diff --git a/provider/notification-azure/README.md b/provider/notification-azure/README.md
index bd9d413bd49ef8bd324ceb377d6318204e7692dc..e682d4fe1738f1207e9662b882032242ceb8f34c 100644
--- a/provider/notification-azure/README.md
+++ b/provider/notification-azure/README.md
@@ -35,17 +35,29 @@ az keyvault secret show --vault-name $KEY_VAULT_NAME --name $KEY_VAULT_SECRET_NA
 | name | value | description | sensitive? | source |
 | ---  | ---   | ---         | ---        | ---    |
-| `LOG_PREFIX` | `notification` | Logging prefix | no | - |
-| `app.entitlements` | ex `https://foo-entitlements.azurewebsites.net` | Entitlements API endpoint | no | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `app.register`| ex `https://foo-register.azurewebsites.net`| Registration Service API endpoint | no | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `AUTHORIZE_API_KEY` | `********` | The API key clients will need to use when calling the entitlements | yes | -- |
-| `azure.application-insights.instrumentation-key` | `********` | API Key for App Insights | yes | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `azure.activedirectory.client-id` | `********` | AAD client application ID | yes | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `azure.activedirectory.AppIdUri` | `api://${azure.activedirectory.client-id}` | URI for AAD Application | no | -- |
-| `azure.activedirectory.session-stateless` | `true` | Flag run in stateless mode (needed by AAD dependency) | no | -- |
+| `AZURE_TENANT_ID` | `********` | AAD tenant ID | yes | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `AZURE_CLIENT_ID` | `********` | AAD client ID | yes | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET` | `********` | AAD client secret | yes | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `aad_client_id` | `********` | AAD client application ID | yes | output of infrastructure deployment |
 | `KEYVAULT_URI` | ex `https://foo-keyvault.vault.azure.net/` | URI of KeyVault that holds application secrets | no | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `PARTITION_API` |  ex `https://foo-partition.azurewebsites.net` | Partition Service API endpoint | no | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `azure.activedirectory.app-resource-id` | `********` | AAD client application ID | yes | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `appinsights_key` | `********` | API Key for App Insights | yes | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `cosmosdb_database`| ex OSDU-foo |Cosmos db name having subscriptions| no | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `LOG_PREFIX` | `notification` | Logging prefix | no | - |
+| `entitlements_service_endpoint` | ex `https://foo-entitlements.azurewebsites.net` | Entitlements API endpoint | no | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `registeration_service_endpoint`| ex `https://foo-register.azurewebsites.net`| Registration Service API endpoint | no | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `partition_service_endpoint` |  ex `https://foo-partition.azurewebsites.net` | Partition Service API endpoint | no | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `server_port`| 8089 | Port to host service locally | no | application-specific |
+| `maxCacheSize` | 200| cache size | no | application-specific |
+| `spring_application_name` | notification-azure| application name | no | - |
+| `executor_n_threads` | 15| no of executor threads running at a time | no | application-specific |
+| `max_concurrent_calls` | 15| max concurrent calls | no | application-specific |
+| `max_lock_renew_duration_seconds` | 15| max lock duration before time out of a message | no | application-specific |
+| `initial_subscription_manager_delay_seconds` | 0| delay in first listening of new subscriptions | no | application-specific |
+| `consecutive_subscription_manager_delay_seconds` | 0| delay in consecutive listening of new subscriptions | no | application-specific |
+| `service_bus_enabled` | true| feature flag for notification V2 | no | application-specific |
+| `event_grid_to_service_bus_enabled` | false| will be deprecated | no | application-specific |
+| `event_grid_enabled` | false| feature flag for notification V1| no | application-specific |
+| `azure_entitlements_factory_enabled` | false| set to false | no | application-specific |
 ### Configure Maven
diff --git a/provider/notification-azure/docs/GUIDELINES_FOR_USING_NOTIFICATION.md b/provider/notification-azure/docs/GUIDELINES_FOR_USING_NOTIFICATION.md
index db3b3b47550309abe646e98622f181771096a962..a214635439debf403d489a64e3b95e1db1ba272b 100644
--- a/provider/notification-azure/docs/GUIDELINES_FOR_USING_NOTIFICATION.md
+++ b/provider/notification-azure/docs/GUIDELINES_FOR_USING_NOTIFICATION.md
@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ The document enumerates the scenarios service is designed for, limitations of th
 ##  When to use Notification Service? 
+When we have OSDU publishers of notifications and we want the notifications to get delivered to the external consumers outside the boundaries of OSDU with a secure,authenticated and authorized process.This way notification service creates a platform abstraction without exposing the infrastructure.
 ## How to use Notification Service. 
 #### Prerequisite
 Please verify that the topic you want to use exists. If now, follow [this](https://community.opengroup.org/osdu/platform/system/notification/-/blob/master/provider/notification-azure/PLAYBOOK_FOR_TOPIC_CREATION.md) guide to create one. 
-#### 1. Publish to Event Grid Topic.
-Using core-lib-azure [Event Grid facade](https://community.opengroup.org/osdu/platform/system/lib/cloud/azure/os-core-lib-azure/-/blob/master/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/azure/eventgrid/EventGridTopicStore.java), you can publish the events. [Reference](https://community.opengroup.org/osdu/platform/system/storage/-/blob/master/provider/storage-azure/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/storage/provider/azure/MessageBusImpl.java#L67)
+#### 1. Publish to Service Bus Topic.
+Using core-lib-azure [Publisher facade](https://community.opengroup.org/osdu/platform/system/lib/cloud/azure/os-core-lib-azure/-/blob/master/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/azure/publisherFacade/MessagePublisher.java), you can publish the events.
 #### 2. Steps to Subscribe
 1. Register your subscriber with Register Service. You will need to expose two endpoints
@@ -23,14 +24,12 @@ Using core-lib-azure [Event Grid facade](https://community.opengroup.org/osdu/pl
 3. The authZ mechanism for the Get endpoint, isn't done by entitlement service.The secret used during the handshake should be used by the service to authorize the jwt.  
 ### Security compliance 
-1. Please refrain from printing fully qualified topic name in the logs.  
+1. Please refrain from printing subscriber details in the logs like endpoints and secrets.  
 ### FAQs
-1. __Event Grid is push endpoint. I have need for a pull mechanism, how can I achieve it?__
-Notification service is not equiped for pull mechanism yet. You can publish to pull based products like Service Bus. 
-In case you want both pull and push subscribers, notification service can be an interface for only push (Event Grid). 
-A subscriber to that Event Grid Topic could be a Service Bus Topic. This Service Bus Topic in turn can have multiple 
-pull subscribers. [Reference](https://community.opengroup.org/osdu/platform/deployment-and-operations/infra-azure-provisioning/-/merge_requests/97/diffs)
+1. __What is the difference between Notification v1 and v2?__ . 
+Notification service v1 is having event grid push based model which will be deprecated due to performance implications of app gateway.
+However v2 supports pull mechanism by using service bus as message broker.
 2. __Does notification service provide filtering capability?__
 Not today. 
@@ -38,5 +37,11 @@ Not today.
 3. __When should I create a topic vs using an existing one?__
 If the nature of messages and subscribers overlap completely with an existing topic, re-use it.
-4. __The topics.json isn't scalable model__
-We are evaluating the need for the bringing up a store.
+4. __How to onboard new topics?__
+We can add the topics in topics.json and get them registered for notification process.
+5. __How to safely migrate from v1 to v2 with 0 downtime?__
+Follow the [help doc](https://community.opengroup.org/osdu/platform/system/notification/-/blob/master/provider/notification-azure/docs/MIGRATION.md) for migration which ensure 0 downtime
+6. __Does notification service provides DLQ handling and notification miss alerts?__
+Not today.