Critical Bug: Airflow workers pods not coming up in AKS for a new deployment
There was a label (autoscalingEnabled) which was added as part of this MR - !289 (merged) to airflow worker deployment in kubernetes
The value of this label(i.e true or false) is causing an issue when flux is trying to apply this change on kubernetes. Below is the flux log for the same
ts=2021-04-21T06:58:27.864737556Z caller=sync.go:606 method=Sync cmd="kubectl apply -f -" took=258.735525ms err="running kubectl: exit status 1, stderr: error: unable to decode \"STDIN\": resource.metadataOnlyObject.ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta.Labels: ReadString: expects \" or n, but found f, error found in #10 byte of ...|Enabled\":false,\"char|..., bigger context ...|},\"labels\":{\"app\":\"airflow\",\"autoscalingEnabled\":false,\"chart\":\"airflow-7.5.0\",\"component\":\"worker\",|..." output=
This bug needs to be fixed on high priority and also should be released as a hotfix to M5 release