From b61498335e3b3aae6760eebd8758fc4dd77a5e0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vladyslav Hundarchuk <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2023 16:11:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update Readme

 devops/gc/deploy/ | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/devops/gc/deploy/ b/devops/gc/deploy/
index d003ed853..ad23470a1 100644
--- a/devops/gc/deploy/
+++ b/devops/gc/deploy/
@@ -31,38 +31,49 @@ First you need to set variables in **values.yaml** file using any code editor. S
 | Name | Description | Type | Default |Required |
-**logLevel** | logging level | string | INFO | yes
-**springProfilesActive** | active spring profile | string | gcp | yes
-**entitlementsHost** | entitlements service host address | string | `http://entitlements` | yes
-**registerHost** | register service host address | string | `http://register` | yes
-**partitionHost** | partition service host address | string | `http://partition` | yes
-**redisNotificationHost** | The host for redis instance. If empty, helm installs an internal redis instance | string | `redis-notification` | yes
-**redisNotificationPort** | The port for redis instance | digit | 6379 | yes
+**data.logLevel** | logging level | string | INFO | yes
+**data.springProfilesActive** | active spring profile | string | gcp | yes
+**data.entitlementsHost** | entitlements service host address | string | `http://entitlements` | yes
+**data.registerHost** | register service host address | string | `http://register` | yes
+**data.partitionHost** | partition service host address | string | `http://partition` | yes
+**data.redisNotificationHost** | The host for redis instance. If empty, helm installs an internal redis instance | string | `redis-notification` | yes
+**data.redisNotificationPort** | The port for redis instance | digit | 6379 | yes
 ### Deployment variables
 | Name | Description | Type | Default |Required |
-**requestsCpu** | amount of requested CPU | string | `0.1` | yes
-**requestsMemory** | amount of requested memory| string | `256M` | yes
-**limitsCpu** | CPU limit | string | `1` | yes
-**limitsMemory** | memory limit | string | `1.5G` | yes
-**serviceAccountName** | name of your service account | string | `notification` | yes
-**imagePullPolicy** | when to pull image | string | `IfNotPresent` | yes
-**image** | service image | string | - | yes
-**redisImage** | redis image | string | `redis:7` | yes
+**data.requestsCpu** | amount of requested CPU | string | `0.1` | yes
+**data.requestsMemory** | amount of requested memory| string | `256M` | yes
+**data.limitsCpu** | CPU limit | string | `1` | yes
+**data.limitsMemory** | memory limit | string | `1.5G` | yes
+**data.serviceAccountName** | name of your service account | string | `notification` | yes
+**data.imagePullPolicy** | when to pull image | string | `IfNotPresent` | yes
+**data.image** | service image | string | - | yes
+**data.redisImage** | redis image | string | `redis:7` | yes
 ### Config variables
 | Name | Description | Type | Default |Required |
-**appName** | Service name | string | `notification` | yes
-**configmap** | configmap to be used | string | `notification-config` | yes
-**rabbitmqSecretName** | secret for rabbitmq | string | `rabbitmq-secret` | yes
-**openidSecretName** | secret for openid | string | `notification-keycloak-secret` | yes
-**notificationRedisSecretName** | Notification redis secret | string | `notification-redis-secret` | yes
-**onPremEnabled** | whether on-prem is enabled | boolean | false | yes
-**domain** | your domain, ex `` | string | - | yes
-**redisSSL** | Redis  host ssl config. External redis configuration only if true | string | false | no
+**conf.appName** | Service name | string | `notification` | yes
+**conf.configmap** | configmap to be used | string | `notification-config` | yes
+**conf.rabbitmqSecretName** | secret for rabbitmq | string | `rabbitmq-secret` | yes
+**conf.openidSecretName** | secret for openid | string | `notification-keycloak-secret` | yes
+**conf.notificationRedisSecretName** | Notification redis secret | string | `notification-redis-secret` | yes
+**conf.onPremEnabled** | whether on-prem is enabled | boolean | false | yes
+**conf.domain** | your domain, ex `` | string | - | yes
+**conf.redisSSL** | Redis  host ssl config. External redis configuration only if true | string | false | no
+### Istio variables
+| Name | Description | Type | Default |Required |
+**istio.proxyCPU** | CPU request for Envoy sidecars | string | `50m` | yes
+**istio.proxyCPULimit** | CPU limit for Envoy sidecars | string | `500m` | yes
+**istio.proxyMemory** | memory request for Envoy sidecars | string | `64Mi` | yes
+**istio.proxyMemoryLimit** | memory limit for Envoy sidecars | string | `512Mi` | yes
 ### Install the helm chart
 Run this command from within this directory: