diff --git a/notification-acceptance-test/docs/README.md b/notification-acceptance-test/docs/README.md
index efb3a21d64252ad2ddb1e98da0668cb0086f429c..b685bab86318b894fac3a938131ad7b50260a0c3 100644
--- a/notification-acceptance-test/docs/README.md
+++ b/notification-acceptance-test/docs/README.md
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ You will need to have the following environment variables defined.
 | `CLIENT_TENANT`                 | eg. `osdu`                                                                                                       | Client tenant used for testing                                                                                                                               | no         | -      |
 | `OSDU_TENANT`                   | eg. `osdu`                                                                                                       | OSDU tenant used for testing                                                                                                                                 | no         | -      |
-| `ENVIRONMENT`                   | eg. `dev`                                                                                                        | Environment used for testing. 'Local' for running locally with services url's predefined as http://localhost , 'Dev' & 'Dev_Gke' is configurable environment | no         | -      |
 | `GROUP_ID`                      | eg. `group`                                                                                                      | Group ID used for testing. Group id, used in storage record ACL. Full group will be "data.default.viewers@{{data-partition-id}}.{{group_id}}"                | no         | -      |
 | `TOPIC_ID`                      | eg. `records-changed`                                                                                            | Topic ID                                                                                                                                                     | no         | -      |
 | `HMAC_SECRET`                   | eg. `123456789`                                                                                                  | String in hex , must match pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{8,30}+$ & be in register variable SUBSCRIBER_SECRET                                                          | yes        | -      |
diff --git a/notification-acceptance-test/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/notification/util/Config.java b/notification-acceptance-test/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/notification/util/Config.java
index 29a39b08909ee45cf609a4445f5810801934c632..5c3e0a02670b204b21c6ee0358840c0fe90003f6 100644
--- a/notification-acceptance-test/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/notification/util/Config.java
+++ b/notification-acceptance-test/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/notification/util/Config.java
@@ -45,36 +45,21 @@ public class Config {
         config.RetryCount = getEnvironmentVariableOrDefaultValue("RETRY_COUNT", "3");
         config.hmacSecretValue = System.getProperty("HMAC_SECRET", System.getenv("HMAC_SECRET"));
         config.GSATestIsEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(getEnvironmentVariableOrDefaultValue("GSA_TEST_ENABLED", "false").trim().toLowerCase());
-        if (env.equalsIgnoreCase("LOCAL")) {
-            //make sure to run register service on a different port. You can also choose to point to Register service that is running in cloud
-            String registerUrl = "http://localhost:8081/api/register/v1";
-            //must have notification and register services running on different ports
-            config.HostUrl = "http://localhost:8080/";
-            config.GSAPushUrl = registerUrl + "/test/gsa-challenge/";
-            config.HMACPushUrl = registerUrl + "/test/challenge/";
+        String registerUrl = System.getProperty("REGISTER_BASE_URL", System.getenv("REGISTER_BASE_URL"));
+        config.HostUrl = System.getProperty("NOTIFICATION_BASE_URL", System.getenv("NOTIFICATION_BASE_URL"));
+        config.GSAPushUrl = registerUrl + "/test/gsa-challenge/";
+        //Adding this so CPs can point to custom HMAC push endpoints
+        config.HMACPushUrl = getEnvironmentVariableOrDefaultValue("REGISTER_CUSTOM_PUSH_URL_HMAC", registerUrl + "/test/challenge/");
+        //Adding a new variable NOTIFICATION_REGISTER_BASE_URL since REGISTER_BASE_URL is used by Register integration tests which needs a trailing \
+        String regUrl = getEnvironmentVariable("NOTIFICATION_REGISTER_BASE_URL");
+        config.StorageServicePath = getEnvironmentVariable("STORAGE_HOST");
+        config.LegalServicePath = System.getProperty("LEGAL_URL", System.getenv("LEGAL_URL"));
+        if (regUrl == null) {
             config.RegisterServicePath = registerUrl;
-            config.StorageServicePath = "http://localhost:8085/api/storage/v2/";
-            config.LegalServicePath = "http://localhost:8087/api/legal/v1/";
-        } else if (env.equalsIgnoreCase("DEV") || isGke() || env.equalsIgnoreCase("CLOUD")) {
-            String registerUrl = System.getProperty("REGISTER_BASE_URL", System.getenv("REGISTER_BASE_URL"));
-            config.HostUrl = System.getProperty("NOTIFICATION_BASE_URL", System.getenv("NOTIFICATION_BASE_URL"));
-            config.GSAPushUrl = registerUrl + "/test/gsa-challenge/";
-            //Adding this so CPs can point to custom HMAC push endpoints
-            config.HMACPushUrl = getEnvironmentVariableOrDefaultValue("REGISTER_CUSTOM_PUSH_URL_HMAC", registerUrl + "/test/challenge/");
-            //Adding a new variable NOTIFICATION_REGISTER_BASE_URL since REGISTER_BASE_URL is used by Register integration tests which needs a trailing \
-            String regUrl = getEnvironmentVariable("NOTIFICATION_REGISTER_BASE_URL");
-            config.StorageServicePath = getEnvironmentVariable("STORAGE_HOST");
-            config.LegalServicePath = System.getProperty("LEGAL_URL", System.getenv("LEGAL_URL"));
-            if (regUrl == null) {
-                config.RegisterServicePath = registerUrl;
-            } else {
-                config.RegisterServicePath = regUrl + "/api/register/v1";
-            }
-        } else
-            throw new RuntimeException("$ENVIRONMENT environment variable not provided");
+        } else {
+            config.RegisterServicePath = regUrl + "/api/register/v1";
+        }
         System.out.println("HostUrl=" + config.HostUrl);
         System.out.println("config.Topic=" + config.Topic);