Mar 16, 2022–Mar 29, 2022
GCZ Sprint 12
Iteration Goals:
Capture MVP (Minimum Viable Product) requirements
What Features/Functions are needed for MVP
- Refactor Java code to connect to existing Ignite cluster - Levi
- Design and create configuration file for Transformer - Levi
- Leave unencrypted for now
- Design and create configuration file for Provider - Levi
- Add transformer cache/sync logic - Philip (write story)
- Develop framework for scheduling cache updates
- Enhance transformer to be fault-tolerant for usability
- Add exception handling and retry logic
- Add logging logic to a file and configure where it goes
- Add testing logic i.e. unit tests, test cases, test harness - Bryan
- Will get a testing tag from OSDU
- #1_1_1_pre-shipping_team_a testing team
- Add OGC support in Koop
What data types we will target (prioritized) - Michael
- Well top / bottom as a point with X,Y,Z
- Picks/tops/markers as a point with X,Y,Z
- 2D Survey / 2D Nav as a measured line
- 2D live trace as a measured line
- 3D Survey as a polygon
- Well Path as a measured 3D line
- 3D live trace as a polygon
- Log as a point with X,Y,Z (could be central point, or top/bottom for log)
- Horizon/Interpretation extent polygons
- Log as measured 3D line – to show position of log along wellbore
- *Perform spikes on each data type to determine what will be in MVP
- *Confirm we are getting the data we expect for lines and polygons
What does the installer look like - Bryan
- Tool deployed for external customers that use OSDU
- GCZ will be part of OSDU deployment
- Documented in a setup guide for CSPs
- identifies pre-requisites i.e. Apache Ignite;
- not a standalone installer
What will the user experience be
What documentation do we need
No GUIs for MVP
Symbology not required
Only use Open-Source libraries
Use OSDU engine for projecting
Create and estimate MVP stories