Unit test case Code refactor [Tech DEBT]
As a Developer,
I want to organize the unit test cases based on functionality and use parameterization to reduce duplication,
so that the unit tests are more structured and efficient, making it easier to maintain and extend them.
Testing Criteria:
- Categorize unit test cases based on functionality into separate modules or classes.
- Use parameterization in unit tests to handle multiple test cases with similar logic, reducing code duplication.
- Review the updated unit tests to ensure they are organized and efficient.
- Validate that all tests pass successfully and cover the required functionality.
Acceptance Criteria:
Code changes -
Code changes to be deployed on Dev. Environment -
Primary Testing in Dev. Environment[Primary Developer] -
Secondary Testing in Dev. Environment[Secondary Developer] -
Unit Test Cases -
MR Raised to master branch -
Internal Code Review -
Code approval -
MR approved[Merged to master] -
Integration Testing[Dev. Env] -
Pre-ship Testing[All CSP's]
Edited by Teo Sheng Pu