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Labels 125

  • Issue related to documentation
  • Merge request label for indicating initial development of a project
  • Merge request related to an enhancement or upgrade of the existing code, increasing the efficiency or effectiveness of the software without necessarily introducing new features to end user.
  • MRLogging
    Merge request label for indicating work related to internal audit, logging, reporting improvement
  • An enhancement may be made to address specific user needs or requests, or they may be made to address broader goals, such as increasing the efficiency or effectiveness of the software. May or may not require an ADR depending on the nature of the change. This applies to improving or enhancing existing software behavior only, without introducing new features.
  • MRRevert
    Merge request label for indicating reverting change
  • Hotfix
    This label is used to indicate cherry picks into previous releases for fixing an issue, this is for backporting patches in up to N-2 releases.
  • This label indicates that the issue is a duplicate and there has been a related issue created
  • This issue requires further information but lack of responses from submitter. Close after inactivity for more than 6 months.
  • This defect is low impact, no breaking workflow/any workflow, medium/low security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists
  • This defect has medium impact, no breaking workflow/no data loss, high/medium security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists and should be fixed after high priority
  • This defects is a major issue but certain parts of the system remain functional.
  • This defect indicates complete shut-down of the process, nothing can proceed further and constitutes a breaking defect
  • M17
    Label used to indicate issue found during M17 milestone
  • M16
    Label used to indicate issue found during M16 milestone
  • Merge request indicating change related to documentation only
  • Merge request label for indicating version upgrade of libs/dependencies
  • Merge request label for indicating cherry picks
  • Merge request label for indicating FOSSA notice / legal update
  • MRDevOps
    Merge request label for indicating CICD related / DevOps changes for release management