diff --git a/devops/gc/pipeline/override-stages.yml b/devops/gc/pipeline/override-stages.yml
index 4da64870338f033683f3f1aae58a594fd6c7c1a6..09b708fa22b593178e6b7c6c5a28ab0667b64df1 100644
--- a/devops/gc/pipeline/override-stages.yml
+++ b/devops/gc/pipeline/override-stages.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ variables:
   GC_SERVICE: indexer
   GC_VENDOR: gc
+  variables:
+    CUCUMBER_OPTIONS: "--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'"
     GC_VENDOR: baremetal
+    CUCUMBER_OPTIONS: "--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'"
diff --git a/provider/indexer-aws/README.md b/provider/indexer-aws/README.md
index 3c2ad5d3ac00b155f30c9cf2fcd2bc7b77b2d9b9..01b9d492c12801e3b6adfb002eabff7b3ae2a3d2 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-aws/README.md
+++ b/provider/indexer-aws/README.md
@@ -123,27 +123,28 @@ You should see in the logs that pop up what url and port it runs on. By default
- | name | example value | description | sensitive?
- | ---  | ---   | ---         | ---        |
+ | name | example value | description                                                                            | sensitive?
+ | ---  |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ---         | ---        |
  | `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` | `ASIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` | The AWS Access Key for a user with access to Backend Resources required by the service | yes |
  | `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` | `super-secret-key==` | The AWS Secret Key for a user with access to Backend Resources required by the service | yes |
- | `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` | `session-token-xxxxxxxxx` | AWS Session token needed if using an SSO user session to authenticate | yes |
- | `AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID` | `us-east-1_xxxxxxxx` | User Pool Id for the reference cognito | no |
- | `AWS_COGNITO_CLIENT_ID` | `xxxxxxxxxxxx` | Client ID for the Auth Flow integrated with the Cognito User Pool | no |
- | `AWS_COGNITO_AUTH_FLOW` | `USER_PASSWORD_AUTH` | Auth flow used by reference cognito deployment | no |
- | `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT1` | `opendes` | Partition used to create and index record | no |
- | `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT2` | `common` | Another needed partition| no |
- | `AWS_COGNITO_AUTH_PARAMS_USER` | `int-test-user@testing.com` | Int Test Username | no |
- | `AWS_COGNITO_AUTH_PARAMS_USER_NO_ACCESS` | `noaccess@testing.com` | No Access Username | no |
- | `AWS_COGNITO_AUTH_PARAMS_PASSWORD` | `some-secure-password` | Int Test User/NoAccessUser Password | yes |
- | `ENTITLEMENTS_DOMAIN` | `example.com` | Domain for user's groups | no |
- | `OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES` | `US` | Used to create demo legal tag | no |
- | `STORAGE_HOST` | `http://localhost:8080/api/storage/v2/` | The url where the storage API is hosted | no |
- | `HOST` | `http://localhost:8080` | Base url for deployment | no |
- | `ELASTIC_HOST` | `localhost` | Url for elasticsearch | no |
- | `ELASTIC_PORT` | `9300` | Port for elasticsearch | no |
- | `ELASTIC_PASSWORD` | `xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` | Password for user to access elasticsearch | yes |
- | `ELASTIC_USER_NAME` | `xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` | Username for user to access elasticsearch | yes |
+ | `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` | `session-token-xxxxxxxxx` | AWS Session token needed if using an SSO user session to authenticate                  | yes |
+ | `AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID` | `us-east-1_xxxxxxxx` | User Pool Id for the reference cognito                                                 | no |
+ | `AWS_COGNITO_CLIENT_ID` | `xxxxxxxxxxxx` | Client ID for the Auth Flow integrated with the Cognito User Pool                      | no |
+ | `AWS_COGNITO_AUTH_FLOW` | `USER_PASSWORD_AUTH` | Auth flow used by reference cognito deployment                                         | no |
+ | `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT1` | `opendes` | Partition used to create and index record                                              | no |
+ | `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT2` | `common` | Another needed partition                                                               | no |
+ | `AWS_COGNITO_AUTH_PARAMS_USER` | `int-test-user@testing.com` | Int Test Username                                                                      | no |
+ | `AWS_COGNITO_AUTH_PARAMS_USER_NO_ACCESS` | `noaccess@testing.com` | No Access Username                                                                     | no |
+ | `AWS_COGNITO_AUTH_PARAMS_PASSWORD` | `some-secure-password` | Int Test User/NoAccessUser Password                                                    | yes |
+ | `ENTITLEMENTS_DOMAIN` | `example.com` | Domain for user's groups                                                               | no |
+ | `OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES` | `US` | Used to create demo legal tag                                                          | no |
+ | `STORAGE_HOST` | `http://localhost:8080/api/storage/v2/` | The url where the storage API is hosted                                                | no |
+ | `HOST` | `http://localhost:8080` | Base url for deployment                                                                | no |
+ | `ELASTIC_HOST` | `localhost` | Url for elasticsearch                                                                  | no |
+ | `ELASTIC_PORT` | `9300` | Port for elasticsearch                                                                 | no |
+ | `ELASTIC_PASSWORD` | `xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` | Password for user to access elasticsearch                                              | yes |
+ | `ELASTIC_USER_NAME` | `xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` | Username for user to access elasticsearch                                              | yes |
+ | `CUCUMBER_OPTIONS` | `--tags '~@indexer-extended'` OR `--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'` | By default `--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'` to enable experimental feature testing | no |
  **Creating a new user to use for integration tests**
@@ -199,4 +200,4 @@ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
\ No newline at end of file
+limitations under the License.
diff --git a/provider/indexer-azure/README.md b/provider/indexer-azure/README.md
index cd0e247e76a0295fa6f476b62ed96a05b3571556..03a4a114ea9dad4923f4289cba4b59f152c0acd8 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-azure/README.md
+++ b/provider/indexer-azure/README.md
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ az keyvault secret show --vault-name $KEY_VAULT_NAME --name $KEY_VAULT_SECRET_NA
 | `ENTITLEMENTS_DOMAIN` | `contoso.com` | OSDU R2 service domain | no | - |
 | `LEGAL_TAG` | `opendes-public-usa-dataset-7643990` | Legal tag used for test records | no | Needs to be in DB. The referenced tag should already exist. |
 | `OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES` | `US` | ? | no | - |
+| `CUCUMBER_OPTIONS` | `--tags '~@indexer-extended'` OR `--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'` | By default `--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'` to enable experimental feature testing | no | - |
 ### Configure Maven
diff --git a/provider/indexer-gc/docs/anthos/README.md b/provider/indexer-gc/docs/anthos/README.md
index fd4b4c3bda463cd66d0abf591803f577fade610a..bcbe2b3562471fa3270cfb906a1a36e6a8fa9381 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-gc/docs/anthos/README.md
+++ b/provider/indexer-gc/docs/anthos/README.md
@@ -233,24 +233,25 @@ Give `client-id` and `client-secret` to services, which should be authorized wit
 You will need to have the following environment variables defined.
-| name                                 | value                                                           | description                                                                                       | sensitive?                              | source                              |
-| `ELASTIC_PASSWORD`                   | `********`                                                      | Password for Elasticsearch                                                                        | yes                                     | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `ELASTIC_USER_NAME`                  | `********`                                                      | User name for Elasticsearch                                                                       | yes                                     | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `ELASTIC_HOST`                       | ex `elastic.domain.com`                                         | Host Elasticsearch                                                                                | yes                                     | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `ELASTIC_PORT`                       | ex `9243`                                                       | Port Elasticsearch                                                                                | yes                                     | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `INDEXER_HOST`                       | ex `https://os-indexer-dot-opendes.appspot.com/api/indexer/v2/` | Indexer API endpoint                                                                              | no                                      | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `GROUP_ID`                           | ex `opendes-gcp.projects.com`                                   | OSDU R2 to run tests under                                                                        | no                                      | -                                   |
-| `OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES`      | ex `US`                                                         | valid legal tag with a other relevant data countries                                              | no                                      | -                                   |
-| `LEGAL_TAG`                          | ex `opendes-demo-legaltag`                                      | valid legal tag with a other relevant data countries from `DEFAULT_OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES` | no                                      | -                                   |
-| `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT1`  | ex `opendes`                                                    | HTTP Header 'Data-Partition-ID'                                                                   | no                                      | -                                   |
-| `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT2`  | ex `opendes`                                                    | HTTP Header 'Data-Partition-ID'                                                                   | no                                      | -                                   |
-| `SEARCH_HOST`                        | ex `http://localhost:8080/api/search/v2/`                       | Endpoint of search service                                                                        | no                                      | -                                   |
-| `STORAGE_HOST`                       | ex `http://os-storage-dot-opendes.appspot.com/api/storage/v2/`  | Storage API endpoint                                                                              | no                                      | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `SECURITY_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_TRUST`   | ex `false`                                                      | Elastic client connection uses TrustSelfSignedStrategy(), if it is 'true'                         | false                                   | output of infrastructure deployment |
-| `TEST_OPENID_PROVIDER_CLIENT_ID`     | `********`                                                      | Client Id for `$INTEGRATION_TESTER`                                                               | yes                                     | --                                  |
-| `TEST_OPENID_PROVIDER_CLIENT_SECRET` | `********`                                                      |                                                                                                   | Client secret for `$INTEGRATION_TESTER` | --                                  |
-| `TEST_OPENID_PROVIDER_URL`           | `https://keycloak.com/auth/realms/osdu`                         | OpenID provider url                                                                               | yes                                     | --                                  |
+| name                                 | value                                                                 | description                                                                                       | sensitive?                              | source                              |
+| `ELASTIC_PASSWORD`                   | `********`                                                            | Password for Elasticsearch                                                                        | yes                                     | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `ELASTIC_USER_NAME`                  | `********`                                                            | User name for Elasticsearch                                                                       | yes                                     | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `ELASTIC_HOST`                       | ex `elastic.domain.com`                                               | Host Elasticsearch                                                                                | yes                                     | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `ELASTIC_PORT`                       | ex `9243`                                                             | Port Elasticsearch                                                                                | yes                                     | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `INDEXER_HOST`                       | ex `https://os-indexer-dot-opendes.appspot.com/api/indexer/v2/`       | Indexer API endpoint                                                                              | no                                      | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `GROUP_ID`                           | ex `opendes-gcp.projects.com`                                         | OSDU R2 to run tests under                                                                        | no                                      | -                                   |
+| `OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES`      | ex `US`                                                               | valid legal tag with a other relevant data countries                                              | no                                      | -                                   |
+| `LEGAL_TAG`                          | ex `opendes-demo-legaltag`                                            | valid legal tag with a other relevant data countries from `DEFAULT_OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES` | no                                      | -                                   |
+| `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT1`  | ex `opendes`                                                          | HTTP Header 'Data-Partition-ID'                                                                   | no                                      | -                                   |
+| `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT2`  | ex `opendes`                                                          | HTTP Header 'Data-Partition-ID'                                                                   | no                                      | -                                   |
+| `SEARCH_HOST`                        | ex `http://localhost:8080/api/search/v2/`                             | Endpoint of search service                                                                        | no                                      | -                                   |
+| `STORAGE_HOST`                       | ex `http://os-storage-dot-opendes.appspot.com/api/storage/v2/`        | Storage API endpoint                                                                              | no                                      | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `SECURITY_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_TRUST`   | ex `false`                                                            | Elastic client connection uses TrustSelfSignedStrategy(), if it is 'true'                         | false                                   | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `TEST_OPENID_PROVIDER_CLIENT_ID`     | `********`                                                            | Client Id for `$INTEGRATION_TESTER`                                                               | yes                                     | --                                  |
+| `TEST_OPENID_PROVIDER_CLIENT_SECRET` | `********`                                                            |                                                                                                   | Client secret for `$INTEGRATION_TESTER` | --                                  |
+| `TEST_OPENID_PROVIDER_URL`           | `https://keycloak.com/auth/realms/osdu`                               | OpenID provider url                                                                               | yes                                     | --                                  |
+| `CUCUMBER_OPTIONS`                   | `--tags '~@indexer-extended'` OR `--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'` | By default `--tags '~@indexer-extended'` to disable experimental feature testing                  | no                                      | --                                  |
 **Entitlements configuration for integration accounts**
diff --git a/provider/indexer-gc/docs/gc/README.md b/provider/indexer-gc/docs/gc/README.md
index 6a8b9e5c107f7cc4e67f482427cdb6bcee5a08a1..c3944a2bdb546f766cd410caacd405d286b21a76 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-gc/docs/gc/README.md
+++ b/provider/indexer-gc/docs/gc/README.md
@@ -168,23 +168,24 @@ TBD
 You will need to have the following environment variables defined.
-| name                                | value                                                          | description                                                                                       | sensitive? | source                                                     |
-| `ELASTIC_PASSWORD`                  | `********`                                                     | Password for Elasticsearch                                                                        | yes        | output of infrastructure deployment                        |
-| `ELASTIC_USER_NAME`                 | `********`                                                     | User name for Elasticsearch                                                                       | yes        | output of infrastructure deployment                        |
-| `ELASTIC_HOST`                      | ex `elastic.domain.com`                                        | Host Elasticsearch                                                                                | yes        | output of infrastructure deployment                        |
-| `ELASTIC_PORT`                      | ex `9243`                                                      | Port Elasticsearch                                                                                | yes        | output of infrastructure deployment                        |
-| `GCLOUD_PROJECT`                    | ex `opendes`                                                   | Google Cloud Project Id                                                                           | no         | output of infrastructure deployment                        |
-| `INDEXER_HOST`                      | ex `https://os-indexer-dot-opendes.appspot.com/api/indexer/v2/` | Indexer API endpoint                                                                              | no         | output of infrastructure deployment                        |
-| `GROUP_ID`                          | ex `opendes-gc.projects.com`                                   | OSDU R2 to run tests under                                                                        | no         | -                                                          |
-| `OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES`     | ex `US`                                                        | valid legal tag with a other relevant data countries                                              | no         | -                                                          |
-| `LEGAL_TAG`                         | ex `opendes-demo-legaltag`                                     | valid legal tag with a other relevant data countries from `DEFAULT_OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES` | no         | -                                                          |
-| `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT1` | ex `opendes`                                                   | HTTP Header 'Data-Partition-ID'                                                                   | no         | -                                                          |
-| `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT2` | ex `opendes`                                                   | HTTP Header 'Data-Partition-ID'                                                                   | no         | -                                                          |
-| `SEARCH_INTEGRATION_TESTER`         | `********`                                                      | Service account for API calls. Note: this user must have entitlements configured already          | yes        | <https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts> |
-| `SEARCH_HOST`                       | ex `http://localhost:8080/api/search/v2/`                      | Endpoint of search service                                                                        | no         | -                                                          |
-| `STORAGE_HOST`                      | ex `http://os-storage-dot-opendes.appspot.com/api/storage/v2/` | Storage API endpoint                                                                              | no         | output of infrastructure deployment                        |
-| `SECURITY_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_TRUST`  | ex `false`                                                     | Elastic client connection uses TrustSelfSignedStrategy(), if it is 'true'                         | false      | output of infrastructure deployment                        |
+| name                                | value                                                                 | description                                                                                       | sensitive? | source                                                       |
+| `ELASTIC_PASSWORD`                  | `********`                                                            | Password for Elasticsearch                                                                        | yes        | output of infrastructure deployment                          |
+| `ELASTIC_USER_NAME`                 | `********`                                                            | User name for Elasticsearch                                                                       | yes        | output of infrastructure deployment                          |
+| `ELASTIC_HOST`                      | ex `elastic.domain.com`                                               | Host Elasticsearch                                                                                | yes        | output of infrastructure deployment                          |
+| `ELASTIC_PORT`                      | ex `9243`                                                             | Port Elasticsearch                                                                                | yes        | output of infrastructure deployment                          |
+| `GCLOUD_PROJECT`                    | ex `opendes`                                                          | Google Cloud Project Id                                                                           | no         | output of infrastructure deployment                          |
+| `INDEXER_HOST`                      | ex `https://os-indexer-dot-opendes.appspot.com/api/indexer/v2/`       | Indexer API endpoint                                                                              | no         | output of infrastructure deployment                          |
+| `GROUP_ID`                          | ex `opendes-gc.projects.com`                                          | OSDU R2 to run tests under                                                                        | no         | -                                                            |
+| `OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES`     | ex `US`                                                               | valid legal tag with a other relevant data countries                                              | no         | -                                                            |
+| `LEGAL_TAG`                         | ex `opendes-demo-legaltag`                                            | valid legal tag with a other relevant data countries from `DEFAULT_OTHER_RELEVANT_DATA_COUNTRIES` | no         | -                                                            |
+| `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT1` | ex `opendes`                                                          | HTTP Header 'Data-Partition-ID'                                                                   | no         | -                                                            |
+| `DEFAULT_DATA_PARTITION_ID_TENANT2` | ex `opendes`                                                          | HTTP Header 'Data-Partition-ID'                                                                   | no         | -                                                            |
+| `SEARCH_INTEGRATION_TESTER`         | `********`                                                            | Service account for API calls. Note: this user must have entitlements configured already          | yes        | <https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts> |
+| `SEARCH_HOST`                       | ex `http://localhost:8080/api/search/v2/`                             | Endpoint of search service                                                                        | no         | -                                                            |
+| `STORAGE_HOST`                      | ex `http://os-storage-dot-opendes.appspot.com/api/storage/v2/`        | Storage API endpoint                                                                              | no         | output of infrastructure deployment                          |
+| `SECURITY_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_TRUST`  | ex `false`                                                            | Elastic client connection uses TrustSelfSignedStrategy(), if it is 'true'                         | false      | output of infrastructure deployment                          |
+| `CUCUMBER_OPTIONS`                  | `--tags '~@indexer-extended'` OR `--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'` | By default `--tags '~@indexer-extended'` to disable experimental feature testing                  | no         | --                                                           |
 **Entitlements configuration for integration accounts**
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties b/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63061907ce11ea23d983cc4f10c2a11e0e1c663c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-aws/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# tag indexer-extended disabled by default
+cucumber.options=--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-azure/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties b/testing/indexer-test-azure/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63061907ce11ea23d983cc4f10c2a11e0e1c663c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-azure/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# tag indexer-extended disabled by default
+cucumber.options=--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-baremetal/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties b/testing/indexer-test-baremetal/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6884be422aa64d5c1c7a2dfb832c803f77371e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-baremetal/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#  Copyright 2020-2023 Google LLC
+#  Copyright 2020-2023 EPAM Systems, Inc
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# tag indexer-extended disabled by default
+cucumber.options=--tags ~@indexer-extended
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-baremetal/src/test/java/resources/logback-test.xml b/testing/indexer-test-baremetal/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from testing/indexer-test-baremetal/src/test/java/resources/logback-test.xml
rename to testing/indexer-test-baremetal/src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-core/pom.xml b/testing/indexer-test-core/pom.xml
index f341d13b07788c46a4fd0671d36a21daf022abf3..da0787021778e02c2ce55dbf9b90acd9dd29b06f 100644
--- a/testing/indexer-test-core/pom.xml
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-core/pom.xml
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
-            <version>1.18.2</version>
+            <version>1.18.26</version>
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-core/src/main/resources/features/indexrecord/indexRecord-schema-service.feature b/testing/indexer-test-core/src/main/resources/features/indexrecord/indexRecord-schema-service.feature
index 5b646d5860349e3b80a4476e8d7b7d4f01a509d3..556a969a6d9aca64f28bf7d4aa544e3bf7c034bb 100644
--- a/testing/indexer-test-core/src/main/resources/features/indexrecord/indexRecord-schema-service.feature
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-core/src/main/resources/features/indexrecord/indexRecord-schema-service.feature
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Feature: Indexing of the documents
       | test:indexer:index-property--Wellbore:1.0.0         | test-indexer-index-property--wellbore-1.0.0         | index-property-wellbore_v1     |
       | test:indexer:index-property--WellLog:1.0.0          | test-indexer-index-property--welllog-1.0.0          | index-property-welllog_v1      |
+  @indexer-extended
   Scenario Outline: Prepare the index property configuration records and clean up index of the extended kinds in the Elastic Search
     When I ingest records with the <recordFile> with <acl> for a given <kind>
     Then I should get the <number> documents for the <index> in the Elastic Search
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Feature: Indexing of the documents
       | kind                                                            | recordFile                                   | number | index                                                           | acl                            | extendedKinds                                                                              |
       | "osdu:wks:reference-data--IndexPropertyPathConfiguration:1.0.0" | "osdu_wks_IndexPropertyPathConfiguration_v1" | 2      | "osdu-wks-reference-data--indexpropertypathconfiguration-1.0.0" | "data.default.viewers@tenant1" | "test:indexer:index-property--Wellbore:1.0.0,test:indexer:index-property--WellLog:1.0.0"  |
+  @indexer-extended
   Scenario Outline: Ingest the records of the extended kinds, Index in the Elastic Search and Search string field
     When I ingest records with the <recordFile> with <acl> for a given <kind>
     Then I should be able to search <number> record with index <index> by extended data field <field> and value <value>
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ Feature: Indexing of the documents
       | "test:indexer:index-property--Wellbore:1.0.0"  | "index-property-wellbore_v1"  | 1      |  "test-indexer-index-property--wellbore-1.0.0"  | "data.default.viewers@tenant1" | "data.WellUWI"       | "123454321"     |
       | "test:indexer:index-property--WellLog:1.0.0"   | "index-property-welllog_v1"   | 1      |  "test-indexer-index-property--welllog-1.0.0"   | "data.default.viewers@tenant1" | "data.WellboreName"  | "Facility_123"  |
+  @indexer-extended
   Scenario Outline: Ingest the records of the extended kinds, Index in the Elastic Search and Search spatial field
     When I ingest records with the <recordFile> with <acl> for a given <kind>
     Then I should be able search <number> documents for the <index> by bounding box query with points (<top_left_latitude>, <top_left_longitude>) and  (<bottom_right_latitude>, <bottom_right_longitude>) on field <field>
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ Feature: Indexing of the documents
       | "test:indexer:index-property--Wellbore:1.0.0"  | "index-property-wellbore_v1"  | 1      |  "test-indexer-index-property--wellbore-1.0.0"  | "data.default.viewers@tenant1" | "data.Location"        | 30                | -96                | 29                    | -95                    |
       | "test:indexer:index-property--WellLog:1.0.0"   | "index-property-welllog_v1"   | 1      |  "test-indexer-index-property--welllog-1.0.0"   | "data.default.viewers@tenant1" | "data.SpatialLocation" | 30                | -96                | 29                    | -95                    |
+  @indexer-extended
   Scenario: End Stateful Scenarios
     Then I set ending stateful scenarios
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-gc/pom.xml b/testing/indexer-test-gc/pom.xml
index ab4cdaa78fda0605159fab207e9f2810f4dd8727..5518883c91c18ac2825493006e0143f0c33a3700 100644
--- a/testing/indexer-test-gc/pom.xml
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-gc/pom.xml
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
-            <version>1.18.2</version>
+            <version>1.18.26</version>
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-gc/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties b/testing/indexer-test-gc/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6884be422aa64d5c1c7a2dfb832c803f77371e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-gc/src/test/resources/cucumber.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#  Copyright 2020-2023 Google LLC
+#  Copyright 2020-2023 EPAM Systems, Inc
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# tag indexer-extended disabled by default
+cucumber.options=--tags ~@indexer-extended
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-ibm/src/main/resources/cucumber.properties b/testing/indexer-test-ibm/src/main/resources/cucumber.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63061907ce11ea23d983cc4f10c2a11e0e1c663c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-ibm/src/main/resources/cucumber.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# tag indexer-extended disabled by default
+cucumber.options=--tags '~@* and @indexer-extended'