esriOid Inaccuracies
The esriOid
field is meant to act as a unique object ID for each record in the cache, specifically to support compatibility with an Esri Feature Service, which uses an integer object ID for distinguishing records, providing data integrity, optimizing performance, etc.
Current Behavior
- Currently, the esriOid field will begin tracking records at 2, and increment from there.
- During batch loads, the esriOid incrementation logic assumes that 100% of records in a batch were loaded, so if batchSize is 100 and only 50 records succeeded, the second batch will have esriOid start at 101.
Proposed Behavior
field should (per-batch) use max possible esriOid size and iterate from there. The max possible esriOid size should vary depending on status and size of cache. If cache size is 0 or catch is new, then max possible esriOid size should be 1.
Edited by Levi Remington