# Open Test Data Wiki
Originally [written](https://gitlab.opengroup.org/osdu/subcommittees/data-def/projects/test-data/home/-/blob/master/README.md) by Øivind Berggraf [Equinor]. Modified by Chad Leong [SLB]
# Scope
- Get hold of some real data sets to use in OSDU R3 development/testing as well as reference implementations.
- Aiming for data sets that have an OSDU representative data footprint in one or several areas. E.g. well and seismic data in the same geographic location.
- OSDU also need synthetic data sets for consistent/performance testing but that is not in scope here. (see dependencies)
- Make sure that the governance/contracts is ok and that we have a work process and technical framework in place.
- Together with other workstreams (see dependencies) preparing the selected data sets for R3 data loading processes.
# Dependencies - handled in other R3 workstreams
- "Prepping" and loading data set into OSDU R3. Handled by [Data Loading Improvements](/release_planning/R3/Data-Loading-Improvements).
- Using test data as a part of R3 Testing framework. Handled by R3 [Testing](https://community.opengroup.org/osdu/program/-/wikis/Release_Planning/R3/Testing)
- Generation of synthetic data. Probably handled by R3 development team.
# Deliveries to be used for R3 and beyond
## Documentation
The official [OSDU Test Data Guide](https://gitlab.opengroup.org/osdu/subcommittees/data-def/projects/test-data/docs/-/blob/master/Design%20Documents/The_OSDU_Test_Data_Guide.docx)
## Data sets
Before using these data please read the [OSDU Test Data Guide](https://gitlab.opengroup.org/osdu/subcommittees/data-def/projects/test-data/docs/-/blob/master/Design%20Documents/The_OSDU_Test_Data_Guide.docx) to understand how we work as well as what can and <EM>cannot</EM> be done with the different data sets.
### Conventional
| Name | Source | Comments |
| ----------| --- | --- |
| TNO | Well based data package from [TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands](https://nlog.nl/).<BR><BR> Data set as used in R1 can be found in [OSDU GIT](https://community.opengroup.org/osdu/platform/open-test-data/-/tree/master). | Used in OSDU R1 and R2 as well as OSDU demo solutions.<BR><BR>Free for open use
| Volve | Equinor and Volve licence partners. You should be able to download the Volve data from [here](https://data.equinor.com/) | [Structure of the data set](https://gitlab.opengroup.org/osdu/subcommittees/data-def/projects/test-data/docs/-/blob/bc8ad5f68db02b7293a8e4f863b517d300450221/Design%20Documents/Volve_-_description_of_data_set.docx)<BR>[The wells inventory](https://gitlab.opengroup.org/osdu/subcommittees/data-def/projects/test-data/docs/-/blob/master/Design%20Documents/Volve_-_Wells_inventory.xlsx)<BR>Please reach out to @oberggraf if more info is needed.<BR><BR> Available for OSDU Development, Testing and Certification.<BR><BR>Open data set approved for commercial and non-commercial use. See Terms and Conditions for details.
| UK Greater Buchan Area | UK disclosed public information. Can be downloaded from [here](https://ndr.ogauthority.co.uk/) | UK NDR suggests Greater Buchan Area as a good data set to start with. See info [UK_NDR_suggested_data_package.docx](uploads/48bc1bc743722f29ad2ca8b172f6e620/UK_NDR_suggested_data_package.docx)<BR><BR>Available for OSDU Development, Testing and Certification.<BR><BR>Not approved for free use outside the OSDU platform development. Such use needs to be agreed with the relevant data owner.
### Unconventional
Some leads identified. Still working on this.
| Name | Source | Comments |
| ----------| --- | --- |
| No data sets available yet. | | Will be added when available