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OSDU Software
A defect is an issue that is a software error, flaw or fault that causes that project or repo or service to produce an incorrect or unexpected result per the OSDU standard or requirements or that it behaves in unintended ways. A defect can be further categorized as a defect in the common code in the PMC project or as a defect within the CSP realization of the PMC project to ensure that it can be targeted towards the right development resource to address this issue.
Workflow Service
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow
All items related to the Workflow Service, which is responsible for managing and executing workflows.
Energistics Integration
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow
Tasks associated with supporting Energistics standards.
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow
An issue to consider for R3, but after the March 24th, 2021 release date.
Pre-Shipping Issue
OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
An Issue that was discovered in the Pre-Shipping environment that requires development work