<!--- Deploy --> # Deploy helm chart ## Introduction This chart bootstraps a deployment on a [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io) cluster using [Helm](https://helm.sh) package manager. ## Prerequisites The code was tested on **Kubernetes cluster** (v1.21.11) with **Istio** (1.12.6) > Istio is installed with Istio Ingress Gateway - Kubernetes cluster version can be checked with the command: `kubectl version --short | grep Server` The output will be similar to the following: ```console Server Version: v1.21.11-gke.1100 ``` - Istio version can be checked in different ways, it is out of scope for this README. You can find more information [here](https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/install/). The following command shows how to check version if Anthos Service Mesh is used: `kubectl -n istio-system get pods -lapp=istiod -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.labels.istio\.io/rev}'` The output will be similar to the following: ```console asm-1132-5 ``` > It is possible to use other versions, but it hasn't been tested This example describes installation in **Development mode**: - In this mode helm chart is installed to the namespace **not labeled with Istio**. > More information about labeling can be found [here](https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/additional-setup/sidecar-injection) (Istio) or [here](https://cloud.google.com/service-mesh/docs/managed/select-a-release-channel#default-injection-labels) (Anthos Service Mesh) You can find all labels for your namespace with the command: `kubectl get namespace <namespace> -o jsonpath={.metadata.labels}` The output shows that there are no any labels related to Istio: ```console {"kubernetes.io/metadata.name":"default"} ``` When the namespace is labeled with Istio, the output could be: ```console {"istio-injection":"enabled","kubernetes.io/metadata.name":"default"} ``` ### Operation system The code works in Debian-based Linux (Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20.04) and Windows WSL 2. Also, it works but is not guaranteed in Google Cloud Shell. All other operating systems, including macOS, are not verified and supported. ### Packages Packages are only needed for installation from a local computer. - **HELM** (version: v3.7.1 or higher) [helm](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/) Helm version can be checked with the command: `helm version --short` The output will be similar to the following: ```console v3.7.1+gd141386 ``` - **Kubectl** (version: v1.21.0 or higher) [kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/#kubectl) Kubectl version can be checked with the command: `kubectl version --short | grep Client` The output will be similar to the following: ```console Client Version: v1.21.0 ``` ## Installation First you need to set variables in **values.yaml** file using any code editor. Some of the values are prefilled, but you need to specify some values as well. You can find more information about them below. ### Configmap variables | Name | Description | Type | Default |Required | |------|-------------|------|---------|---------| **data.logLevel** | logging level | string | INFO | yes **data.springProfilesActive** | active spring profile | string | gcp | yes **data.projectId** | your Google Cloud project id | string | - | only in case of Google Cloud installation **data.dataProjectId** | in case of multiproject cloud installation (services and data stored in different project) the name of data project | string | - | only in case of multiproject installation **data.partitionName** | partition host | string | partition | yes **data.partitionNamespace** | datastore namespace where partition will store the data | string | partition | yes **data.dataPartitionId** | data partition id | string | - | yes **data.datafierSa** | datafier service account | string | datafier | yes **data.bucketPrefix** | minio bucket name prefix | string | refi | only in case of Reference installation when _springProfilesActive_ is set to "_anthos_" **data.minioExternalEndpoint** | api url for external minio, if external minio is configured - this value will be set for MINIO_ENDPOINT and FILE_MINIO_ENDPOINT in bootstrap configmap | string | - | no ### Deployment variables | Name | Description | Type | Default |Required | |------|-------------|------|---------|---------| **data.requestsCpu** | amount of requests CPU | string | 40m | yes **data.requestsMemory** | amount of requests memory | string | 256Mi | yes **data.limitsCpu** | CPU limit | string | 500m | yes **data.imitsMemory** | memory limit | string | 1G | yes **data.serviceAccountName** | name of your service account | string | partition | yes **data.image** | path to the image in a registry | string | - | yes **data.imagePullPolicy** | when to pull the image | string | IfNotPresent | yes **data.bootstrapImage** | name of the bootstrap image | string | - | yes ### Configuration variables | Name | Description | Type | Default |Required | |------|-------------|------|---------|---------| **conf.appName** | name of the app | string | partition | yes **conf.configmap** | configmap to be used | string | partition-config | yes **conf.domain** | your domain | string | - | yes **conf.onPremEnabled** | whether on-prem is enabled | boolean | false | yes **conf.secret** | secret for postgres | string | partition-postgres-secret | yes **auth.realm** | realm in keycloak | string | osdu | yes ### ISTIO variables | Name | Description | Type | Default |Required | |------|-------------|------|---------|---------| **istio.proxyCPU** | CPU request for Envoy sidecars | string | 10m | yes **istio.proxyCPULimit** | CPU limit for Envoy sidecars | string | 500m | yes **istio.proxyMemory** | memory request for Envoy sidecars | string | 32Mi | yes **istio.proxyMemoryLimit** | memory limit for Envoy sidecars | string | 512Mi | yes **istio.bootstrapProxyCPU** | CPU request for Envoy sidecars | string | 10m | yes **istio.bootstrapProxyCPULimit** | CPU limit for Envoy sidecars | string | 100m | yes **istio.sidecarInject** | whether Istio sidecar will be injected. Setting to "false" reduces security, because disables authorization policy. | boolean | true | yes ### Install the helm chart Run this command from within this directory: ```console helm install gc-partition-deploy . ``` ## Uninstalling the Chart To uninstall the helm deployment: ```console helm uninstall gc-partition-deploy ``` To delete secrets and PVCs: ```console kubectl delete secret --all; kubectl delete pvc --all ``` [Move-to-Top](#deploy-helm-chart)