR as well as ACR created in data partition
AKS should have access to the data partition specific pod identity
New managed identity needs to be created in dp resource group
Need read access to keyvault which is present in dp resource group
Need access to fileshares/ blob storage for the storage account used by other osdu services
Need access to storage queue to read and process
New Postgresql server needs to be created in dp resource group
Same configuration steps as what we have in service resources group
Only difference is any secrets related to postgres needs to be stored in data partition.
Use existing storage account used by other osdu services
Create fileshares and directories internally similar to service resource group
Create storage container similar to service resource group
Create storage queue similar to service resource group
Adding storage account secrets in dp keyvault
Create event grid subscription to push logs to log analytics
New container registry needs to be created in dp resource group
New keyvault needs to be created in dp resource group
New redis cluster needs to be created in dp resource group
Same configuration steps as what we have in service resource group
Only difference is any secrets related to redis needs to be stored in data partition.
New log analytics workspace needs to be created in data partition to store task logs
Kubernetes changes needed
Install KEDA helm chart version 2.1.0
Install Cert manager helm chart
Install Kvsecrets helm chart
Install aad-pod-identity helm chart
Create OSDU namespace with istio injection enabled
Create airflow specific secrets and store it in dp specific keyvault
AKS, Postgres, Redis, Virtual network diagnostics
New keyvault to be created in central resources which will have app insights key which is shared across all data partitions
- The pod identity in data partition should have get access to this keyvault.
Create NSG for aks subnet in data partition AKS cluster
- Whitelist sr aks egress ip in this NSG
All the resources created should be feature flagged