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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • MRRefactor
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating work related to code clean ups/refactoring/optimization
  • MRRevert
    OSDU Software
    Merge request label for indicating reverting change
  • MRTesting
    OSDU Software
    This MR relates to changes for unit, integration, etc. testing
  • Pipeline Failure
    OSDU Software
    MR pending failures and requires investigation
  • Platform Administration
    OSDU Software / OSDU Community Utilities / Admin UI / Admin UI
  • PriorityCritical
    OSDU Software
    Catastrophic issue identified - Severe impact, contain breaking workflow/data loss, zero-day/critical security vulnerabilities No workaround and should be fixed as an immediate priority Need to be released as a patch during regular milestone cycle as soon as a fix is available
  • PriorityHigh
    OSDU Software
    Major issue identified - High impact, might contain breaking workflow/data loss, critical/high security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists but should be fixed as the next priority Might need to be released as a patch during regular milestone cycle/N+1 milestone release
  • PriorityLow
    OSDU Software
    Minor issue identified - Low impact, no breaking workflow/any workflow, medium/low security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists Can be released in N+1 or more milestone releases
  • PriorityMedium
    OSDU Software
    Serious issue identified - Medium impact, no breaking workflow/no data loss, high/medium security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists and should be fixed after high priority Can be released in N+1 milestone release
  • Any issues that need discovery / evaluation to get team to starting point, will be part of this title
  • RI
    OSDU Software
    This backlog item / Issue / MR affects the community reference implementation
  • Search & Browse
    OSDU Software / OSDU Community Utilities / Admin UI / Admin UI
  • SeverityCritical
    OSDU Software
    This defect indicates complete shut-down of the process, nothing can proceed further and constitutes a breaking defect
  • SeverityLow
    OSDU Software
    This defect is low impact, no breaking workflow/any workflow, medium/low security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists
  • SeverityMajor
    OSDU Software
    This defects is a major issue but certain parts of the system remain functional.
  • SeverityMedium
    OSDU Software
    This defect has medium impact, no breaking workflow/no data loss, high/medium security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists and should be fixed after high priority
  • To Do
    OSDU Software / OSDU Community Utilities / Admin UI / Admin UI