diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 39767ed0de87222e2e1cf9da7617d95a9c417d66..89cdc6c7ab67f2c97f8303912361f7712dab5218 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-  AWS_BUILD_SUBDIR: provider/indexer-aws
+  AWS_BUILD_SUBDIR: provider/indexer-aws/build-aws
+  AWS_TEST_SUBDIR: testing/indexer-test-aws
+  AWS_SERVICE: indexer
   GCP_BUILD_SUBDIR: provider/indexer-gcp
@@ -20,12 +21,21 @@ variables:
   - project: "osdu/platform/ci-cd-pipelines"
     file: "standard-setup.yml"
   - project: "osdu/platform/ci-cd-pipelines"
     file: "build/maven.yml"
-  - project: "osdu/platform/ci-cd-pipelines"
-    ref: "master"
-    file: "cloud-providers/azure.yml"
   - project: "osdu/platform/ci-cd-pipelines"
     file: "scanners/fossa.yml"
   - project: "osdu/platform/ci-cd-pipelines"
     file: "scanners/gitlab-ultimate.yml"
+  - project: "osdu/platform/ci-cd-pipelines"
+    file: "cloud-providers/aws.yml"
+  - project: "osdu/platform/ci-cd-pipelines"
+    file: "publishing/pages.yml"
+  tags: ['aws-internal-test']
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/.env.template b/provider/indexer-aws/.env.template
index b55ecdc872088111f1c3bb74f33a75bfb4af3253..c162a98fb2867cc81f200289a3d446c57e918112 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/.env.template
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/.env.template
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ SNS_TOPIC_NAME=
 ##### Integration test-specific - these are only used for integration tests, not the app ###
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/cache.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/cache.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 207f9815a887994d91731ced4215c00403587394..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/cache.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
-Description: >-
-  CloudFormation template for creating the resources used for the tenant info database for OSDU.
-  It creates the DynamoDB table and the API Gateway endpoints.
-  Environment:
-    Description: An environment name that will be prefixed to resource names.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - dev
-      - uat
-      - prod
-    ConstraintDescription: Can only be "dev/uat/prod"
-    Default: dev
-  Region:
-    Description: The AWS region to deploy the resources to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: us-east-1
-  ApplicationName:
-    Description: >
-      The name of the application, which will be used to generate the ECS cluster name.
-      It will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: os-indexer
-  CacheName:
-    Description: The name of the cache cluster. Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: cache
-  CacheEngine:
-    Description: Which caching platform to use. Can be set to 'redis' or 'memcached'.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - redis
-      - memcached
-    ConstraintDescription: Can only be "redis" or "memcached"
-    Default: redis
-  NodeInstanceType:
-    Description: The instance type for redis cache nodes.
-    ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid instance type from the list of allowed values.
-    Default: cache.t2.micro
-    AllowedValues:
-      - cache.m5.large
-      - cache.m5.xlarge
-      - cache.m5.2xlarge
-      - cache.m5.4xlarge
-      - cache.m5.12xlarge
-      - cache.m5.24xlarge
-      - cache.m4.large
-      - cache.m4.xlarge
-      - cache.m4.2xlarge
-      - cache.m4.4xlarge
-      - cache.m4.10xlarge
-      - cache.t2.micro
-      - cache.t2.small
-      - cache.t2.medium
-      - cache.c1.xlarge
-      - cache.r5.large
-      - cache.r5.xlarge
-      - cache.r5.2xlarge
-      - cache.r5.4xlarge
-      - cache.r5.12xlarge
-      - cache.r5.24xlarge
-      - cache.r4.large
-      - cache.r4.xlarge
-      - cache.r4.2xlarge
-      - cache.r4.4xlarge
-      - cache.r4.8xlarge
-      - cache.r4.16xlarge
-    Type: String
-  NumberOfCacheNodes:
-    Description: An integer value specifying the number of node in the redis cache.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 1
-    MinValue: 1
-    MaxValue: 128
-  IsSingleNode: !Equals [ !Ref NumberOfCacheNodes, 1 ]
-  IsClustered: !Not [Condition: IsSingleNode]
-  IsMemcached: !Equals [ !Ref CacheEngine, memcached ]
-  IsRedis: !Equals [ !Ref CacheEngine, redis ]
-  ElastiCacheVpcSecurityGroup:
-    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
-    Properties:
-      GroupName: !Sub "${Environment}-${CacheName}-sg"
-      GroupDescription: "This is the security group that all of our ElastiCache cluster will be placed into."
-      VpcId:
-        Fn::ImportValue:
-          !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-VPC"
-  ElastiCacheVpcSecurityGroupCodeBuildIngress:
-    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
-    Properties:
-      GroupId: !Ref ElastiCacheVpcSecurityGroup
-      IpProtocol: tcp
-      FromPort: "6379"
-      ToPort: "6379"
-      SourceSecurityGroupId:
-        Fn::ImportValue:
-          !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-CodeBuildSecurityGroup"
-  ElastiCacheVpcSecurityGroupECSIngress:
-    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
-    Properties:
-      GroupId: !Ref ElastiCacheVpcSecurityGroup
-      IpProtocol: tcp
-      FromPort: "6379"
-      ToPort: "6379"
-      SourceSecurityGroupId:
-        Fn::ImportValue:
-          !Sub "${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsNetworkSecurityGroupId"
-  ElastiCacheSubnetGroup:
-    Type: 'AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup'
-    Properties:
-      CacheSubnetGroupName: !Sub ${Environment}-${CacheName}-SubnetGroup
-      Description: Redis cache VPC subnet group.
-      SubnetIds:
-        - Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PrivateSubnet-AZ1"
-        - Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PrivateSubnet-AZ2"
-  ElastiCacheCluster:
-    Type: 'AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster'
-    DependsOn: ElastiCacheSubnetGroup
-    Properties:
-      AutoMinorVersionUpgrade: 'false'
-      AZMode: single-az # this parameter only affects Memcached clusters
-      Engine: !Ref CacheEngine
-      CacheNodeType: !Ref NodeInstanceType
-      NumCacheNodes: !Ref NumberOfCacheNodes
-      ClusterName: !Sub ${Environment}-${CacheName}
-      CacheSubnetGroupName: !Ref ElastiCacheSubnetGroup
-      VpcSecurityGroupIds:
-          - Ref: ElastiCacheVpcSecurityGroup
-  # Redis (cluster mode disabled) replication groups don't have this attribute.
-  # Therefore, Fn::GetAtt returns a value for this attribute only if the replication
-  # group is clustered. Otherwise, Fn::GetAtt fails.
-  ElastiCacheConfigurationEndpointUrl:
-    Description: The configuration endpoint URL of the cache node.
-    Value: !GetAtt ElastiCacheCluster.ConfigurationEndpoint.Address
-    Condition: IsClustered
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${CacheName}-ElastiCacheConfigurationEndpointUrl
-  # This output is only applicable if the cache engine is set to Memcached
-  MemcachedConfigurationEndpointPort:
-    Description: The Memcached configuration endpoint port of the cache node.
-    Value: !GetAtt ElastiCacheCluster.ConfigurationEndpoint.Port
-    Condition: IsMemcached
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${CacheName}-MemcachedConfigurationEndpointPort
-  # This output is only applicable if the cache engine is set to Redis
-  RedisEndpointAddress:
-    Description: The Redis endpoint address of the cache.
-    Value: !GetAtt ElastiCacheCluster.RedisEndpoint.Address
-    Condition: IsRedis
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${CacheName}-RedisEndpointAddress
-  # This output is only applicable if the cache engine is set to Redis
-  RedisEndpointPort:
-    Description: The Redis endpoint port of the cache.
-    Value: !GetAtt ElastiCacheCluster.RedisEndpoint.Port
-    Condition: IsRedis
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${CacheName}-RedisEndpointPort
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/ecs-cluster.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/ecs-cluster.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a357d30c1edaedc60a366f266552ee354850c38..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/ecs-cluster.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
-Description: >-
-  CloudFormation template for creating the resources used for the ECS cluster the application will
-  be deployed into. Will create the CodeDeploy application, the ECR repository, and the ECS cluster.
-  This is separated from the rest of the ECS resources in order to avoid a circular dependency.
-  Because there can be any number of cache stacks, but only one ECS stack per service, it makes sense to have
-  the caches import ECS exports in order to permit access from ECS, rather than the other way around, since
-  the number of cache clusters and their names can vary, and would require hardcoding them into the ECS template,
-  whereas this way things stay generic and the ECS CloudFormation template does not need to be updated in order to
-  add or remove ElastiCache clusters.
-  Environment:
-    Description: An environment name that will be prefixed to resource names.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - dev
-      - uat
-      - prod
-    ConstraintDescription: Can only be "dev/uat/prod"
-    Default: dev
-  Region:
-    Description: The AWS region to deploy the resources to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: us-east-1
-  ApplicationName:
-    Description: >
-      The name of the application, which will be used to generate the ECS cluster name.
-      It will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: os-indexer
-  KeyName:
-    Description: >
-      Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the ECS instances. Note that key pairs cannot
-      be created through CloudFormation, but instead must be uploaded through the AWS Console.
-    Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName
-    Default: ecs_indexer_key
-  DesiredCapacity:
-    Description: The default number of instances to launch in the ECS cluster.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: '1'
-  MaxSize:
-    Description: Maximum number of instances that can be launched in the ECS cluster.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: '1'
-  InstanceType:
-    Description: EC2 instance type
-    Type: String
-    Default: t3.large
-    AllowedValues:
-      - m5.large
-      - m5.xlarge
-      - m5.2xlarge
-      - m5.4xlarge
-      - m5.12xlarge
-      - m5.16xlarge
-      - m5.24xlarge
-      - m4.large
-      - m4.xlarge
-      - m4.2xlarge
-      - m4.4xlarge
-      - m4.10xlarge
-      - m4.16xlarge
-      - t3.nano
-      - t3.micro
-      - t3.small
-      - t3.medium
-      - t3.large
-      - t3.xlarge
-      - t3.2xlarge
-      - c5.large
-      - c5.xlarge
-      - c5.2xlarge
-      - c5.4xlarge
-      - c5.12xlarge
-      - c5.16xlarge
-      - c5.24xlarge
-      - r5.large
-      - r5.xlarge
-      - r5.2xlarge
-      - r5.4xlarge
-      - r5.12xlarge
-      - r5.24xlarge
-      - r4.large
-      - r4.xlarge
-      - r4.2xlarge
-      - r4.4xlarge
-      - r4.8xlarge
-      - r4.16xlarge
-      - i3.large
-      - i3.xlarge
-      - i3.2xlarge
-      - i3.4xlarge
-      - i3.10xlarge
-      - i3.16xlarge
-      - x1e.xlarge
-      - x1e.2xlarge
-      - x1e.4xlarge
-      - x1e.8xlarge
-      - x1e.16xlarge
-      - x1e.32xlarge
-    ConstraintDescription: Please choose a valid EC2 instance type for the ECS container instances.
-  SchemaCacheName:
-    Description: The name of the cache cluster for the schema cache. Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: indexerSchemaCache
-  IndexCacheName:
-    Description: The name of the cache cluster for the index cache. Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: indexerIndexCache
-  ECSPort:
-    Description: The port that the ECS Service will listen on.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 80
-    MinValue: 1
-    MaxValue: 65535
-  SNSTopicName:
-    Description: >-
-      The name of the Simple Notification Service topic for the OS Indexer Service. Defaults to osdu-indexer-messages.
-      Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: osdu-indexer-messages
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-  ECSCPUAllocation:
-    Description: The amount of CPU resources to allocate to each ECS task/container. Scale - 1024 = 1 vCPU core.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 1024
-    MinValue: 10
-    MaxValue: 65535
-  ECSMemoryAllocation:
-    Description: The amount of memory (RAM) to allocate to each ECS task/container. Scale - 1 = 1MB of memory.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 2048
-    MinValue: 256
-    MaxValue: 131072
-  DomainName:
-    Description: >-
-      The optional custom DNS name for the ECS service's load balancer. If omitted, the site will only be accessible
-      via the ECS service's Application Load Balancer DNS name. This value is used in the creation and signing of
-      the service's SSL certificate. Leave blank is not using a custom domain for this deployment.
-    Type: String
-    Default: ''
-  HostedZoneName:
-    Description: >-
-      The name of the hosted zone (ex: for indexer.osdu.slb.com, this would likely be osdu.slb.com).
-      Leave blank is not using a custom domain for this deployment.
-    Type: String
-    Default: ''
-  ElasticsearchDomainName:
-    Description: The name of the Elasticsearch domain. Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: osdu-indexer
-  # This mapping is for the ECS-optimized edition of the November 13-14, 2019 release of the Amazon Linux 2 AMI
-  # It will need to be periodically updated as new versions are released by Amazon.
-  # The latest ECS-optimized AMI IDs can be found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ecs-optimized_AMI.html
-  # The mapping is used to input the correct AMI ID based on the region the instance is being spun up in.
-  AWSRegionToAMI:
-    us-east-1:
-      AMIID: ami-097e3d1cdb541f43e
-    us-east-2:
-      AMIID: ami-0fbd313043845c4f2
-    us-west-1:
-      AMIID: ami-03d7632ea0ab75eaa
-    us-west-2:
-      AMIID: ami-0fb71e703258ab7eb
-    eu-north-1:
-      AMIID: ami-0f8edbbca6bac13a6
-    eu-west-1:
-      AMIID: ami-0bf45a5f4ab05b949
-    eu-west-2:
-      AMIID: ami-0393b5f363fbd613a
-    eu-west-3:
-      AMIID: ami-03490ca40775a62f0
-    eu-central-1:
-      AMIID: ami-074dc9dd588b6ea52
-    ap-northeast-1:
-      AMIID: ami-0934e28fe3e390537
-    ap-northeast-2:
-      AMIID: ami-0fa5d85859452a178
-    ap-south-1:
-      AMIID: ami-0312d67ff59a3db34
-    ap-southeast-1:
-      AMIID: ami-01f07b3fa86406c96
-    ap-southeast-2:
-      AMIID: ami-07610e278b1ddf331
-    ca-central-1:
-      AMIID: ami-0057d82f917a17334
-    sa-east-1:
-      AMIID: ami-0c947c117562538ee
-  IncludeCustomDomain: !Not [!Equals [ !Ref DomainName, '' ]]
-  IsPortStandardSSL:
-    !Or [!Equals [ !Ref ECSPort, '443' ], !Equals [ !Ref ECSPort, '8443' ]]
-  IsLoadBalancerHTTPS: !And # HTTPS for ECS requires a custom domain, but CloudFront will still have HTTPS/SSL
-    - !Condition IncludeCustomDomain
-    - !Condition IsPortStandardSSL
-  # This sets up a Route 53 record for CloudFront if a custom domain is being used,
-  # otherwise a default cloudfront.net value will be used instead
-  CloudFrontDNSName:
-    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
-    Condition: IncludeCustomDomain
-    Properties:
-      HostedZoneName: !Join ['', [!Ref HostedZoneName, .]] # Route 53 requires a trailing period
-      RecordSets:
-        - Name: !Ref DomainName
-          Type: A
-          AliasTarget:
-            # This hosted zone ID is for ALL CloudFront distributions, always, and should be hard-coded
-            HostedZoneId: Z2FDTNDATAQYW2
-            DNSName: !GetAtt ECSCloudFrontDistribution.DomainName
-  # This sets up a Route 53 record for the ECS ALB origin if a custom domain is being used
-  ECSDNSName:
-    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
-    Condition: IncludeCustomDomain
-    Properties:
-      HostedZoneName: !Join ['', [!Ref HostedZoneName, .]] # Route 53 requires a trailing period
-      RecordSets:
-        - Name: !Join ['.', ['origin', !Ref DomainName]] # prefix the ECS origin record with 'origin.'
-          Type: A
-          AliasTarget:
-            HostedZoneId: !GetAtt ECSALB.CanonicalHostedZoneID # this value comes from the ALB attributes
-            DNSName: !GetAtt ECSALB.DNSName
-            EvaluateTargetHealth: true # Route 53 routes traffic to ECS targets based on their health checks
-    DependsOn: ECSALB
-  CodeDeployApplication:
-    Type: AWS::CodeDeploy::Application
-    Properties:
-      ApplicationName: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-code-deploy
-      ComputePlatform: ECS
-  ECRRepository:
-    Type: AWS::ECR::Repository
-    Properties:
-      RepositoryName: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-repository
-      RepositoryPolicyText:
-        Version: "2012-10-17"
-        Statement:
-          - Sid: AllowPushPull
-            Effect: Allow
-            Principal:
-              AWS:
-                - !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root
-                - Fn::ImportValue:
-                    !Sub "${Environment}-CodeBuildRoleArn"
-                - Fn::ImportValue:
-                    !Sub "${Environment}-CFNRoleArn"
-                - Fn::ImportValue:
-                    !Sub "${Environment}-PipelineRoleArn"
-              Service:
-                - codebuild.amazonaws.com
-            Action:
-              - "ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer"
-              - "ecr:BatchGetImage"
-              - "ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability"
-              - "ecr:PutImage"
-              - "ecr:InitiateLayerUpload"
-              - "ecr:UploadLayerPart"
-              - "ecr:CompleteLayerUpload"
-  ApplicationECSCluster:
-    Type: AWS::ECS::Cluster
-    Properties:
-      ClusterName: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-cluster
-      Tags:
-        - Key: Environment
-          Value: !Ref Environment
-  CloudWatchLogsGroup:
-    Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
-    Properties:
-      LogGroupName: !Join ['-', [ECSLogGroup, !Ref 'ApplicationName']]
-      RetentionInDays: 365
-  TaskDefinition:
-    Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
-    Properties:
-      Family: !Join ['', [!Ref 'AWS::StackName', -, !Ref 'ApplicationName']]
-      ContainerDefinitions:
-        - Name: !Ref 'ApplicationName'
-          Cpu: !Ref ECSCPUAllocation
-          Essential: 'true'
-          Image: !Sub ${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-repository:latest
-          Memory: !Ref ECSMemoryAllocation
-          LogConfiguration:
-            LogDriver: awslogs
-            Options:
-              awslogs-group: !Ref 'CloudWatchLogsGroup'
-              awslogs-region: !Ref 'AWS::Region'
-              awslogs-stream-prefix: !Ref 'ApplicationName'
-          MountPoints:
-            - ContainerPath: /root/.m2
-              SourceVolume: docker-volume
-          PortMappings:
-            - ContainerPort: !Ref ECSPort
-          Environment:
-            - Name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
-              Value: '{{resolve:secretsmanager:dev-IndexerServiceIamCredentials:SecretString:access_key}}'
-            - Name: AWS_SECRET_KEY
-              Value: '{{resolve:secretsmanager:dev-IndexerServiceIamCredentials:SecretString:secret_key}}'
-            - Name: ENVIRONMENT
-              Value: !Ref Environment
-            - Name: VSTS_FEED_USER
-              Value: '{{resolve:secretsmanager:dev-VSTSFeedToken:SecretString:vsts_feed_user}}'
-            - Name: VSTS_FEED_TOKEN
-              Value: '{{resolve:secretsmanager:dev-VSTSFeedToken:SecretString:vsts_feed_token}}'
-              Value:
-                Fn::ImportValue:
-                  !Sub "${Environment}-${SchemaCacheName}-RedisEndpointAddress"
-            - Name: CACHE_CLUSTER_SCHEMA_PORT
-              Value:
-                Fn::ImportValue:
-                  !Sub "${Environment}-${SchemaCacheName}-RedisEndpointPort"
-              Value:
-                Fn::ImportValue:
-                  !Sub "${Environment}-${IndexCacheName}-RedisEndpointAddress"
-            - Name: CACHE_CLUSTER_INDEX_PORT
-              Value:
-                Fn::ImportValue:
-                  !Sub "${Environment}-${IndexCacheName}-RedisEndpointPort"
-            - Name: APPLICATION_PORT
-              Value: !Ref ECSPort
-            - Name: AWS_REGION
-              Value: !Ref 'AWS::Region'
-            - Name: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
-              Value: !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'
-            - Name: SNS_TOPIC_NAME
-              Value: !Ref SNSTopicName
-            - Name: ELASTIC_HOST
-              Value:
-                Fn::ImportValue:
-                  !Sub "${Environment}-${ElasticsearchDomainName}-ElasticsearchDomainEndpoint"
-            - Name: ELASTIC_PORT
-              Value: '443' # the Elasticsearch port is not configurable on AWS, and is always 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS, so there's no value in using a CFN parameter
-            - Name: JAVA_HEAP_MEMORY
-              Value: !Ref ECSMemoryAllocation
-            - Name: STORAGE_HOST
-              Value:
-                Fn::ImportValue:
-                  !Sub "${Environment}-os-storage-EcsCloudFrontDomainName"
-            - Name: SNS_STORAGE_TOPIC_NAME
-              Value:
-                Fn::ImportValue:
-                  !Sub "${Environment}-OSDUStorageSNSTopic"
-      Volumes:
-        - Name: docker-volume
-    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
-    Properties:
-      Name: !Sub ECSALB-${ApplicationName}
-      Scheme: internet-facing
-      LoadBalancerAttributes:
-        - Key: idle_timeout.timeout_seconds
-          Value: '30'
-      Subnets:
-        - Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PublicSubnet-AZ1"
-        - Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PublicSubnet-AZ2"
-      SecurityGroups:
-        - Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsNetworkSecurityGroupId"
-  ALBListener:
-    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
-    DependsOn: ECSServiceRole
-    Properties:
-      DefaultActions:
-        - Type: forward
-          TargetGroupArn: !Ref 'ECSTargetGroup'
-      LoadBalancerArn: !Ref 'ECSALB'
-      Port: !Ref ECSPort
-      Protocol: !If [IsLoadBalancerHTTPS, HTTPS, HTTP]
-  LoadBalancerALBListenerCertificate:
-    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerCertificate
-    Condition: IncludeCustomDomain
-    Properties:
-      Certificates:
-        - Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-LoadBalancerSSLCertificateArn"
-      ListenerArn: !Ref 'ALBListener'
-  ECSALBPrimaryListenerRule:
-    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule
-    DependsOn: ALBListener
-    Properties:
-      Actions:
-        - Type: forward
-          TargetGroupArn: !Ref 'ECSTargetGroup'
-      Conditions:
-        - Field: path-pattern
-          Values: [/]
-      ListenerArn: !Ref 'ALBListener'
-      Priority: 1
-  ECSTargetGroup:
-    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
-    DependsOn: ECSALB
-    Properties:
-      HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 120
-      HealthCheckPath: /api/indexer/v2/liveness_check
-      HealthCheckProtocol: !If [IsLoadBalancerHTTPS, HTTPS, HTTP]
-      HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds: 5
-      HealthyThresholdCount: 2
-      Name: !Sub ECSTargetGroup-New-${ApplicationName}
-      Port: !Ref ECSPort
-      Protocol: !If [IsLoadBalancerHTTPS, HTTPS, HTTP]
-      UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
-      VpcId:
-        Fn::ImportValue:
-          !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-VPC"
-  ECSCloudFrontDistribution:
-    Type: AWS::CloudFront::Distribution
-    DependsOn: ECSALB
-    Properties:
-      DistributionConfig:
-        Comment: 'Cloudfront Distribution pointing ALB Origin'
-        Origins:
-          - DomainName: !GetAtt 'ECSALB.DNSName'
-            Id: !Ref 'ECSALB'
-            CustomOriginConfig:
-              HTTPPort: !Ref ECSPort # The ports are the same because we'll only ever be accessing the ECS cluster over one protocol, as set in OriginProtocolPolicy below
-              HTTPSPort: !Ref ECSPort # The ports are the same because we'll only ever be accessing the ECS cluster over one protocol, as set in OriginProtocolPolicy below
-              OriginProtocolPolicy: !If [IsLoadBalancerHTTPS, https-only, http-only] # this only affects the origin, not CloudFront / the user's request
-              OriginKeepaliveTimeout: '60'
-              OriginReadTimeout: '60'
-              OriginSSLProtocols:
-                - TLSv1
-                - TLSv1.1
-                - TLSv1.2
-                - SSLv3
-        Enabled: true
-        HttpVersion: 'http2'
-        Aliases:
-          - Fn::If:
-              - IncludeCustomDomain
-              - !Ref DomainName
-              - !Ref AWS::NoValue
-        DefaultCacheBehavior:
-          AllowedMethods:
-            - GET
-            - HEAD
-            - OPTIONS
-            - PUT
-            - POST
-            - PATCH
-            - DELETE
-          Compress: true
-          TargetOriginId: !Ref 'ECSALB'
-          DefaultTTL: 5
-          MaxTTL: 30
-          ForwardedValues:
-            QueryString: true
-            Cookies:
-              Forward: all
-            Headers:
-              - Authorization
-              - Data-Partition-Id
-              - Content-Type
-              - Kind
-              - Limit
-              - Cursor
-          ViewerProtocolPolicy: redirect-to-https # CloudFront requests will always be HTTPS, regardless of the origin or the request
-        ViewerCertificate:
-          AcmCertificateArn:
-            Fn::If:
-              - IncludeCustomDomain
-              - Fn::ImportValue:
-                  !Sub "${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-LoadBalancerSSLCertificateArn"
-              - Ref: AWS::NoValue
-          CloudFrontDefaultCertificate:
-            Fn::If:
-              - IncludeCustomDomain
-              - Ref: AWS::NoValue
-              - true
-          SslSupportMethod:
-            Fn::If:
-              - IncludeCustomDomain
-              - sni-only # sni-only is free; 'vip' is the only other option, which allows viewers without Server Name Indication (SNI) support by using dedicated IP addresses, but it costs $600/mo per SSL certificate
-              - Ref: AWS::NoValue
-          MinimumProtocolVersion:
-            Fn::If:
-              - IncludeCustomDomain
-              - TLSv1
-              - Ref: AWS::NoValue # this is not used when using the default CloudFront certificate (which is always TLSv1)
-  ECSAutoScalingGroup:
-    Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
-    Properties:
-      VPCZoneIdentifier:
-        - Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PublicSubnet-AZ1"
-        - Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PublicSubnet-AZ2"
-      LaunchConfigurationName: !Ref 'ContainerInstances'
-      MinSize: '1'
-      MaxSize: !Ref 'MaxSize'
-      DesiredCapacity: !Ref 'DesiredCapacity'
-    CreationPolicy:
-      ResourceSignal:
-        Timeout: PT15M
-    UpdatePolicy:
-      AutoScalingReplacingUpdate:
-        WillReplace: 'true'
-  ContainerInstances:
-    Type: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration
-    Properties:
-      ImageId: !FindInMap [AWSRegionToAMI, !Ref 'AWS::Region', AMIID]
-      SecurityGroups:
-        - Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsNetworkSecurityGroupId"
-      InstanceType: !Ref 'InstanceType'
-      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref 'EC2InstanceProfile'
-      KeyName: !Ref 'KeyName'
-      UserData:
-        Fn::Base64: !Sub |
-          #!/bin/bash -xe
-          echo ECS_CLUSTER=${ApplicationECSCluster} >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
-          yum install -y aws-cfn-bootstrap
-          /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource ECSAutoScalingGroup --region ${AWS::Region}
-  Service:
-    Type: AWS::ECS::Service
-    DependsOn: ALBListener
-    Properties:
-      Cluster: !Ref 'ApplicationECSCluster'
-      DesiredCount: '1'
-      LoadBalancers:
-        - ContainerName: !Ref 'ApplicationName'
-          ContainerPort: !Ref ECSPort
-          TargetGroupArn: !Ref 'ECSTargetGroup'
-      Role: !Ref 'ECSServiceRole'
-      TaskDefinition: !Ref 'TaskDefinition'
-  ECSServiceRole:
-    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
-    Properties:
-      AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
-        Statement:
-          - Effect: Allow
-            Principal:
-              Service: [ecs.amazonaws.com]
-            Action: ['sts:AssumeRole']
-      Path: /
-      Policies:
-        - PolicyName: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-ecs-service
-          PolicyDocument:
-            Statement:
-              - Effect: Allow
-                Action: ['elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer', 'elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets',
-                         'elasticloadbalancing:Describe*', 'elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer',
-                         'elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets', 'ec2:Describe*', 'ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress']
-                Resource: '*'
-  ServiceScalingTarget:
-    Type: AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget
-    DependsOn: Service
-    Properties:
-      MaxCapacity: 2
-      MinCapacity: 1
-      ResourceId: !Join ['', [service/, !Ref 'ApplicationECSCluster', /, !GetAtt [Service, Name]]]
-      RoleARN: !GetAtt [AutoscalingRole, Arn]
-      ScalableDimension: ecs:service:DesiredCount
-      ServiceNamespace: ecs
-  ServiceScalingPolicy:
-    Type: AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
-    Properties:
-      PolicyName: !Sub ScalingPolicy-${ApplicationName}
-      PolicyType: StepScaling
-      ScalingTargetId: !Ref 'ServiceScalingTarget'
-      StepScalingPolicyConfiguration:
-        AdjustmentType: PercentChangeInCapacity
-        Cooldown: 60
-        MetricAggregationType: Average
-        StepAdjustments:
-          - MetricIntervalLowerBound: 0
-            ScalingAdjustment: 200
-  ALB500sAlarmScaleUp:
-    Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm
-    Properties:
-      EvaluationPeriods: '1'
-      Statistic: Average
-      Threshold: '10'
-      AlarmDescription: Alarm triggering ECS to scale up if our ALB generates too many HTTP 500 errors.
-      Period: '60'
-      AlarmActions: [!Ref 'ServiceScalingPolicy']
-      Namespace: AWS/ApplicationELB
-      Dimensions:
-        - Name: LoadBalancer
-          Value: !GetAtt
-            - ECSALB
-            - LoadBalancerFullName
-      ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanThreshold
-      MetricName: HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count
-  EC2Role:
-    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
-    Properties:
-      AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
-        Statement:
-          - Effect: Allow
-            Principal:
-              Service: [ec2.amazonaws.com]
-            Action: ['sts:AssumeRole']
-      Path: /
-      Policies:
-        - PolicyName: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-ecs-service
-          PolicyDocument:
-            Statement:
-              - Effect: Allow
-                Action: ['ecs:CreateCluster', 'ecs:DeregisterContainerInstance', 'ecs:DiscoverPollEndpoint',
-                         'ecs:Poll', 'ecs:RegisterContainerInstance', 'ecs:StartTelemetrySession',
-                         'ecs:Submit*', 'logs:CreateLogStream', 'logs:PutLogEvents', 'ecr:*']
-                Resource: '*'
-  AutoscalingRole:
-    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
-    Properties:
-      AssumeRolePolicyDocument:
-        Statement:
-          - Effect: Allow
-            Principal:
-              Service: [application-autoscaling.amazonaws.com]
-            Action: ['sts:AssumeRole']
-      Path: /
-      Policies:
-        - PolicyName: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-service-autoscaling
-          PolicyDocument:
-            Statement:
-              - Effect: Allow
-                Action: ['application-autoscaling:*', 'cloudwatch:DescribeAlarms', 'cloudwatch:PutMetricAlarm',
-                         'ecs:DescribeServices', 'ecs:UpdateService']
-                Resource: '*'
-  EC2InstanceProfile:
-    Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
-    Properties:
-      Path: /
-      Roles: [!Ref 'EC2Role']
-  ApplicationECSClusterArn:
-    Description: The ARN of the application's ECS cluster.
-    Value: !GetAtt ApplicationECSCluster.Arn
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsClusterArn
-  ApplicationECSClusterName:
-    Description: The logical name of the application's ECS cluster.
-    Value: !Ref ApplicationECSCluster
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsClusterName
-  ECSServiceArn:
-    Description: The ARN of the Indexer Service service in the ECS cluster.
-    Value: !Ref 'Service'
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsServiceArn
-  ECSServiceName:
-    Description: The name of the Legal Service service in the ECS cluster.
-    Value: !GetAtt Service.Name
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsServiceName
-    Description: The Indexer Service ALB DNS URL.
-    Value: !Join ['', [!GetAtt [ECSALB, DNSName]]]
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsAlbUrl
-  ECSALBCustomDNSName:
-    Description: The custom DNS name of the ECS service's ALB origin.
-    Condition: IncludeCustomDomain
-    Value: !Join ['.', ['origin', !Ref DomainName]]
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsAlbCustomDnsName
-  ECSCloudFrontCustomDNSName:
-    Description: The custom DNS name of the ECS service's CloudFront Distribution.
-    Condition: IncludeCustomDomain
-    Value: !Ref DomainName
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsCloudFrontCustomDnsName
-  ECSCloudFrontDomainName:
-    Description: The custom DNS name of the ECS service's CloudFront Distribution.
-    Value: !GetAtt ECSCloudFrontDistribution.DomainName
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsCloudFrontDomainName
-  TaskDefinitionArn:
-    Description: The ARN of the Indexer Service ECS task definition.
-    Value: !Ref 'TaskDefinition'
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsTaskDefinitionArn
-  IndexerEC2RoleArn:
-    Description: The ARN of the application's EC2 role.
-    Value: !GetAtt EC2Role.Arn
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EC2RoleArn
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/ecs-network.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/ecs-network.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa408776e7b9a4040531b58afcafc4550e8f239..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/ecs-network.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
-Description: >-
-  CloudFormation template for creating the network resources used for the ECS cluster the application will
-  be deployed into. This is separated from the rest of the ECS resources in order to avoid a circular dependency.
-  Because there can be any number of cache stacks, but only one ECS stack per service, it makes sense to have
-  the caches import ECS exports in order to permit access from ECS, rather than the other way around, since
-  the number of cache clusters and their names can vary, and would require hardcoding them into the ECS template,
-  whereas this way things stay generic and the ECS CloudFormation template does not need to be updated in order to
-  add or remove ElastiCache clusters.
-  Environment:
-    Description: An environment name that will be prefixed to resource names.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - dev
-      - uat
-      - prod
-    ConstraintDescription: Can only be "dev/uat/prod"
-    Default: dev
-  Region:
-    Description: The AWS region to deploy the resources to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: us-east-1
-  ApplicationName:
-    Description: >
-      The name of the application, which will be used to generate the ECS cluster name.
-      It will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: os-indexer
-  ECSPort:
-    Description: The port that the ECS Service will listen on.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 443
-    MinValue: 1
-    MaxValue: 65535
-  DomainName:
-    Description: >-
-      The optional custom DNS name for the service's load balancer. If omitted, the site will only be accessible
-      via the ECS service's Application Load Balancer DNS name. This value is used in the creation and signing of
-      the service's SSL certificate. Leave blank for none.
-    Type: String
-    Default: ''
-  AcmCertificateArn:
-    Description: >-
-      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an existing AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate.
-      If omitted, a new SSL certified will be requested/generated (only if the custom domain name
-      parameter is provided, otherwise the ECS service's ALB will not use SSL/HTTPS).
-    Type: String
-    AllowedPattern: "^(|arn:aws:acm:.*)$"
-    Default: ''
-  IncludeCustomDomain: !Not [!Equals [ !Ref DomainName, '' ]]
-  UseExistingACMSSLCertificate: !And
-    - !Not [!Equals [ !Ref AcmCertificateArn, '' ]]
-    - !Condition IncludeCustomDomain
-  ShouldRequestNewSSLCertificate: !And
-    - !Not [!Condition UseExistingACMSSLCertificate]
-    - !Condition IncludeCustomDomain
-  ShouldExportSSLCertificate: !Or
-    - !Condition IncludeCustomDomain
-    - !Condition UseExistingACMSSLCertificate
-  # If an existing SSL certificate is not provided, but a custom domain is, request one
-  LoadBalancerSSLCertificate:
-    Type: 'AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate'
-    Condition: ShouldRequestNewSSLCertificate
-    Properties:
-      DomainName: !Ref DomainName
-      SubjectAlternativeNames:
-        - !Join ['.', ['origin', !Ref DomainName]] #
-  ECSSecurityGroup:
-    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
-    Properties:
-      GroupName: !Sub "${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-sg"
-      GroupDescription: Indexer Service ECS Security Group
-      VpcId:
-        Fn::ImportValue:
-          !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-VPC"
-  # Public access to the specified ECS Listening Port
-  ECSSecurityGroupECSListenerInbound:
-    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
-    Properties:
-      GroupId: !Ref 'ECSSecurityGroup'
-      IpProtocol: tcp
-      FromPort: !Ref ECSPort
-      ToPort: !Ref ECSPort
-      CidrIp:
-  # SSH access for instances in our VPC's jump box subnet group
-  # TODO: Update when the jump box is created as a part of the Util CFN, for now it is public
-  ECSSecurityGroupSSHInbound:
-    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
-    Properties:
-      GroupId: !Ref 'ECSSecurityGroup'
-      IpProtocol: tcp
-      FromPort: '22'
-      ToPort: '22'
-      CidrIp:
-  # Open Application Load Balancer port range to self-access
-  ECSSecurityGroupALBports:
-    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
-    Properties:
-      GroupId: !Ref 'ECSSecurityGroup'
-      IpProtocol: tcp
-      FromPort: '31000'
-      ToPort: '61000'
-      SourceSecurityGroupId: !Ref 'ECSSecurityGroup'
-  EcsNetworkSecurityGroupId:
-    Description: The ID of the Indexer Service ECS EC2 security group.
-    Value: !Ref 'ECSSecurityGroup'
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsNetworkSecurityGroupId
-  LoadBalancerSSLCertificateArn:
-    Condition: ShouldExportSSLCertificate
-    Description: The ARN of the SSL certificate to be used for both ECS and CloudFront (includes both DNS names).
-    Value: !If [UseExistingACMSSLCertificate, !Ref AcmCertificateArn, !Ref 'LoadBalancerSSLCertificate']
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-LoadBalancerSSLCertificateArn
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/elasticsearch.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/elasticsearch.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a18783ae484ffcb6b248c98e131db4d28ee63a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/elasticsearch.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
-Description: >-
-  CloudFormation template for creating the resources used for the tenant info database for OSDU.
-  It creates the DynamoDB table and the API Gateway endpoints.
-  Environment:
-    Description: An environment name that will be prefixed to resource names.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - dev
-      - uat
-      - prod
-    ConstraintDescription: Can only be "dev/uat/prod"
-    Default: dev
-  ApplicationName:
-    Description: >
-      The name of the application, which will be used to generate the ECS cluster name.
-      It will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: os-indexer
-  SearchApplicationName:
-    Description: >
-      The name of the application, which will be used to generate the ECS cluster name.
-      It will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: os-search
-  Region:
-    Description: The AWS region to deploy the resources to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: us-east-1
-  ElasticsearchDomainName:
-    Description: The name of the Elasticsearch domain. Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: osdu-indexer
-  ElasticsearchNodeInstanceType:
-    Description: The instance type for the main Elasticsearch nodes.
-    ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid instance type from the list of allowed values.
-    Default: t2.medium.elasticsearch
-    AllowedValues:
-      - t2.small.elasticsearch
-      - t2.medium.elasticsearch
-      - m5.large.elasticsearch
-      - m5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.12xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.large.elasticsearch
-      - c5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.9xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.18xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.large.elasticsearch
-      - r5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.12xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.large.elasticsearch
-      - i3.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.8xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.16xlarge.elasticsearch
-    Type: String
-  DedicatedMasterInstanceType:
-    Description: >
-      The instance type for the dedicated master nodes. These nodes perform cluster management
-      tasks, but doesn't hold data or respond to data upload requests.
-    ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid instance type from the list of allowed values.
-    Default: t2.medium.elasticsearch
-    AllowedValues:
-      - t2.small.elasticsearch
-      - t2.medium.elasticsearch
-      - m5.large.elasticsearch
-      - m5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.12xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.large.elasticsearch
-      - c5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.9xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.18xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.large.elasticsearch
-      - r5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.12xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.large.elasticsearch
-      - i3.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.8xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.16xlarge.elasticsearch
-    Type: String
-  NumberOfElasticsearchNodes:
-    Description: An integer value specifying the number of Elasticsearch primary nodes in the cluster.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 2
-    MinValue: 1
-    MaxValue: 40
-  NumberOfDedicatedMasterNodes:
-    Description: An integer value specifying the number of dedicated master nodes.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 2
-    MinValue: 2
-    MaxValue: 5
-  ZoneAwarenessEnabled:
-    Description: >
-      When Zone Awareness is enabled, Elasticsearch allocates the nodes and replica
-      index shards that belong to a cluster across multiple AZs in the deployment region.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - true
-      - false
-    Default: false
-  ElasticsearchVersion:
-    Description: >
-      The version of Elasticsearch to deploy on the cluster. Defaults to 6.8. Note
-      that an update requires a full replacement of the Elasticsearch cluster.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - 1.5
-      - 2.3
-      - 5.1
-      - 5.3
-      - 5.5
-      - 5.6
-      - 6.0
-      - 6.2
-      - 6.3
-      - 6.4
-      - 6.5
-      - 6.6
-      - 6.8
-      - 6.8
-      - 7.1
-    Default: 6.8
-  EBSVolumeSize:
-    Description: >
-      The size of the EBS volume (per instance; total cluster size = EBS volume size x Instance count)
-      Maximum size varies by instance type, from 35GiB for t2 instances, up to 12TiB for r5.12xlarge.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 10
-    MinValue: 10
-    MaxValue: 12000
-  ElasticsearchDomain:
-    Type: AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain
-    Properties:
-      DomainName: !Sub ${Environment}-${ElasticsearchDomainName}
-      ElasticsearchVersion: !Ref ElasticsearchVersion
-      ElasticsearchClusterConfig:
-        DedicatedMasterEnabled: "true"
-        InstanceCount: !Ref NumberOfElasticsearchNodes
-        ZoneAwarenessEnabled: !Ref ZoneAwarenessEnabled
-        InstanceType: !Ref ElasticsearchNodeInstanceType
-        DedicatedMasterType: !Ref DedicatedMasterInstanceType
-        DedicatedMasterCount: !Ref NumberOfDedicatedMasterNodes
-      EBSOptions:
-        EBSEnabled: true
-        VolumeSize: !Ref EBSVolumeSize
-        VolumeType: "gp2"
-      NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions:
-        Enabled: false
-      SnapshotOptions:
-        AutomatedSnapshotStartHour: "0"
-      AccessPolicies:
-        Version: 2012-10-17
-        Statement:
-          - Effect: "Allow"
-            Principal: "*"
-            Resource: '*'
-            Action: "*"
-      AdvancedOptions:
-        rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index: "true"
-      Tags:
-        -
-          Key: "Environment"
-          Value: !Ref Environment
-      VPCOptions:
-        SubnetIds:
-          - Fn::ImportValue:
-              !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PrivateSubnet-AZ1"
-        SecurityGroupIds:
-          - Fn::ImportValue:
-              !Sub "${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-EcsNetworkSecurityGroupId"
-  # Elasticsearch domain ARN
-  ElasticsearchDomainArn:
-    Description: The ARN of the Elasticsearch domain.
-    Value: !GetAtt ElasticsearchDomain.DomainArn
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ElasticsearchDomainName}-ElasticsearchDomainArn
-  # Elasticsearch domain endpoint
-  ElasticsearchDomainEndpoint:
-    Description: The endpoint URL of the Elasticsearch domain.
-    Value: !GetAtt ElasticsearchDomain.DomainEndpoint
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ElasticsearchDomainName}-ElasticsearchDomainEndpoint
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/iam-credentials.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/iam-credentials.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d5c9f144d52070bfebb81eacc4f32ba4b193f31..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/iam-credentials.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
-Description: >-
-  CloudFormation template for creating the resources used for application SDK access for OSDU services.
-  It creates the IAM account, access keys, and optional key rotation.
-  Environment:
-    Description: An environment name that will be prefixed to resource names.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - dev
-      - uat
-      - prod
-    ConstraintDescription: Can only be "dev/uat/prod"
-    Default: dev
-  Region:
-    Description: The AWS region to deploy the resources to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: us-east-1
-  IndexerServiceIamUsername:
-    Description: The username of the service user for the OS Indexer Service.
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Type: String
-    Default: service-user-os-indexer
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-  IndexerServiceIamKeyRotationSerial:
-    Description: This integer value can only ever be incremented, and an increase in value results in a rotation of the user's access key.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 1
-  IndexerServiceIamUser:
-    Type: AWS::IAM::User
-    Properties:
-      Policies:
-        - PolicyName: !Sub ${Environment}-IndexerServiceUserPolicy
-          PolicyDocument:
-            Version: '2012-10-17'
-            Statement:
-              -
-                Action:
-                  - 's3:*'
-                  - 'sns:*'
-                  - 'sqs:*'
-                  - 'dynamodb:*'
-                  - 'logs:*'
-                  - 'cloudwatch:*'
-                  - 'es:*'
-                  - 'cognito-identity:*'
-                  - 'cognito-idp:*'
-                  - 'sts:AssumeRole'
-                  - "iam:*"
-                Effect: Allow
-                Resource: '*'
-      UserName: !Sub ${Environment}-${IndexerServiceIamUsername}
-  IndexerServiceIamUserAccessKey:
-    Type: AWS::IAM::AccessKey
-    DependsOn: IndexerServiceIamUser
-    Properties: 
-      Serial: !Ref IndexerServiceIamKeyRotationSerial # this value can only ever be incremented, and an increase in value results in a rotation of the user's access key
-      Status: Active
-      UserName: !Sub ${Environment}-${IndexerServiceIamUsername}
-  IAMCredentialsSecret:
-    Type: 'AWS::SecretsManager::Secret'
-    Properties:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-IndexerServiceIamCredentials
-      Description: The IAM service account credentials for the search service.
-      SecretString:
-        Fn::Sub:
-          - '{"access_key":"${AccessKey}","secret_key":"${SecretKey}"}'
-          - {AccessKey: !Ref IndexerServiceIamUserAccessKey, SecretKey: !GetAtt IndexerServiceIamUserAccessKey.SecretAccessKey}
-      Tags:
-        - Key: Environment
-          Value: !Ref Environment
-  IndexerServiceIamUserAccessKeyId:
-    Description: The access key ID for the service user for the Schema Repository.
-    Value: !Ref IndexerServiceIamUserAccessKey
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-IndexerServiceIamUserAccessKeyId
-  IndexerServiceIamUserSecretAccessKey:
-    Description: The secret access key for the service user for the Schema Repository.
-    Value: !GetAtt IndexerServiceIamUserAccessKey.SecretAccessKey
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-IndexerServiceIamUserSecretAccessKey
-  IndexerServiceIamUserArn:
-    Description: The ARN of the service IAM user account.
-    Value: !GetAtt IndexerServiceIamUser.Arn
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-IndexerServiceIamUserArn
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/sns-topic.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/sns-topic.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f90f9188963232b89978dde65f51597fb79f98e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Automated/sns-topic.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
-Description: >-
-  CloudFormation template for creating the resources used for the sending messages to topic and queues to receive the
-  messages for OSDU's indexer service. It creates the SNS Topic and the corresponding SQS Queues with their associated policies.
-  Environment:
-    Description: an environment name that will be prefixed to resource names.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - dev
-      - uat
-      - prod
-    ConstraintDescription: Can only be "dev/uat/prod"
-    Default: dev
-  Region:
-    Description: The AWS region to deploy the resources to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: us-east-1
-  SNSTopicName:
-    Description: >-
-      The name of the Simple Notification Service topic for the OS Indexer Service. Defaults to osdu-indexer-messages.
-      Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: osdu-indexer-messages
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-  SQSQueueName:
-    Description: >-
-      The name of the Simple Queue Service queue for the OS Indexer Service. Defaults to osdu-indexer-queue.
-      Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: osdu-indexer-queue
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-  OSDUIndexerSNSTopic:
-    Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic'
-    Properties:
-      DisplayName: !Sub ${Environment}-${SNSTopicName}
-      TopicName: !Sub ${Environment}-${SNSTopicName}
-      Subscription:
-        - Endpoint:
-            Fn::GetAtt:
-              - OSDUIndexerSQSQueue
-              - Arn
-          Protocol: sqs
-  OSDUIndexerSQSQueue:
-    Type: AWS::SQS::Queue
-    Properties:
-      QueueName: !Sub ${Environment}-${SQSQueueName}
-  OSDUQueuePolicy:
-    Type: AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy
-    Properties:
-      PolicyDocument:
-        Version: "2012-10-17"
-        Id: OSDUQueuePolicy
-        Statement:
-          - Sid: Allow-SendMessage-To-Queues-From-SNS-Topic
-            Effect: Allow
-            Principal: "*"
-            Action:
-              - sqs:SendMessage
-              - sqs:ReceiveMessage
-            Resource: "*"
-            Condition:
-              ArnEquals:
-                aws:SourceArn:
-                  Ref: OSDUIndexerSNSTopic
-      Queues:
-        - Ref: OSDUIndexerSQSQueue
-  OSDUIndexerSNSTopicTopicName:
-    Value: !Sub ${Environment}-${SNSTopicName}
-    Description: Topic Name of the Indexer Service Message Bus SNS Topic
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-OSDUIndexerSNSTopic
-  OSDUIndexerSQSQueueName:
-    Value: !Sub ${Environment}-${SQSQueueName}
-    Description: Queue Name of Subscribed Indexer Service Message Bus SQS Queue
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-OSDUIndexerSQSQueue
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/JarDeploy/CodePipeline-JarDeploy.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/JarDeploy/CodePipeline-JarDeploy.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f75d29cd5944fc25edfcf213bac567194319af4e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/JarDeploy/CodePipeline-JarDeploy.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
-Description: >
-  This CloudFormation script creates the deployment pipeline for OSDU's indexer service. The CodePipeline
-  should automatically trigger whenever commits are made on the tracked branch. The start and end
-  of the CodePipeline should trigger a SNS alert to keep track of when the deployment has started
-  and when it finishes.
-  Environment:
-    Description: Environment Name. Defaults to 'dev'. Can only be dev/uat/prod.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - dev
-      - uat
-      - prod
-    Default: dev
-  DeploymentRegion:
-    Description: The AWS region to deploy the application to. The default is us-east-1.
-    Type: String
-    Default: us-east-1
-  SNSNotificationEmail:
-    Description: The email address to send SNS notifications about the build to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: barclay.walsh@parivedasolutions.com
-  CodeCommitRepositoryName:
-    Description: The name of the Code Commit Repository that the CodePipeline source is connected to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: os-indexer
-  JarServiceBase:
-    Description: The name of the service base path for the JAR files (e.g. 'indexer').
-    Type: String
-    Default: indexer
-  CodeCommitBranchName:
-    Description: The name of the Code Commit branch that the CodePipeline source is connected to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: dev
-  ArtifactStoreBucket:
-    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
-    DeletionPolicy: Delete
-    Properties:
-      VersioningConfiguration:
-        Status: Enabled
-  ArtifactStoreBucketPolicy:
-    Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
-    Properties:
-      Bucket: !Ref ArtifactStoreBucket
-      PolicyDocument:
-        Statement:
-          - Action:
-              - s3:*
-            Effect: Allow
-            Resource:
-              - !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${ArtifactStoreBucket}
-              - !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${ArtifactStoreBucket}/*
-            Principal:
-              AWS:
-                - !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CodeBuildRoleArn'
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-PipelineRoleArn'
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CFNRoleArn'
-  CachingBucket:
-    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
-    DeletionPolicy: Delete
-    Properties:
-      VersioningConfiguration:
-        Status: Enabled
-  CachingBucketPolicy:
-    Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
-    Properties:
-      Bucket: !Ref CachingBucket
-      PolicyDocument:
-        Statement:
-          - Action:
-              - s3:*
-            Effect: Allow
-            Resource:
-              - !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${CachingBucket}
-              - !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${CachingBucket}/*
-            Principal:
-              AWS:
-                - !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CodeBuildRoleArn'
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-PipelineRoleArn'
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CFNRoleArn'
-  SNSCodePipelineDeploymentFailed:
-    Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
-    Properties:
-      Subscription:
-        - Endpoint: !Ref SNSNotificationEmail
-          Protocol: email
-      TopicName: !Sub '${Environment}-OS-Indexer-Deployment-CodePipeline-JarDeploy-Failed'
-  EventRuleCodePipelineFailed:
-    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
-    Properties:
-      Description: Triggered whenever the CodePipeline deployment stage has failed.
-      EventPattern:
-        source:
-          - "aws.codepipeline"
-        detail-type:
-          - "CodePipeline Stage Execution State Change"
-        detail:
-          state:
-            - "FAILED"
-          pipeline:
-            - !Sub '${Environment}-OSDU-OS-Indexer-CodePipeline-JarDeploy'
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-CodePipelineEventRule-${CodeCommitRepositoryName}-JarDeploy
-      Targets:
-      -
-        Arn:
-          !Ref SNSCodePipelineDeploymentFailed
-        Id: "Deployment-CodePipeline-JarDeploy-Failed"
-        InputTransformer:
-          InputPathsMap:
-            pipeline : "$.detail.pipeline"
-          InputTemplate: '"The Pipeline <pipeline> has failed."'
-  Pipeline:
-    Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline
-    Properties:
-      ArtifactStore:
-        Location: !Ref ArtifactStoreBucket
-        Type: S3
-      Name: !Sub '${Environment}-OSDU-OS-Indexer-CodePipeline-JarDeploy'
-      RoleArn: !ImportValue
-        'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-PipelineRoleArn'
-      Stages:
-        - Name: Source
-          Actions:
-            - Name: Source
-              ActionTypeId:
-                Category: Source
-                Owner: AWS
-                Provider: CodeCommit
-                Version: '1'
-              Configuration:
-                BranchName: !Ref CodeCommitBranchName
-                RepositoryName: !Ref CodeCommitRepositoryName
-              OutputArtifacts:
-                - Name: Source
-              RunOrder: '1'
-        - Name: CodeBuild
-          Actions:
-            - Name: Jar-CodeBuild
-              ActionTypeId:
-                Category: Build
-                Owner: AWS
-                Provider: CodeBuild
-                Version: '1'
-              InputArtifacts:
-                - Name: Source
-              OutputArtifacts:
-                - Name: Jar-CodeBuild
-              Configuration:
-                ProjectName: !Ref JarCodeBuild
-              RunOrder: '2'
-  JarCodeBuild:
-    Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project
-    Properties:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-jar-codebuild-${CodeCommitRepositoryName}
-      Description: CodeBuild commands which run after the CloudFormation deployment.
-      ServiceRole: !ImportValue
-        'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CodeBuildRoleArn'
-      Artifacts:
-        Type: S3
-        Location: !Ref ArtifactStoreBucket
-        Name: !Sub ${Environment}-jar-codebuild
-      Environment:
-        Type: LINUX_CONTAINER
-        ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL
-        Image: aws/codebuild/standard:2.0
-        EnvironmentVariables:
-          - Name: ENVIRONMENT
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref Environment
-          - Name: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref AWS::AccountId
-          - Name: AWS_REGION
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref DeploymentRegion
-          - Name: APPLICATION_NAME
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref CodeCommitRepositoryName
-          - Name: JAR_SERVICE_BASE
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref JarServiceBase
-          - Name: M2_REPO_S3_BUCKET
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Sub "${Environment}-${AWS::AccountId}-persistent-maven-m2-bucket"
-          - Name: JAR_DEPLOY_S3_BUCKET
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Sub ${Environment}-${AWS::AccountId}-osdu-jar-deploy
-        PrivilegedMode: true
-      Source:
-        BuildSpec: ./provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-jar-deploy.yml
-        Location: !Sub https://git-codecommit.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/${CodeCommitRepositoryName}
-        Type: CODECOMMIT
-      Cache:
-        Type: S3
-        Location: !Sub ${CachingBucket}/${Environment}
-      TimeoutInMinutes: 15
-      VpcConfig:
-        SecurityGroupIds:
-          - Fn::ImportValue:
-              !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-CodeBuildSecurityGroup"
-        Subnets:
-          - Fn::ImportValue:
-              !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PrivateSubnet-AZ1"
-          - Fn::ImportValue:
-              !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PrivateSubnet-AZ2"
-        VpcId:
-          Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-VPC"
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Manual/01-CreateCodePipeline.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Manual/01-CreateCodePipeline.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0109633f0071acd48c8520bf240dd962068ead11..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Manual/01-CreateCodePipeline.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
-Description: >
-  This CloudFormation script creates the deployment pipeline for OSDU's indexer
-  service. The CodePipeline should automatically trigger whenever commits are
-  made on the tracked branch. The start and end of the CodePipeline should
-  trigger a SNS alert to keep track of when the deployment has started and when
-  it finishes.
-  Environment:
-    Description: Environment Name. Defaults to 'dev'. Can only be dev/uat/prod.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - dev
-      - uat
-      - prod
-    Default: dev
-  DeploymentRegion:
-    Description: The AWS region to deploy the application to. The default is us-east-1.
-    Type: String
-    Default: us-east-1
-  SNSNotificationEmail:
-    Description: The email address to send SNS notifications about the build to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: barclay.walsh@parivedasolutions.com
-  CodeCommitRepositoryName:
-    Description: >-
-      The name of the Code Commit Repository that the CodePipeline source is
-      connected to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: os-indexer
-  CodeCommitBranchName:
-    Description: >-
-      The name of the Code Commit branch that the CodePipeline source is
-      connected to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: dev
-  MasterStackName:
-    Description: The name of the master stack that is being deployed by the CodePipeline.
-    Type: String
-    Default: os-indexer-master-stack
-  MasterTemplateName:
-    Description: >-
-      The name of the master template that is called when creating the master
-      stack.
-    Type: String
-    Default: provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Master/os-indexer-master.yml
-  SchemaCacheName:
-    Description: The name of the cache cluster for the schema cache. Needs to match the value in the environment params JSON. Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: indexerSchemaCache
-  IndexCacheName:
-    Description: The name of the cache cluster for the index cache. Needs to match the value in the environment params JSON. Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: indexerIndexCache
-  ArtifactStoreBucket:
-    Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
-    DeletionPolicy: Delete
-    Properties:
-      VersioningConfiguration:
-        Status: Enabled
-  ArtifactStoreBucketPolicy:
-    Type: 'AWS::S3::BucketPolicy'
-    Properties:
-      Bucket: !Ref ArtifactStoreBucket
-      PolicyDocument:
-        Statement:
-          - Action:
-              - 's3:*'
-            Effect: Allow
-            Resource:
-              - !Sub 'arn:aws:s3:::${ArtifactStoreBucket}'
-              - !Sub 'arn:aws:s3:::${ArtifactStoreBucket}/*'
-            Principal:
-              AWS:
-                - !Sub 'arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root'
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CodeBuildRoleArn'
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-PipelineRoleArn'
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CFNRoleArn'
-  CachingBucket:
-    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
-    DeletionPolicy: Delete
-    Properties:
-      VersioningConfiguration:
-        Status: Enabled
-  CachingBucketPolicy:
-    Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
-    Properties:
-      Bucket: !Ref CachingBucket
-      PolicyDocument:
-        Statement:
-          - Action:
-              - s3:*
-            Effect: Allow
-            Resource:
-              - !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${CachingBucket}
-              - !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${CachingBucket}/*
-            Principal:
-              AWS:
-                - !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CodeBuildRoleArn'
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-PipelineRoleArn'
-                - !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CFNRoleArn'
-  SNSCodePipelineDeploymentFailed:
-    Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic'
-    Properties:
-      Subscription:
-        - Endpoint: !Ref SNSNotificationEmail
-          Protocol: email
-      TopicName: !Sub '${Environment}-OS-Indexer-Deployment-CodePipeline-Failed'
-  EventRuleCodePipelineFailed:
-    Type: 'AWS::Events::Rule'
-    Properties:
-      Description: Triggered whenever the CodePipeline deployment stage has failed.
-      EventPattern:
-        source:
-          - aws.codepipeline
-        detail-type:
-          - CodePipeline Stage Execution State Change
-        detail:
-          state:
-            - FAILED
-          pipeline:
-            - !Sub '${Environment}-OSDU-OS-Indexer-CodePipeline'
-      Name: !Sub '${Environment}-CodePipelineEventRule-${CodeCommitRepositoryName}'
-      Targets:
-        - Arn: !Ref SNSCodePipelineDeploymentFailed
-          Id: Deployment-CodePipeline-Failed
-          InputTransformer:
-            InputPathsMap:
-              pipeline: $.detail.pipeline
-            InputTemplate: '"The Pipeline <pipeline> has failed."'
-  Pipeline:
-    Type: 'AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline'
-    Properties:
-      ArtifactStore:
-        Location: !Ref ArtifactStoreBucket
-        Type: S3
-      Name: !Sub '${Environment}-OSDU-OS-Indexer-CodePipeline'
-      RoleArn: !ImportValue
-        'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-PipelineRoleArn'
-      Stages:
-        - Name: Source
-          Actions:
-            - Name: Source
-              ActionTypeId:
-                Category: Source
-                Owner: AWS
-                Provider: CodeCommit
-                Version: '1'
-              Configuration:
-                BranchName: !Ref CodeCommitBranchName
-                RepositoryName: !Ref CodeCommitRepositoryName
-              OutputArtifacts:
-                - Name: Source
-              RunOrder: '1'
-        - Name: Pre-Deployment-CodeBuild
-          Actions:
-            - Name: Pre-Deployment-CodeBuild
-              ActionTypeId:
-                Category: Build
-                Owner: AWS
-                Provider: CodeBuild
-                Version: '1'
-              InputArtifacts:
-                - Name: Source
-              OutputArtifacts:
-                - Name: Pre-Deployment-CodeBuild
-              Configuration:
-                ProjectName: !Ref PreDeploymentCodeBuild
-              RunOrder: '2'
-        - Name: Deployment
-          Actions:
-            - Name: CloudFormation-Deployment-Master
-              ActionTypeId:
-                Category: Deploy
-                Owner: AWS
-                Provider: CloudFormation
-                Version: '1'
-              InputArtifacts:
-                - Name: Source
-              Configuration:
-                ActionMode: CREATE_UPDATE
-                Capabilities: CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
-                RoleArn: !ImportValue
-                  'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CFNRoleArn'
-                StackName: !Sub '${Environment}-${MasterStackName}'
-                TemplatePath: !Sub 'Source::${MasterTemplateName}'
-                TemplateConfiguration: !Sub >-
-                  Source::provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Params/${Environment}.template_configuration.json
-              RunOrder: '3'
-        - Name: Post-Deployment-CodeBuild
-          Actions:
-            - Name: Post-Deployment-CodeBuild
-              ActionTypeId:
-                Category: Build
-                Owner: AWS
-                Provider: CodeBuild
-                Version: '1'
-              InputArtifacts:
-                - Name: Source
-              OutputArtifacts:
-                - Name: Post-Deployment-CodeBuild
-              Configuration:
-                ProjectName: !Ref PostDeploymentCodeBuild
-              RunOrder: '4'
-  PreDeploymentCodeBuild:
-    Type: 'AWS::CodeBuild::Project'
-    Properties:
-      Name: !Sub '${Environment}-pre-deployment-codebuild-${CodeCommitRepositoryName}'
-      Description: CodeBuild commands which run prior to the CloudFormation deployment.
-      ServiceRole: !ImportValue
-        'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CodeBuildRoleArn'
-      Artifacts:
-        Type: S3
-        Location: !Ref ArtifactStoreBucket
-        Name: !Sub '${Environment}-pre-deployment-codebuild'
-      Environment:
-        Type: LINUX_CONTAINER
-        ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL
-        Image: aws/codebuild/standard:2.0
-        EnvironmentVariables:
-          - Name: ENVIRONMENT
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref Environment
-          - Name: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'
-          - Name: AWS_REGION
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref DeploymentRegion
-          - Name: CFN_S3_BUCKET
-            Value: !ImportValue
-              'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-S3BucketCloudFormation'
-          - Name: APPLICATION_NAME
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref CodeCommitRepositoryName
-        PrivilegedMode: false
-      Source:
-        BuildSpec: ./provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-pre-deploy.yml
-        Location: !Sub >-
-          https://git-codecommit.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/${CodeCommitRepositoryName}
-        Type: CODECOMMIT
-      TimeoutInMinutes: 15
-  PostDeploymentCodeBuild:
-    Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project
-    Properties:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-post-deployment-codebuild-${CodeCommitRepositoryName}
-      Description: CodeBuild commands which run after the CloudFormation deployment.
-      ServiceRole: !ImportValue
-        'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-CodeBuildRoleArn'
-      Artifacts:
-        Type: S3
-        Location: !Ref ArtifactStoreBucket
-        Name: !Sub ${Environment}-post-deployment-codebuild
-      Environment:
-        Type: LINUX_CONTAINER
-        ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL
-        Image: aws/codebuild/standard:2.0
-        EnvironmentVariables:
-          - Name: ENVIRONMENT
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref Environment
-          - Name: AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref AWS::AccountId
-          - Name: AWS_REGION
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref DeploymentRegion
-          - Name: VSTS_FEED_USER
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: '{{resolve:secretsmanager:dev-VSTSFeedToken:SecretString:vsts_feed_user}}'
-          - Name: VSTS_FEED_TOKEN
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: '{{resolve:secretsmanager:dev-VSTSFeedToken:SecretString:vsts_feed_token}}'
-          - Name: IMAGE_TAG
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: latest
-          - Name: IMAGE_REPO_NAME
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Sub ${Environment}-${CodeCommitRepositoryName}-repository
-          - Name: QUEUE_IMAGE_REPO_NAME
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Sub ${Environment}-${CodeCommitRepositoryName}-queue-repository
-          - Name: SCHEMA_CACHE_NAME
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref SchemaCacheName
-          - Name: INDEX_CACHE_NAME
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref IndexCacheName
-          - Name: APPLICATION_NAME
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Ref CodeCommitRepositoryName
-          - Name: M2_REPO_S3_BUCKET
-            Type: PLAINTEXT
-            Value: !Sub "${Environment}-${AWS::AccountId}-persistent-maven-m2-bucket"
-        PrivilegedMode: true
-      Source:
-        BuildSpec: ./provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-post-deploy.yml
-        Location: !Sub https://git-codecommit.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/${CodeCommitRepositoryName}
-        Type: CODECOMMIT
-      Cache:
-        Type: S3
-        Location: !Sub ${CachingBucket}/${Environment}
-      TimeoutInMinutes: 15
-      VpcConfig:
-        SecurityGroupIds:
-          - Fn::ImportValue:
-              !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-CodeBuildSecurityGroup"
-        Subnets:
-          - Fn::ImportValue:
-              !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PrivateSubnet-AZ1"
-          - Fn::ImportValue:
-              !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-PrivateSubnet-AZ2"
-        VpcId:
-          Fn::ImportValue:
-            !Sub "${Environment}-OSDU-VPC"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Master/os-indexer-master.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Master/os-indexer-master.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c4a49e0b6ab7580627d96052056f23df5e745680..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Master/os-indexer-master.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
-Description: Creates all AWS resources used by OSDU's Indexer Service. Requires having previously setup the CodeCommit repository, as well as the CodePipeline (manual template).
-  VersionNumber:
-    Description: Version Number for the pom to deploy the jar and Docker Image deployment in the Dockerfile
-    Type: String
-    Default: '0.0.1'
-  ServiceName:
-    Description: >-
-      Service name for jar deployment in the Dockerfile
-    Type: String
-    Default: 'indexer'
-  Environment:
-    Description: The name of the environment.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - dev
-      - uat
-      - prod
-    ConstraintDescription: Environment can only be "dev/uat/prod".
-    Default: dev
-  DeploymentRegion:
-    Description: The AWS region to deploy the resources to.
-    Type: String
-    Default: us-east-1
-  ApplicationName:
-    Description: >
-      The name of the indexer application, should be equal to the repository name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: os-indexer
-  SearchApplicationName:
-    Description: >
-      The name of the Search Service application (ex: os-search). Should be the same as the Search Service repo name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: os-search
-  KeyName:
-    Description: >
-      Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the ECS instances. Note that key pairs cannot
-      be created through CloudFormation, but instead must be uploaded through the AWS Console.
-    Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName
-    Default: ecs_indexer_key
-  DesiredCapacity:
-    Description: The default number of instances to launch in the ECS cluster.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: '1'
-  MinSize:
-    Description: Maximum number of instances that can be launched in the ECS cluster.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: '0'
-  MaxSize:
-    Description: Maximum number of instances that can be launched in the ECS cluster.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: '1'
-  InstanceType:
-    Description: EC2 instance type
-    Type: String
-    Default: t3.large
-    AllowedValues:
-      - m5.large
-      - m5.xlarge
-      - m5.2xlarge
-      - m5.4xlarge
-      - m5.12xlarge
-      - m5.16xlarge
-      - m5.24xlarge
-      - m4.large
-      - m4.xlarge
-      - m4.2xlarge
-      - m4.4xlarge
-      - m4.10xlarge
-      - m4.16xlarge
-      - t3.nano
-      - t3.micro
-      - t3.small
-      - t3.medium
-      - t3.large
-      - t3.xlarge
-      - t3.2xlarge
-      - c5.large
-      - c5.xlarge
-      - c5.2xlarge
-      - c5.4xlarge
-      - c5.12xlarge
-      - c5.16xlarge
-      - c5.24xlarge
-      - r5.large
-      - r5.xlarge
-      - r5.2xlarge
-      - r5.4xlarge
-      - r5.12xlarge
-      - r5.24xlarge
-      - r4.large
-      - r4.xlarge
-      - r4.2xlarge
-      - r4.4xlarge
-      - r4.8xlarge
-      - r4.16xlarge
-      - i3.large
-      - i3.xlarge
-      - i3.2xlarge
-      - i3.4xlarge
-      - i3.10xlarge
-      - i3.16xlarge
-      - x1e.xlarge
-      - x1e.2xlarge
-      - x1e.4xlarge
-      - x1e.8xlarge
-      - x1e.16xlarge
-      - x1e.32xlarge
-    ConstraintDescription: Please choose a valid EC2 instance type for the ECS container instances.
-  IndexerServiceIamUsername:
-    Description: The username of the service user for the OS Indexer Service.
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Type: String
-    Default: service-user-os-indexer
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-  IndexerServiceIamKeyRotationSerial:
-    Description: This integer value can only ever be incremented, and an increase in value results in a rotation of the user's access key.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 1
-  SNSTopicName:
-    Description: >-
-      The name of the Simple Notification Service topic for the OS Indexer Service. Defaults to osdu-indexer-messages.
-      Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: osdu-indexer-messages
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-  SQSQueueName:
-    Description: >-
-      The name of the Simple Queue Service queue for the OS Indexer Service. Defaults to osdu-indexer-queue.
-      Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: osdu-indexer-queue
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-  IndexCacheName:
-    Description: The name of the cache cluster for the legal tag cache. Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: indexerIndexCache
-  IndexCacheEngine:
-    Description: Which caching platform to use for the legal tag cache. Can be set to 'redis' or 'memcached'.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - redis
-      - memcached
-    ConstraintDescription: Can only be "redis" or "memcached"
-    Default: redis
-  IndexCacheNodeInstanceType:
-    Description: The instance type for redis cache nodes for the legal tag cache.
-    ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid instance type from the list of allowed values.
-    Default: cache.t2.micro
-    AllowedValues:
-      - cache.m5.large
-      - cache.m5.xlarge
-      - cache.m5.2xlarge
-      - cache.m5.4xlarge
-      - cache.m5.12xlarge
-      - cache.m5.24xlarge
-      - cache.m4.large
-      - cache.m4.xlarge
-      - cache.m4.2xlarge
-      - cache.m4.4xlarge
-      - cache.m4.10xlarge
-      - cache.t2.micro
-      - cache.t2.small
-      - cache.t2.medium
-      - cache.c1.xlarge
-      - cache.r5.large
-      - cache.r5.xlarge
-      - cache.r5.2xlarge
-      - cache.r5.4xlarge
-      - cache.r5.12xlarge
-      - cache.r5.24xlarge
-      - cache.r4.large
-      - cache.r4.xlarge
-      - cache.r4.2xlarge
-      - cache.r4.4xlarge
-      - cache.r4.8xlarge
-      - cache.r4.16xlarge
-    Type: String
-  IndexCacheNumberOfCacheNodes:
-    Description: An integer value specifying the number of node in the redis cache for the legal tag cache.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 1
-    MinValue: 1
-    MaxValue: 128
-  SchemaCacheName:
-    Description: The name of the cache cluster for the schema cache. Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: indexerSchemaCache
-  SchemaCacheEngine:
-    Description: Which caching platform to use for the schema cache. Can be set to 'redis' or 'memcached'.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - redis
-      - memcached
-    ConstraintDescription: Can only be "redis" or "memcached"
-    Default: redis
-  SchemaCacheNodeInstanceType:
-    Description: The instance type for redis cache nodes for the schema cache.
-    ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid instance type from the list of allowed values.
-    Default: cache.t2.micro
-    AllowedValues:
-      - cache.m5.large
-      - cache.m5.xlarge
-      - cache.m5.2xlarge
-      - cache.m5.4xlarge
-      - cache.m5.12xlarge
-      - cache.m5.24xlarge
-      - cache.m4.large
-      - cache.m4.xlarge
-      - cache.m4.2xlarge
-      - cache.m4.4xlarge
-      - cache.m4.10xlarge
-      - cache.t2.micro
-      - cache.t2.small
-      - cache.t2.medium
-      - cache.c1.xlarge
-      - cache.r5.large
-      - cache.r5.xlarge
-      - cache.r5.2xlarge
-      - cache.r5.4xlarge
-      - cache.r5.12xlarge
-      - cache.r5.24xlarge
-      - cache.r4.large
-      - cache.r4.xlarge
-      - cache.r4.2xlarge
-      - cache.r4.4xlarge
-      - cache.r4.8xlarge
-      - cache.r4.16xlarge
-    Type: String
-  SchemaCacheNumberOfCacheNodes:
-    Description: An integer value specifying the number of node in the redis cache for the schema cache.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 1
-    MinValue: 1
-    MaxValue: 128
-  ElasticsearchDomainName:
-    Description: The name of the Elasticsearch domain. Will be prefixed with the environment name.
-    Type: String
-    MinLength: '1'
-    MaxLength: '64'
-    AllowedPattern: "^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$"
-    ConstraintDescription: Must start with a letter. Only numbers, letters, -, and _ accepted. Max. length 64 characters.
-    Default: osdu-indexer
-  ElasticsearchNodeInstanceType:
-    Description: The instance type for the main Elasticsearch nodes.
-    ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid instance type from the list of allowed values.
-    Default: t2.medium.elasticsearch
-    AllowedValues:
-      - t2.small.elasticsearch
-      - t2.medium.elasticsearch
-      - m5.large.elasticsearch
-      - m5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.12xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.large.elasticsearch
-      - c5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.9xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.18xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.large.elasticsearch
-      - r5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.12xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.large.elasticsearch
-      - i3.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.8xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.16xlarge.elasticsearch
-    Type: String
-  DedicatedMasterInstanceType:
-    Description: >
-      The instance type for the dedicated master nodes. These nodes perform cluster management
-      tasks, but doesn't hold data or respond to data upload requests.
-    ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid instance type from the list of allowed values.
-    Default: t2.medium.elasticsearch
-    AllowedValues:
-      - t2.small.elasticsearch
-      - t2.medium.elasticsearch
-      - m5.large.elasticsearch
-      - m5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - m5.12xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.large.elasticsearch
-      - c5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.9xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - c5.18xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.large.elasticsearch
-      - r5.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - r5.12xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.large.elasticsearch
-      - i3.xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.2xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.4xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.8xlarge.elasticsearch
-      - i3.16xlarge.elasticsearch
-    Type: String
-  NumberOfElasticsearchNodes:
-    Description: An integer value specifying the number of Elasticsearch primary nodes in the cluster.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 1
-    MinValue: 1
-    MaxValue: 40
-  NumberOfDedicatedMasterNodes:
-    Description: An integer value specifying the number of dedicated master nodes.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 2
-    MinValue: 2
-    MaxValue: 5
-  ZoneAwarenessEnabled:
-    Description: >
-      When Zone Awareness is enabled, Elasticsearch allocates the nodes and replica
-      index shards that belong to a cluster across multiple AZs in the deployment region.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - true
-      - false
-    Default: false
-  ElasticsearchVersion:
-    Description: >
-      The version of Elasticsearch to deploy on the cluster. Defaults to 6.8. Note
-      that an update requires a full replacement of the Elasticsearch cluster.
-    Type: String
-    AllowedValues:
-      - 1.5
-      - 2.3
-      - 5.1
-      - 5.3
-      - 5.5
-      - 5.6
-      - 6.0
-      - 6.2
-      - 6.3
-      - 6.4
-      - 6.5
-      - 6.6
-      - 6.8
-      - 6.8
-      - 7.1
-    Default: 6.8
-  EBSVolumeSize:
-    Description: >
-      The size of the EBS volume, in GiB, (per instance; total cluster size =
-      EBS volume size x Instance count). Maximum size varies by instance type, from 35GiB
-      for t2 instances, up to 12TiB for r5.12xlarge.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 10
-    MinValue: 10
-    MaxValue: 12000
-  ECSPort:
-    Description: The port that the ECS Service will listen on.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 80
-    MinValue: 1
-    MaxValue: 65535
-  ECSCPUAllocation:
-    Description: The amount of CPU resources to allocate to each ECS task/container. Scale - 1024 = 1 vCPU core.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 1024
-    MinValue: 10
-    MaxValue: 65535
-  ECSMemoryAllocation:
-    Description: The amount of memory (RAM) to allocate to each ECS task/container. Scale - 1 = 1MB of memory.
-    Type: Number
-    Default: 2048
-    MinValue: 256
-    MaxValue: 131072
-  DomainName:
-    Description: >-
-      The optional custom DNS name for the ECS service's load balancer. If omitted, the site will only be accessible
-      via the ECS service's Application Load Balancer DNS name. This value is used in the creation and signing of
-      the service's SSL certificate. Leave blank is not using a custom domain for this deployment.
-    Type: String
-    Default: ''
-  HostedZoneName:
-    Description: >-
-      The name of the hosted zone (ex: for indexer.osdu.slb.com, this would likely be osdu.slb.com).
-      Leave blank is not using a custom domain for this deployment.
-    Type: String
-    Default: ''
-  AcmCertificateArn:
-    Description: >-
-      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an existing AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate.
-      If omitted, a new SSL certified will be requested/generated (only if the custom domain name
-      parameter is provided, otherwise the ECS service's ALB will not use SSL/HTTPS).
-    Type: String
-    AllowedPattern: "^(|arn:aws:acm:.*)$"
-    Default: ''
-  #### Shared Resources ################################################################
-  IAMCredentialsStack:
-    Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'
-    Properties:
-      TemplateURL: !Sub
-        - https://s3.amazonaws.com/${CloudFormationS3Bucket}/${ApplicationName}/Automated/${CFNTemplateFilename}
-        - CloudFormationS3Bucket: !ImportValue
-            'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-S3BucketCloudFormation'
-          CFNTemplateFilename: iam-credentials.yml
-      Parameters:
-        Environment: !Ref Environment
-        Region: !Ref DeploymentRegion
-        IndexerServiceIamUsername: !Ref IndexerServiceIamUsername
-        IndexerServiceIamKeyRotationSerial: !Ref IndexerServiceIamKeyRotationSerial
-  MessageBusSNSStack:
-    Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'
-    Properties:
-      TemplateURL: !Sub
-        - https://s3.amazonaws.com/${CloudFormationS3Bucket}/${ApplicationName}/Automated/${CFNTemplateFilename}
-        - CloudFormationS3Bucket: !ImportValue
-            'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-S3BucketCloudFormation'
-          CFNTemplateFilename: sns-topic.yml
-      Parameters:
-        Environment: !Ref Environment
-        Region: !Ref DeploymentRegion
-        SNSTopicName: !Ref SNSTopicName
-        SQSQueueName: !Ref SQSQueueName
-  #### ECS Resources ###################################################################
-  ECSNetworkStack:
-    Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'
-    DependsOn: IAMCredentialsStack
-    Properties:
-      TemplateURL: !Sub
-        - https://s3.amazonaws.com/${CloudFormationS3Bucket}/${ApplicationName}/Automated/${CFNTemplateFilename}
-        - CloudFormationS3Bucket: !ImportValue
-            'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-S3BucketCloudFormation'
-          CFNTemplateFilename: ecs-network.yml
-      Parameters:
-        Environment: !Ref Environment
-        Region: !Ref DeploymentRegion
-        ApplicationName: !Ref ApplicationName
-        ECSPort: !Ref ECSPort
-        DomainName: !Ref DomainName
-        AcmCertificateArn: !Ref AcmCertificateArn
-  ECSClusterStack:
-    Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'
-    DependsOn: [SchemaCacheStack, IndexCacheStack]
-    Properties:
-      TemplateURL: !Sub
-        - https://s3.amazonaws.com/${CloudFormationS3Bucket}/${ApplicationName}/Automated/${CFNTemplateFilename}
-        - CloudFormationS3Bucket: !ImportValue
-            'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-S3BucketCloudFormation'
-          CFNTemplateFilename: ecs-cluster.yml
-      Parameters:
-        Environment: !Ref Environment
-        Region: !Ref DeploymentRegion
-        ApplicationName: !Ref ApplicationName
-        KeyName: !Ref KeyName
-        DesiredCapacity: !Ref DesiredCapacity
-        MaxSize: !Ref MaxSize
-        InstanceType: !Ref InstanceType
-        SchemaCacheName: !Ref SchemaCacheName
-        IndexCacheName: !Ref IndexCacheName
-        ECSPort: !Ref ECSPort
-        SNSTopicName: !Ref SNSTopicName
-        ECSMemoryAllocation: !Ref ECSMemoryAllocation
-        DomainName: !Ref DomainName
-        HostedZoneName: !Ref HostedZoneName
-        ElasticsearchDomainName: !Ref ElasticsearchDomainName
-  #### Caching Resources ###############################################################
-  IndexCacheStack:
-    Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'
-    DependsOn: ECSNetworkStack
-    Properties:
-      TemplateURL: !Sub
-        - https://s3.amazonaws.com/${CloudFormationS3Bucket}/${ApplicationName}/Automated/${CFNTemplateFilename}
-        - CloudFormationS3Bucket: !ImportValue
-            'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-S3BucketCloudFormation'
-          CFNTemplateFilename: cache.yml
-      Parameters:
-        Environment: !Ref Environment
-        Region: !Ref DeploymentRegion
-        ApplicationName: !Ref ApplicationName
-        CacheName: !Ref IndexCacheName
-        CacheEngine: !Ref IndexCacheEngine
-        NodeInstanceType: !Ref IndexCacheNodeInstanceType
-        NumberOfCacheNodes: !Ref IndexCacheNumberOfCacheNodes
-  SchemaCacheStack:
-    Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'
-    DependsOn: ECSNetworkStack
-    Properties:
-      TemplateURL: !Sub
-        - https://s3.amazonaws.com/${CloudFormationS3Bucket}/${ApplicationName}/Automated/${CFNTemplateFilename}
-        - CloudFormationS3Bucket: !ImportValue
-            'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-S3BucketCloudFormation'
-          CFNTemplateFilename: cache.yml
-      Parameters:
-        Environment: !Ref Environment
-        Region: !Ref DeploymentRegion
-        ApplicationName: !Ref ApplicationName
-        CacheName: !Ref SchemaCacheName
-        CacheEngine: !Ref SchemaCacheEngine
-        NodeInstanceType: !Ref SchemaCacheNodeInstanceType
-        NumberOfCacheNodes: !Ref SchemaCacheNumberOfCacheNodes
-  #### Elasticsearch Resources #########################################################
-  ElasticsearchStack:
-    Type: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack'
-    DependsOn: [IAMCredentialsStack, ECSNetworkStack]
-    Properties:
-      TemplateURL: !Sub
-        - https://s3.amazonaws.com/${CloudFormationS3Bucket}/${ApplicationName}/Automated/${CFNTemplateFilename}
-        - CloudFormationS3Bucket: !ImportValue
-            'Fn::Sub': '${Environment}-S3BucketCloudFormation'
-          CFNTemplateFilename: elasticsearch.yml
-      Parameters:
-        Environment: !Ref Environment
-        Region: !Ref DeploymentRegion
-        ElasticsearchDomainName: !Ref ElasticsearchDomainName
-        ElasticsearchNodeInstanceType: !Ref ElasticsearchNodeInstanceType
-        DedicatedMasterInstanceType: !Ref DedicatedMasterInstanceType
-        NumberOfElasticsearchNodes: !Ref NumberOfElasticsearchNodes
-        NumberOfDedicatedMasterNodes: !Ref NumberOfDedicatedMasterNodes
-        ZoneAwarenessEnabled: !Ref ZoneAwarenessEnabled
-        ElasticsearchVersion: !Ref ElasticsearchVersion
-        EBSVolumeSize: !Ref EBSVolumeSize
-        ApplicationName: !Ref ApplicationName
-        SearchApplicationName: !Ref SearchApplicationName
-  JarVersionNumber:
-    Description: The service name associated with the JAR package for the Dockerfile.
-    Value: !Ref 'VersionNumber'
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-JarVersionNumber
-  JarServiceName:
-    Description: The service name associated with the JAR package for the Dockerfile.
-    Value: !Ref 'ServiceName'
-    Export:
-      Name: !Sub ${Environment}-${ApplicationName}-JarServiceName
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Params/dev.template_configuration.json b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Params/dev.template_configuration.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f33fd69a62180cc5c08e9962a46aae62705cabf5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Params/dev.template_configuration.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-  "Parameters" : {
-    "Environment" : "dev",
-    "DeploymentRegion" : "us-east-1",
-    "ApplicationName" : "os-indexer",
-    "SearchApplicationName" : "os-search",
-    "KeyName": "indexer-ecs-keypair",
-    "DesiredCapacity": "2",
-    "MinSize": "0",
-    "MaxSize": "3",
-    "InstanceType": "t3.large",
-    "IndexerServiceIamUsername": "service-user-os-indexer",
-    "IndexerServiceIamKeyRotationSerial": "1",
-    "SNSTopicName": "osdu-indexer-messages",
-    "SQSQueueName": "osdu-indexer-queue",
-    "IndexCacheName": "indexerIndexCache",
-    "IndexCacheEngine": "redis",
-    "IndexCacheNodeInstanceType": "cache.t2.micro",
-    "IndexCacheNumberOfCacheNodes": "1",
-    "SchemaCacheName": "indexerSchemaCache",
-    "SchemaCacheEngine": "redis",
-    "SchemaCacheNodeInstanceType": "cache.t2.micro",
-    "SchemaCacheNumberOfCacheNodes": "1",
-    "ElasticsearchDomainName": "osdu-indexer",
-    "ElasticsearchNodeInstanceType": "t2.medium.elasticsearch",
-    "DedicatedMasterInstanceType": "t2.medium.elasticsearch",
-    "NumberOfElasticsearchNodes": "4",
-    "NumberOfDedicatedMasterNodes": "3",
-    "ZoneAwarenessEnabled": "false",
-    "ElasticsearchVersion": "6.8",
-    "EBSVolumeSize": "10",
-    "ECSPort": "443",
-    "ECSCPUAllocation": "1024",
-    "ECSMemoryAllocation": "3072",
-    "DomainName": "",
-    "HostedZoneName": "",
-    "AcmCertificateArn": "",
-    "ServiceName": "indexer",
-    "VersionNumber": "1.0.5-SNAPSHOT"
-  },
-  "Tags" : {
-    "Environment" : "dev"
-  }
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Params/prod.template_configuration.json b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Params/prod.template_configuration.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cf2353331086afe91f04f7abcaa4c9736a4a5d84..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Params/prod.template_configuration.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-  "Parameters" : {
-    "Environment" : "prod",
-    "DeploymentRegion" : "us-east-1",
-    "ApplicationName" : "os-indexer",
-    "SearchApplicationName" : "os-search",
-    "KeyName": "indexer-ecs-keypair",
-    "DesiredCapacity": "2",
-    "MinSize": "0",
-    "MaxSize": "3",
-    "InstanceType": "t3.large",
-    "IndexerServiceIamUsername": "service-user-os-indexer",
-    "IndexerServiceIamKeyRotationSerial": "1",
-    "SNSTopicName": "osdu-indexer-messages",
-    "SQSQueueName": "osdu-indexer-queue",
-    "IndexCacheName": "indexerIndexCache",
-    "IndexCacheEngine": "redis",
-    "IndexCacheNodeInstanceType": "cache.t2.micro",
-    "IndexCacheNumberOfCacheNodes": "1",
-    "SchemaCacheName": "indexerSchemaCache",
-    "SchemaCacheEngine": "redis",
-    "SchemaCacheNodeInstanceType": "cache.t2.micro",
-    "SchemaCacheNumberOfCacheNodes": "1",
-    "ElasticsearchDomainName": "osdu-indexer",
-    "ElasticsearchNodeInstanceType": "t2.medium.elasticsearch",
-    "DedicatedMasterInstanceType": "t2.medium.elasticsearch",
-    "NumberOfElasticsearchNodes": "2",
-    "NumberOfDedicatedMasterNodes": "2",
-    "ZoneAwarenessEnabled": "false",
-    "ElasticsearchVersion": "6.8",
-    "EBSVolumeSize": "10",
-    "ECSPort": "443",
-    "ECSCPUAllocation": "1024",
-    "ECSMemoryAllocation": "3072",
-    "DomainName": "",
-    "HostedZoneName": "",
-    "AcmCertificateArn": "",
-    "ServiceName": "indexer",
-    "VersionNumber": "1.0.5-SNAPSHOT"
-  },
-  "Tags" : {
-    "Environment" : "prod"
-  }
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Params/uat.template_configuration.json b/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Params/uat.template_configuration.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 10d7331ed0253013feff3eaf96e468aca3b80394..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation/Params/uat.template_configuration.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-  "Parameters" : {
-    "Environment" : "uat",
-    "DeploymentRegion" : "us-east-1",
-    "ApplicationName" : "os-indexer",
-    "SearchApplicationName" : "os-search",
-    "KeyName": "indexer-ecs-keypair",
-    "DesiredCapacity": "2",
-    "MinSize": "0",
-    "MaxSize": "3",
-    "InstanceType": "t3.large",
-    "IndexerServiceIamUsername": "service-user-os-indexer",
-    "IndexerServiceIamKeyRotationSerial": "1",
-    "SNSTopicName": "osdu-indexer-messages",
-    "SQSQueueName": "osdu-indexer-queue",
-    "IndexCacheName": "indexerIndexCache",
-    "IndexCacheEngine": "redis",
-    "IndexCacheNodeInstanceType": "cache.t2.micro",
-    "IndexCacheNumberOfCacheNodes": "1",
-    "SchemaCacheName": "indexerSchemaCache",
-    "SchemaCacheEngine": "redis",
-    "SchemaCacheNodeInstanceType": "cache.t2.micro",
-    "SchemaCacheNumberOfCacheNodes": "1",
-    "ElasticsearchDomainName": "osdu-indexer",
-    "ElasticsearchNodeInstanceType": "t2.medium.elasticsearch",
-    "DedicatedMasterInstanceType": "t2.medium.elasticsearch",
-    "NumberOfElasticsearchNodes": "2",
-    "NumberOfDedicatedMasterNodes": "2",
-    "ZoneAwarenessEnabled": "false",
-    "ElasticsearchVersion": "6.8",
-    "EBSVolumeSize": "10",
-    "ECSPort": "443",
-    "ECSCPUAllocation": "1024",
-    "ECSMemoryAllocation": "3072",
-    "DomainName": "",
-    "HostedZoneName": "",
-    "AcmCertificateArn": "",
-    "ServiceName": "indexer",
-    "VersionNumber": "1.0.5-SNAPSHOT"
-  },
-  "Tags" : {
-    "Environment" : "uat"
-  }
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/Dockerfile b/provider/indexer-aws/build-aws/Dockerfile
similarity index 74%
rename from provider/indexer-aws/Dockerfile
rename to provider/indexer-aws/build-aws/Dockerfile
index 07b7281a7d160013df35a5a150fdcaa8f5bf2c53..4af0e6ae8f3b38370edf5354972609066316b86b 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/Dockerfile
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/build-aws/Dockerfile
@@ -12,15 +12,11 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+# https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/deployment.html
 FROM amazoncorretto:8
-ARG versionNumber
-ARG service
-ENV serviceName=${service}-aws
-ENV awsJar=${serviceName}-${versionNumber}-spring-boot.jar
+ARG JAR_FILE=provider/indexer-aws/target/*spring-boot.jar
-COPY provider/${serviceName}/target/${awsJar} ${awsJar}
+COPY ${JAR_FILE} app.jar
 EXPOSE 8080
-CMD ["sh","-c", " java -jar ${awsJar}"]
+ENTRYPOINT java $JAVA_OPTS -jar /app.jar
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-jar-deploy.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-jar-deploy.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 546f75409fd9e37722dd85a7298633e2f3b0932b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-jar-deploy.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-version: 0.2
-  install:
-    runtime-versions:
-      java: openjdk8
-    commands:
-      - echo Entered the install phase...
-      - apt-get update -y
-      - apt-get install -y maven
-      - java -version
-      - mvn clean # .m2 is not created until the first Maven command
-      - cp ./provider/indexer-aws/maven/settings.xml /root/.m2/settings.xml # copy the AWS-specific settings.xml to the CodeBuild instance's .m2 folder
-      - cat /root/.m2/settings.xml
-      - java -version
-      - export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
-      - echo $JAVA_HOME
-      - mvn -version
-      - echo "Look below for M2 bucket name:"
-      - echo $M2_REPO_S3_BUCKET
-      - aws s3 sync s3://$M2_REPO_S3_BUCKET /root/.m2 # copy previous state of the shared libraries' .m2 folder from S3 to local
-      - nohup /usr/local/bin/dockerd --host=unix:///var/run/docker.sock --host=tcp:// --storage-driver=overlay2& # start the Docker Daemon
-      - timeout 15 sh -c "until docker info; do echo .; sleep 1; done" # wait for Docker to be ready before proceeding to the build steps
-  build:
-    commands:
-      - echo os-indexer Java build started on `date`...
-      - java -version
-      - export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
-      - mvn -version
-      - echo All environment variables
-      - printenv
-      - mvn clean test -P indexer-core,indexer-aws
-      - echo ...os-indexer Java build completed on `date`.
-      - echo os-indexer beginning packaging to jar...
-      - mvn clean install -P indexer-core,indexer-aws -Ddeployment.environment=$ENVIRONMENT
-      - echo Uploading os-indexer JAR to S3...
-      - aws s3 cp provider/$JAR_SERVICE_BASE-aws/target s3://$JAR_DEPLOY_S3_BUCKET/$JAR_SERVICE_BASE-aws --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.jar" # build and push the JAR(s) to S3
-  paths:
-    - '/root/.m2/**/*'
-  files:
-    - '**/*'
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-post-deploy.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-post-deploy.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a576fa4c687e91a904ee66939f01d99df4b0981..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-post-deploy.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-version: 0.2
-  install:
-    runtime-versions:
-      java: openjdk8
-    commands:
-      - echo Entered the install phase...
-      - apt-get update -y
-      - apt-get install -y maven
-      - java -version
-      - mvn clean # .m2 is not created until the first Maven command
-      - cp ./provider/indexer-aws/maven/settings.xml /root/.m2/settings.xml # copy the AWS-specific settings.xml to the CodeBuild instance's .m2 folder
-      - cat /root/.m2/settings.xml
-      - java -version
-      - export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
-      - echo $JAVA_HOME
-      - mvn -version
-      - echo "Look below for M2 bucket name:"
-      - echo $M2_REPO_S3_BUCKET
-      - aws s3 sync s3://$M2_REPO_S3_BUCKET /root/.m2 # copy previous state of the shared libraries' .m2 folder from S3 to local
-      - nohup /usr/local/bin/dockerd --host=unix:///var/run/docker.sock --host=tcp:// --storage-driver=overlay2& # start the Docker Daemon
-      - timeout 15 sh -c "until docker info; do echo .; sleep 1; done" # wait for Docker to be ready before proceeding to the build steps
-  pre_build:
-    commands:
-      - echo Logging in to Amazon ECR...
-      - $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region $AWS_REGION)
-      - echo $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
-      - REPOSITORY_URI=$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_REGION.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME # build and store the ECR repo URI
-      - IMAGE_TAG=build-$(echo $CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID | awk -F":" '{print $2}') # generate a version tag from the commit hash for the Docker image
-      - COMMIT_HASH=$(echo $CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION | cut -c 1-7) # get the commit hash
-  build:
-    commands:
-      - echo Indexer-core Java build started on `date`...
-      - echo os-indexer Java build started on `date`...
-      - java -version
-      - export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
-      - mvn -version
-      - echo Setting environment variables from CloudFormation Exports... # use the AWS CLI commands to query for the CloudFormation export values created in the previous step and set the required environment variables
-      - echo Environment - $ENVIRONMENT
-      - echo SchemaCacheName - $SCHEMA_CACHE_NAME
-      - echo IndexCacheName - $INDEX_CACHE_NAME
-      - echo AWSRegion - $AWS_REGION
-      - export VERSIONNUMBER=$(aws cloudformation list-exports --query "Exports[?Name=='$ENVIRONMENT-$APPLICATION_NAME-JarVersionNumber'].[Value]" --output text --region $AWS_REGION)
-      - export SERVICE=$(aws cloudformation list-exports --query "Exports[?Name=='$ENVIRONMENT-$APPLICATION_NAME-JarServiceName'].[Value]" --output text --region $AWS_REGION)
-      - echo SERVICE - $SERVICE
-      - echo ...finished setting environment variables!
-      - echo All environment variables
-      - printenv
-      - mvn clean test -P indexer-core,indexer-aws
-      - echo ...os-indexer Java build completed on `date`.
-      - echo os-indexer beginning packaging to jar...
-      - mvn clean install -P indexer-core,indexer-aws -Ddeployment.environment=$ENVIRONMENT -Dversion.number=$VERSIONNUMBER
-      - echo os-indexer Docker image build started on `date`...
-      - docker build -f provider/indexer-aws/Dockerfile -t $REPOSITORY_URI:latest --build-arg versionNumber=$VERSIONNUMBER --build-arg service=$SERVICE .
-      - docker tag $REPOSITORY_URI:latest $REPOSITORY_URI:$IMAGE_TAG
-      - echo ...os-indexer Docker image build completed on `date`.
-      - echo Pushing the Docker image to ECR...
-      - docker push $REPOSITORY_URI:latest
-      - docker push $REPOSITORY_URI:$IMAGE_TAG
-      - echo Docker image pushed to ECR successfully!
-      - ECS_CLUSTER_NAME=$(aws cloudformation list-exports --query "Exports[?Name=='$ENVIRONMENT-$APPLICATION_NAME-EcsClusterName'].[Value]" --output text --region $AWS_REGION)
-      - ECS_SERVICE_NAME=$(aws cloudformation list-exports --query "Exports[?Name=='$ENVIRONMENT-$APPLICATION_NAME-EcsServiceName'].[Value]" --output text --region $AWS_REGION)
-      - aws ecs update-service --cluster $ECS_CLUSTER_NAME --service $ECS_SERVICE_NAME --force-new-deployment # force a new deployment with the updated image
-  paths:
-    - '/root/.m2/**/*'
-  files:
-    - '**/*'
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-pre-deploy.yml b/provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-pre-deploy.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 14697d9c882a1905a8205f06328611e2d3c478ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/buildspec-pre-deploy.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-version: 0.2
-  install:
-    runtime-versions:
-      java: openjdk8
-      docker: 18
-    commands:
-      - echo Entered the install phase...
-      - apt-get update -y
-      - apt-get install -y maven
-      - java -version
-      - echo $JAVA_HOME
-      - export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
-      - echo $JAVA_HOME
-      - mvn clean # .m2 is not created until the first Maven command
-      - cp ./indexer-core/maven/settings.xml /root/.m2/settings.xml # replace the default settings.xml with our custom one
-      - export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
-      - mvn -version
-  build:
-    commands:
-      - echo Starting 'Copying CloudFormation scripts to S3://$CFN_S3_BUCKET/$APPLICATION_NAME'
-      - pwd
-      - ls
-      - aws s3 cp ./provider/indexer-aws/CloudFormation "s3://$CFN_S3_BUCKET/$APPLICATION_NAME" --exclude "*" --include "*.yml" --recursive --debug
-      - echo Ending 'Ending CloudFormation scripts to S3://$CFN_S3_BUCKET/$APPLICATION_NAME'
-#      - echo os-indexer build started on `date`...
-      - pwd
-      - ls -R -la
-      - java -version
-      - echo $JAVA_HOME
-      - export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
-      - mvn -version
-#      - mvn test
-    post_build:
-      commands:
-#        - echo ...os-indexer build completed on `date`
-#        - echo os-indexer beginning packaging to jar...
-#        - mvn package
-  paths:
-    - '/root/.m2/**/*'
-  files:
-    - '**/*'
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/maven/settings.xml b/provider/indexer-aws/maven/settings.xml
index adba9a7602b0887236967efc41b49ccad08a7ca1..0ca9fe8103a2386f2ff0479c788306e1312faa3d 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/maven/settings.xml
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/maven/settings.xml
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
       <!-- The generated token was last updated on 01/13/2020 and expires on or before 01/12/2021 -->
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/pom.xml b/provider/indexer-aws/pom.xml
index aa763a675d577afe9e3380606336703d0a09a48c..6130309d7b97ce3d8abd764bd66927219b1e9fe9 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/pom.xml
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/pom.xml
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
-        <version>0.0.10</version>
+        <version>0.2.0</version>
     <!-- AWS managed packages -->
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/cache/IndexCacheImpl.java b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/cache/IndexCacheImpl.java
index b8953ba2d6cc3aaee5e99565bbc2417413f5d153..c28acd5c3f9d213c5658737d8d393475c85001a9 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/cache/IndexCacheImpl.java
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/cache/IndexCacheImpl.java
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ public class IndexCacheImpl implements IIndexCache<String, Boolean>, AutoCloseab
     private RedisCache<String, Boolean> cache;
-    public IndexCacheImpl(@Value("${aws.elasticache.cluster.index.endpoint}") final String REDIS_SEARCH_HOST,
-                      @Value("${aws.elasticache.cluster.index.port}") final String REDIS_SEARCH_PORT,
+    public IndexCacheImpl(@Value("${aws.elasticache.cluster.endpoint}") final String REDIS_SEARCH_HOST,
+                      @Value("${aws.elasticache.cluster.port}") final String REDIS_SEARCH_PORT,
                       @Value("${aws.elasticache.cluster.index.expiration}") final String INDEX_CACHE_EXPIRATION) {
         cache = new RedisCache<>(REDIS_SEARCH_HOST, Integer.parseInt(REDIS_SEARCH_PORT),
                 Integer.parseInt(INDEX_CACHE_EXPIRATION) * 60, String.class, Boolean.class);
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/cache/SchemaCacheImpl.java b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/cache/SchemaCacheImpl.java
index 112b3b2f8b1a591f785edb675b7a84cfe2cf5198..e0a713737ccb356313ff9d5edf43ebeac6fda331 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/cache/SchemaCacheImpl.java
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/cache/SchemaCacheImpl.java
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ public class SchemaCacheImpl implements ISchemaCache<String, String>, AutoClosea
     private RedisCache<String, String> cache;
-    public SchemaCacheImpl(@Value("${aws.elasticache.cluster.schema.endpoint}") final String REDIS_SEARCH_HOST,
-                       @Value("${aws.elasticache.cluster.schema.port}") final String REDIS_SEARCH_PORT,
+    public SchemaCacheImpl(@Value("${aws.elasticache.cluster.endpoint}") final String REDIS_SEARCH_HOST,
+                       @Value("${aws.elasticache.cluster.port}") final String REDIS_SEARCH_PORT,
                        @Value("${aws.elasticache.cluster.schema.expiration}") final String SCHEMA_CACHE_EXPIRATION) {
         cache = new RedisCache<>(REDIS_SEARCH_HOST, Integer.parseInt(REDIS_SEARCH_PORT),
                 Integer.parseInt(SCHEMA_CACHE_EXPIRATION) * 60, String.class, String.class);
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/di/EntitlementsFactoryImpl.java b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/di/EntitlementsFactoryImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 85517a87d6873f420b325e2201612e17181f3e1e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/di/EntitlementsFactoryImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package org.opengroup.osdu.indexer.aws.di;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.http.DpsHeaders;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.entitlements.IEntitlementsFactory;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.entitlements.IEntitlementsService;
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
-import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
-import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
-public class EntitlementsFactoryImpl implements IEntitlementsFactory {
-    @Value("${aws.lambda.get-groups-function-name}")
-    private String getGroupsFunctionName;
-    @Override
-    public IEntitlementsService create(DpsHeaders headers) {
-        EntitlementsServiceImpl service = new EntitlementsServiceImpl(headers);
-        service.setEntitlementsServiceHelper(getGroupsFunctionName);
-        return service;
-    }
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/di/EntitlementsServiceImpl.java b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/di/EntitlementsServiceImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd657c6699407a4557f4d149fcf2a241d39e762..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/di/EntitlementsServiceImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © Amazon Web Services
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package org.opengroup.osdu.indexer.aws.di;
-import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions;
-import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.invoke.LambdaFunctionException;
-import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.invoke.LambdaSerializationException;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.entitlements.*;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.entitlements.MemberInfo;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.entitlements.Members;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.http.DpsHeaders;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.entitlements.IEntitlementsService;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.entitlements.*;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.http.HttpResponse;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.http.AppException;
-import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.logging.JaxRsDpsLog;
-import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy;
-import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
-import sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.NotImplementedException;
-import javax.inject.Inject;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class EntitlementsServiceImpl implements IEntitlementsService {
-    private DpsHeaders dpsHeaders;
-    private EntitlementsServiceHelper entitlementsServiceHelper;
-    private final static String ACCESS_DENIED = "Access denied";
-    private final static String ACCESS_DENIED_MSG = "The user is not authorized to perform this action";
-    @Inject
-    @Lazy
-    private JaxRsDpsLog jaxRsDpsLog;
-    public EntitlementsServiceImpl(DpsHeaders headers){
-        this.dpsHeaders = headers;
-    }
-    public void setEntitlementsServiceHelper(String getGroupsFunctionName){
-        entitlementsServiceHelper = new EntitlementsServiceHelper(Regions.US_EAST_1, getGroupsFunctionName);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public MemberInfo addMember(GroupEmail groupEmail, MemberInfo memberInfo) throws EntitlementsException {
-        throw new NotImplementedException();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Members getMembers(GroupEmail groupEmail, GetMembers getMembers) throws EntitlementsException {
-        throw new NotImplementedException();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Groups getGroups() throws EntitlementsException {
-        Groups groups;
-        GroupsRequest request = entitlementsServiceHelper.constructRequest(this.dpsHeaders.getHeaders());
-        try{
-            GroupsResult groupsResult = entitlementsServiceHelper.getGroups(request);
-            groups = getGroupsFromResult(groupsResult);
-        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
-            throw new EntitlementsException(e.getMessage(), new HttpResponse());
-        } catch (LambdaFunctionException e){
-            throw new EntitlementsException(e.getMessage(), new HttpResponse());
-        } catch (LambdaSerializationException e){
-            throw new EntitlementsException(e.getMessage(), new HttpResponse());
-        } catch (IOException e){
-            throw new EntitlementsException(e.getMessage(), new HttpResponse());
-        }
-        return groups;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public GroupInfo createGroup(CreateGroup createGroup) throws EntitlementsException {
-        throw new NotImplementedException();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void deleteMember(String s, String s1) throws EntitlementsException {
-        throw new NotImplementedException();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Groups authorizeAny(String... strings) throws EntitlementsException {
-        throw new NotImplementedException();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void authenticate() throws EntitlementsException {
-        throw new NotImplementedException();
-    }
-    private Groups getGroupsFromResult(GroupsResult result) throws EntitlementsException, IOException {
-        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
-        Groups groups = new Groups();
-        if(result.statusCode == HttpStatus.OK.value()) {
-            TypeReference<List<GroupInfoRaw>> mapType = new TypeReference<List<GroupInfoRaw>>() {};
-            List<GroupInfoRaw> groupInfosRaw = mapper.readValue(result.body, mapType);
-            List<GroupInfo> groupInfos = new ArrayList<>();
-            for(GroupInfoRaw groupInfoRaw : groupInfosRaw){
-                GroupInfo groupInfo = new GroupInfo();
-                groupInfo.setDescription(groupInfoRaw.groupDescription);
-                groupInfo.setEmail(groupInfoRaw.groupEmail);
-                groupInfo.setName(groupInfoRaw.groupName);
-                groupInfos.add(groupInfo);
-            }
-            groups.setDesId(result.headers.get(RequestKeys.USER_HEADER_KEY));
-            groups.setMemberEmail(result.headers.get(RequestKeys.USER_HEADER_KEY));
-            groups.setGroups(groupInfos);
-        } else {
-            if(result.statusCode == HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value()){
-                throw new AppException(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), ACCESS_DENIED, ACCESS_DENIED_MSG);
-            } else {
-                throw new EntitlementsException(String.format("Getting groups for user returned %s status code",
-                        result.statusCode), new HttpResponse());
-            }
-        }
-        return groups;
-    }
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/persistence/ElasticRepositoryImpl.java b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/persistence/ElasticRepositoryImpl.java
index 70e64ca21d70497fc21121729350d5b16f2a6a44..b65add33a07eb10ce43a89218344f01ab3dae4b0 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/persistence/ElasticRepositoryImpl.java
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/persistence/ElasticRepositoryImpl.java
@@ -14,17 +14,19 @@
 package org.opengroup.osdu.indexer.aws.persistence;
+import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.ssm.ParameterStorePropertySource;
+import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.ssm.SSMConfig;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.search.ClusterSettings;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.tenant.TenantInfo;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.provider.interfaces.IElasticRepository;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
 public class ElasticRepositoryImpl implements IElasticRepository {
-    // TODO: Will need to be implemented later
     String host;
@@ -33,6 +35,27 @@ public class ElasticRepositoryImpl implements IElasticRepository {
     String userNameAndPassword = "testing";
+    @Value("${aws.elasticsearch.port}")
+    String portParameter;
+    @Value("${aws.elasticsearch.host}")
+    String hostParameter;
+    @Value("${aws.ssm}")
+    String ssmEnabledString;
+    private ParameterStorePropertySource ssm;
+    @PostConstruct
+    private void postConstruct() {
+        if( Boolean.parseBoolean(ssmEnabledString)) {
+            SSMConfig ssmConfig = new SSMConfig();
+            ssm = ssmConfig.amazonSSM();
+            host = ssm.getProperty(hostParameter).toString();
+            port = Integer.parseInt(ssm.getProperty(portParameter).toString());
+        }
+    }
     public ClusterSettings getElasticClusterSettings(TenantInfo tenantInfo) {
         return new ClusterSettings(host, port, userNameAndPassword);
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/publish/PublisherImpl.java b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/publish/PublisherImpl.java
index c2efd5c7e235efec8719edabd21ccf64d7bd7613..d5a5ae5195eb483fa7bc11e7eb06839c293f1367 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/publish/PublisherImpl.java
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/publish/PublisherImpl.java
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ package org.opengroup.osdu.indexer.aws.publish;
 import com.amazonaws.services.sns.model.MessageAttributeValue;
 import com.amazonaws.services.sns.model.PublishRequest;
 import com.amazonaws.services.sns.AmazonSNS;
+import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.ssm.ParameterStorePropertySource;
+import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.ssm.SSMConfig;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.http.DpsHeaders;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.sns.AmazonSNSConfig;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.sns.PublishRequestBuilder;
@@ -34,16 +36,24 @@ public class PublisherImpl implements IPublisher {
     AmazonSNS snsClient;
-    @Value("${aws.sns.arn}")
+    private ParameterStorePropertySource ssm;
     private String amazonSNSTopic;
-    @Value("${aws.sns.region}")
+    @Value("${aws.region}")
     private String amazonSNSRegion;
+    @Value("${aws.indexer.sns.topic.arn}")
+    private String parameter;
     public void init(){
         AmazonSNSConfig snsConfig = new AmazonSNSConfig(amazonSNSRegion);
         snsClient = snsConfig.AmazonSNS();
+        SSMConfig ssmConfig = new SSMConfig();
+        ssm = ssmConfig.amazonSSM();
+        amazonSNSTopic = ssm.getProperty(parameter).toString();
     public void publishStatusChangedTagsToTopic(DpsHeaders headers, JobStatus indexerBatchStatus) throws Exception
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/util/IndexerQueueTaskBuilderAws.java b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/util/IndexerQueueTaskBuilderAws.java
index bffecf18d7765fe7c52acaddc7dab246c64e13ec..5930c6a3cebbd46d0228b1dbf066162046e7d4fa 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/util/IndexerQueueTaskBuilderAws.java
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/java/org/opengroup/osdu/indexer/aws/util/IndexerQueueTaskBuilderAws.java
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import com.amazonaws.services.sqs.AmazonSQS;
 import com.amazonaws.services.sqs.model.SendMessageRequest;
 import com.google.gson.Gson;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.sns.AmazonSNSConfig;
+import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.ssm.ParameterStorePropertySource;
+import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.ssm.SSMConfig;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.http.DpsHeaders;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.core.aws.sqs.AmazonSQSConfig;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.search.RecordChangedMessages;
@@ -39,21 +41,29 @@ public class IndexerQueueTaskBuilderAws extends IndexerQueueTaskBuilder {
     private AmazonSNS snsClient;
-    @Value("${aws.region}")
-    private String region;
+    private ParameterStorePropertySource ssm;
-    @Value("${aws.sns.storage.arn}")
     private String amazonSNSTopic;
     private String retryString = "retry";
     private Gson gson;
+    @Value("${aws.region}")
+    private String region;
+    @Value("${aws.storage.sns.topic.arn}")
+    String parameter;
     public void init() {
         AmazonSNSConfig config = new AmazonSNSConfig(region);
         snsClient = config.AmazonSNS();
         gson =new Gson();
+        SSMConfig ssmConfig = new SSMConfig();
+        ssm = ssmConfig.amazonSSM();
+        amazonSNSTopic = ssm.getProperty(parameter).toString();
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/resources/application.properties b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/resources/application.properties
index 3ddc087e9e18032a061f0a2d5a8384df645d9a69..78fdb52f7df76dec63d2cdaffa1c5bed067c1d4b 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/resources/application.properties
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/src/main/resources/application.properties
@@ -1,38 +1,17 @@
-JAVA_GC_OPTS=-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=45
-## AWS DynamoDB configuration
-## AWS S3 configuration
-## AWS SNS configuration
-## AWS SQS Configuration
 # AWS ES configuration
@@ -41,26 +20,34 @@ aws.es.serviceName=es
-# TODO This needs to be changed so it snot hard
 ## AWS ElastiCache configuration
 ## Cache Settings
 # Maximum size of cache value
 ## AWS Lambda configuration
\ No newline at end of file
+## Default DynamoDB Settings
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-aws/pom.xml b/testing/indexer-test-aws/pom.xml
index 551f70b808eca63f6e409c470c43e818e0db58b9..d1fa34d89e7d8b903aa0f135ec070080185c2ff8 100644
--- a/testing/indexer-test-aws/pom.xml
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-aws/pom.xml
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
-            <version>0.0.10</version>
+            <version>0.2.0</version>
         <!-- Testing -->
@@ -149,13 +149,4 @@
-    <build>
-        <plugins>
-            <plugin>
-                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-                <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
-                <version>2.5</version>
-            </plugin>
-        </plugins>
-    </build>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/step_definitions/index/record/Steps.java b/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/step_definitions/index/record/Steps.java
index 83c36a2456d3ecbe1284db5c1ded925d49d731aa..7b1c280c6b9bd96a111c8cfcdfffcefc3c60f09d 100644
--- a/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/step_definitions/index/record/Steps.java
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/step_definitions/index/record/Steps.java
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ package org.opengroup.osdu.step_definitions.index.record;
 import lombok.extern.java.Log;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.common.RecordSteps;
+import org.opengroup.osdu.core.common.model.legal.Legal;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.util.AWSHTTPClient;
 import cucumber.api.Scenario;
@@ -25,22 +26,53 @@ import cucumber.api.java.en.Given;
 import cucumber.api.java.en.Then;
 import cucumber.api.java.en.When;
 import org.opengroup.osdu.util.ElasticUtilsAws;
+import org.opengroup.osdu.util.LegalTagUtilsAws;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Set;
+import static org.opengroup.osdu.util.Config.getLegalTag;
+import static org.opengroup.osdu.util.Config.getOtherRelevantDataCountries;
 public class Steps extends RecordSteps {
+    protected LegalTagUtilsAws legalTagUtils;
+    private String legalTagName;
     public Steps() {
         super(new AWSHTTPClient(), new ElasticUtilsAws());
-    public void before(Scenario scenario) {
+    public void before(Scenario scenario) throws Exception {
         this.scenario = scenario;
         this.httpClient = new AWSHTTPClient();
+        legalTagUtils = new LegalTagUtilsAws(this.httpClient);
+        this.legalTagName = this.legalTagUtils.createRandomName();
+        this.legalTagUtils.create(this.legalTagName);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void tearDown() {
+        super.tearDown();
+        this.legalTagUtils.delete(this.legalTagName);
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected Legal generateLegalTag() {
+        Legal legal = new Legal();
+        Set<String> legalTags = new HashSet<>();
+        legalTags.add(this.legalTagName);
+        legal.setLegaltags(legalTags);
+        Set<String> otherRelevantCountries = new HashSet<>();
+        otherRelevantCountries.add(getOtherRelevantDataCountries());
+        legal.setOtherRelevantDataCountries(otherRelevantCountries);
+        return legal;
     @Given("^the schema is created with the following kind$")
-    public void the_schema_is_created_with_the_following_kind(DataTable dataTable) {
+    public void the_schema_is_created_with_the_following_kind(DataTable dataTable){
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/util/ElasticUtilsAws.java b/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/util/ElasticUtilsAws.java
index 77a0440064ca1c7c41194dd3ca45a93613ac6b5f..28d3646d655232dc147719945b02282748e7d498 100644
--- a/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/util/ElasticUtilsAws.java
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/util/ElasticUtilsAws.java
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ public class ElasticUtilsAws extends ElasticUtils {
     public RestClientBuilder createClientBuilder(String host, String usernameAndPassword, int port) {
+        port = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("ELASTIC_PORT", System.getenv("ELASTIC_PORT")));
         RestClientBuilder builder = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost(host, port, "https"));
         builder.setRequestConfigCallback(requestConfigBuilder -> requestConfigBuilder.setConnectTimeout(REST_CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT)
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/util/LegalTagUtilsAws.java b/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/util/LegalTagUtilsAws.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71cbc0900edf92ab9c0d76cbaa4f87c969cd3663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/java/org/opengroup/osdu/util/LegalTagUtilsAws.java
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Copyright 2017-2019, Schlumberger
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package org.opengroup.osdu.util;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
+import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
+import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
+import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
+import javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod;
+public class LegalTagUtilsAws {
+    private HTTPClient httpClient;
+    public LegalTagUtilsAws(HTTPClient httpClient) {
+        this.httpClient = httpClient;
+    }
+    public String createRandomName() {
+        return Config.getDataPartitionIdTenant1() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis();
+    }
+    public ClientResponse create(String legalTagName) throws Exception {
+        return this.create("US", legalTagName, "2099-01-25", "Public Domain Data");
+    }
+    protected ClientResponse create(String countryOfOrigin, String name, String expDate, String dataType)
+            throws Exception {
+        String body = getBody(countryOfOrigin, name, expDate, dataType);
+        ClientResponse response = this.httpClient.send(HttpMethod.POST, String.format("%s%s",getLegalUrl(), "legaltags"), body, httpClient.getCommonHeader(), httpClient.getAccessToken());
+        assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_CREATED, response.getStatus());
+        Thread.sleep(100);
+        return response;
+    }
+    public ClientResponse delete(String legalTagName) {
+        return this.httpClient.send(HttpMethod.DELETE ,getLegalUrl(), "legaltags/" + legalTagName,httpClient.getCommonHeader(), httpClient.getAccessToken());
+    }
+    protected static String getLegalUrl() {
+        String legalUrl = System.getProperty("LEGAL_URL", System.getenv("LEGAL_URL"));
+        if (legalUrl == null || legalUrl.contains("-null")) {
+            legalUrl = "https://os-legal-dot-opendes.appspot.com/api/legal/v1/";
+        }
+        return legalUrl;
+    }
+    protected static String getBody(String countryOfOrigin, String name, String expDate, String dataType) {
+        JsonArray coo = new JsonArray();
+        coo.add(countryOfOrigin);
+        JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
+        properties.add("countryOfOrigin", coo);
+        properties.addProperty("contractId", "A1234");
+        properties.addProperty("expirationDate", expDate);
+        properties.addProperty("dataType", dataType);
+        properties.addProperty("originator", "MyCompany");
+        properties.addProperty("securityClassification", "Public");
+        properties.addProperty("exportClassification", "EAR99");
+        properties.addProperty("personalData", "No Personal Data");
+        JsonObject tag = new JsonObject();
+        tag.addProperty("name", name);
+        tag.addProperty("description", "test for " + name);
+        tag.add("properties", properties);
+        return tag.toString();
+    }
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml b/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dafd8ae394dc34b62ffa81307a76900db4b66af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/base.xml" />
+    <root level="INFO" />
+    <logger name="org.springframework" level="INFO"/>
\ No newline at end of file