Changes on Section 4.3 based on previous suggestions
Section 4.3 must change to reflect changes proposed for some generic core elements:
4.3 Summary of Generic Core Elements
From "Table 1 gives an overview of the core elements," to "Table 1 provides an overview of the generic core elements,"
From "But note that most of these..." to "Note that most of these..."
From "Table 1: Core Elements" to "Table 1: Generic Core Elements"
From "...working together to perform some collective behavior." to "... working together to perform some internal collective behavior."
From "Interface (External Active Structure Element)" to "External Active Structure Element (Interface)"
From "...performed by one or more active structure elements" to "performed by one or more internal active structure elements."
From "Represents a unit of collective behavior that must be performed by two or more internal active structure elements, either assigned directly or aggregated in a collaboration." to "Represents a unit of internal collective behavior that must be performed by two or more internal active structure elements, either assigned directly via an and junction or aggregated in a collaboration."
From "Service (External Behavior Element)" to "External Behavior Element (Service)"
From "Represents a state change" to "Represents something that happens or occurs, especially something significant or noteworthy."