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Catch unhandled exception

Solomon Ayalew requested to merge solxget_url into master

Autorization by Entitlments service (AWS) returns unhandled exception which returns an HTTP code 503 instead of 401 when data-partition-id is set to string that can't be parsed by StringURL normalizer function.


  1. If data-partition-id as "invalid_value" with quotations, the API returns the following. { "code": 500, "reason": "Access denied", "message": "An unknown error has occurred" }

  2. If data-partition-id as invalid_value with OUT quotations, the API returns the following. { "code": 401, "reason": "Access denied", "message": "Cannot authorize user in requested partition" }

in Both cases the input validation is being executed. However due to a corner case bug, the first senario returns an HTTP Code 500 which might be confusing.

This PR is to hanlde the exception and return a proper 4XX HTTP code when validation fails.

Merge request reports
