diff --git a/devops/development-pipeline.yml b/devops/development-pipeline.yml
index 21e6a12068d15c957e135b10d0d5047afc2f0e8f..1944d9a316d5dc40f88e4be0ffe386d8d84a1cf7 100644
--- a/devops/development-pipeline.yml
+++ b/devops/development-pipeline.yml
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-# README: Defines a template to be used as a starting point for defining a service pipeline
-  batch: true
-  branches:
-    include:
-      - master
-  paths:
-    exclude:
-      - /**/*.md
-      - .gitignore
-      - images/
-  autoCancel: true
-  branches:
-    include:
-      - '*'
-  paths:
-    exclude:
-      - /**/*.md
-      - .gitignore
-      - images/
-  repositories:
-    - repository: osdu-infrastructure
-      type: git
-      name: osdu-r2/osdu-infrastructure
-  - group: 'Azure Common Secrets'
-  - group: 'Azure - Common'
-  - name: serviceName
-    value: 'indexer'
-  - template: devops/service-pipelines/build-stage.yml@osdu-infrastructure
-    parameters:
-      mavenGoal: 'package'
-      mavenPublishJUnitResults: true
-      serviceCoreMavenOptions: '-P indexer-core'
-      mavenOptions: '-P indexer-azure'
-      copyFileContents: |
-        pom.xml
-        provider/indexer-azure/maven/settings.xml
-        provider/indexer-azure/pom.xml
-        provider/indexer-azure/target/*-spring-boot.jar
-      copyFileContentsToFlatten: ''
-      mavenSettingsFile: './maven/settings.xml'
-      serviceBase: ${{ variables.serviceName }}
-      testingRootFolder: 'testing'
-  - template: devops/service-pipelines/deploy-stages.yml@osdu-infrastructure
-    parameters:
-      serviceName: ${{ variables.serviceName }}
-      testCoreMavenPomFile: 'testing/indexer-test-core/pom.xml'
-      testCoreMavenOptions: '--settings $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/drop/deploy/testing/maven/settings.xml'
-      providers:
-        -  name: Azure
-           environments: ['test']
+# README: Defines a template to be used as a starting point for defining a service pipeline
+  batch: true
+  branches:
+    include:
+      - master
+  paths:
+    exclude:
+      - /**/*.md
+      - .gitignore
+      - images/
+  autoCancel: true
+  branches:
+    include:
+      - '*'
+  paths:
+    exclude:
+      - /**/*.md
+      - .gitignore
+      - images/
+  repositories:
+    - repository: osdu-infrastructure
+      type: git
+      name: osdu-r2/osdu-infrastructure
+  - group: 'Azure Common Secrets'
+  - group: 'Azure - Common'
+  - name: serviceName
+    value: 'indexer'
+  - template: devops/service-pipelines/build-stage.yml@osdu-infrastructure
+    parameters:
+      mavenGoal: 'package'
+      mavenPublishJUnitResults: true
+      serviceCoreMavenOptions: '-P indexer-core'
+      mavenOptions: '-P indexer-azure'
+      copyFileContents: |
+        pom.xml
+        provider/indexer-azure/maven/settings.xml
+        provider/indexer-azure/pom.xml
+        provider/indexer-azure/target/*-spring-boot.jar
+      copyFileContentsToFlatten: ''
+      mavenSettingsFile: './maven/settings.xml'
+      serviceBase: ${{ variables.serviceName }}
+      testingRootFolder: 'testing'
+  - template: devops/service-pipelines/deploy-stages.yml@osdu-infrastructure
+    parameters:
+      serviceName: ${{ variables.serviceName }}
+      testCoreMavenPomFile: 'testing/indexer-test-core/pom.xml'
+      testCoreMavenOptions: '--settings $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/drop/deploy/testing/maven/settings.xml'
+      providers:
+        -  name: Azure
+           environments: ['test']
diff --git a/devops/gcp/deploy/templates/service-account.yaml b/devops/gcp/deploy/templates/service-account.yaml
index 61f46c8a5eab3b2e30ef8799b739cd9189561ca6..3fede170cb014a4cfdf8cc99d745a32eb66aeed0 100644
--- a/devops/gcp/deploy/templates/service-account.yaml
+++ b/devops/gcp/deploy/templates/service-account.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-{{- if .Values.conf.on_prem_enabled }}
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: ServiceAccount
-  name: "{{ .Values.data.serviceAccountName }}"
-  namespace: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
-{{- end }}
+{{- if .Values.conf.on_prem_enabled }}
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+  name: "{{ .Values.data.serviceAccountName }}"
+  namespace: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
+{{- end }}
diff --git a/testing/indexer-test-core/src/main/resources/testData/index_records_1.json b/testing/indexer-test-core/src/main/resources/testData/index_records_1.json
index edb9d5aded11a5cfb5bb3a670579f0cbecafafb1..44f4badbf2f608790c3e1717566e87b196d5d03d 100644
--- a/testing/indexer-test-core/src/main/resources/testData/index_records_1.json
+++ b/testing/indexer-test-core/src/main/resources/testData/index_records_1.json
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
-  {
-    "id": "tenant1:<kindSubType>:testIngest2<timestamp>",
-    "tags": {
-      "testtag": "testvalue"
-    },
-    "data": {
-      "Field": "OSDU OFFICE - 2",
-      "Location": {
-        "lat": 32.406402588,
-        "lon": -86.565592762
-      },
-      "Basin": "Houston",
-      "County": "Harris",
-      "State": "TX",
-      "Country": "USA",
-      "WellStatus": "Under development",
-      "OriginalOperator": "OFFICE - 2",
-      "WellName": "Data Platform Services",
-      "WellType": "Data Lake Cloud",
-      "EmptyAttribute": "",
-      "Rank": 1,
-      "Score": 10,
-      "Established": "2000-03-27T23:38:48Z",
-      "DblArray": [
-        32.40,
-        36.45,
-        40.0
-      ],
-      "TextArray": [
-        "Elevation (m)",
-        "SpatialLocation",
-        "Well Type"
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "tenant1:<kindSubType>:testIngest3<timestamp>",
-    "tags": {
-      "testtag": "testvalue"
-    },
-    "data": {
-      "Field": "OSDU OFFICE - 2",
-      "Location": {
-        "lat": 32.406402588,
-        "lon": -86.565592762
-      },
-      "Basin": "Houston",
-      "County": "Harris",
-      "State": "TX",
-      "Country": "USA",
-      "WellStatus": "Under development",
-      "OriginalOperator": "OFFICE2",
-      "WellName": "Data Platform Services",
-      "WellType": "Data Lake Cloud",
-      "EmptyAttribute": "",
-      "Rank": 1,
-      "Score": 10,
-      "Established": "2000-03-27T23:38:48Z",
-      "DblArray": [
-        62.40,
-        60.0
-      ],
-      "TextArray": [
-        "WCR",
-        "License",
-        "Completion Date"
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "tenant1:<kindSubType>:testIngest4<timestamp>",
-    "tags": {
-      "testtag": "testvalue"
-    },
-    "data": {
-      "Field": "OSDU OFFICE - 2",
-      "Location": {
-        "lat": 32.406402588,
-        "lon": -86.565592762
-      },
-      "Basin": "Houston",
-      "County": "Harris",
-      "State": "TX",
-      "Country": "USA",
-      "WellStatus": "Under development",
-      "OriginalOperator": "OFFICE2",
-      "WellName": "Data Platform Services",
-      "WellType": "Data Lake Cloud",
-      "EmptyAttribute": "",
-      "Rank": 1,
-      "Score": 10,
-      "Established": "2000-03-27T23:38:48Z",
-      "TextArray": [
-        "Wgs84Coordinates",
-        "Petroleum Field"
-      ]
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "tenant1:<kindSubType>:testIngest5<timestamp>",
-    "tags": {
-      "testtag": "testvalue"
-    },
-    "data": {
-      "Field": "OSDU OFFICE - 2",
-      "Location": {
-        "lat": 32.406402588,
-        "lon": -86.565592762
-      },
-      "Basin": "Houston",
-      "County": "Harris",
-      "State": "TX",
-      "Country": "USA",
-      "WellStatus": "Under development",
-      "OriginalOperator": "OFFICE2",
-      "WellName": "Data Platform Services",
-      "WellType": "Data Lake Cloud",
-      "EmptyAttribute": "",
-      "Rank": 1,
-      "Score": 10,
-      "Established": "2000-03-27T23:38:48Z"
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "id": "tenant1:<kindSubType>:testIngest6<timestamp>",
-    "tags": {
-      "testtag": "testvalue"
-    },
-    "data": {
-      "Field": "OSDU OFFICE - 2",
-      "Location": {
-        "lat": 32.406402588,
-        "lon": -86.565592762
-      },
-      "Basin": "Houston",
-      "County": "Harris",
-      "State": "TX",
-      "Country": "USA",
-      "WellStatus": "Under development",
-      "OriginalOperator": "OFFICE2",
-      "WellName": "Data Platform Services",
-      "WellType": "Data Lake Cloud",
-      "EmptyAttribute": "",
-      "Rank": 1,
-      "Score": 10,
-      "Established": "2000-03-27T23:38:48Z"
-    }
-  }
+  {
+    "id": "tenant1:<kindSubType>:testIngest2<timestamp>",
+    "tags": {
+      "testtag": "testvalue"
+    },
+    "data": {
+      "Field": "OSDU OFFICE - 2",
+      "Location": {
+        "lat": 32.406402588,
+        "lon": -86.565592762
+      },
+      "Basin": "Houston",
+      "County": "Harris",
+      "State": "TX",
+      "Country": "USA",
+      "WellStatus": "Under development",
+      "OriginalOperator": "OFFICE - 2",
+      "WellName": "Data Platform Services",
+      "WellType": "Data Lake Cloud",
+      "EmptyAttribute": "",
+      "Rank": 1,
+      "Score": 10,
+      "Established": "2000-03-27T23:38:48Z",
+      "DblArray": [
+        32.40,
+        36.45,
+        40.0
+      ],
+      "TextArray": [
+        "Elevation (m)",
+        "SpatialLocation",
+        "Well Type"
+      ]
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    "id": "tenant1:<kindSubType>:testIngest3<timestamp>",
+    "tags": {
+      "testtag": "testvalue"
+    },
+    "data": {
+      "Field": "OSDU OFFICE - 2",
+      "Location": {
+        "lat": 32.406402588,
+        "lon": -86.565592762
+      },
+      "Basin": "Houston",
+      "County": "Harris",
+      "State": "TX",
+      "Country": "USA",
+      "WellStatus": "Under development",
+      "OriginalOperator": "OFFICE2",
+      "WellName": "Data Platform Services",
+      "WellType": "Data Lake Cloud",
+      "EmptyAttribute": "",
+      "Rank": 1,
+      "Score": 10,
+      "Established": "2000-03-27T23:38:48Z",
+      "DblArray": [
+        62.40,
+        60.0
+      ],
+      "TextArray": [
+        "WCR",
+        "License",
+        "Completion Date"
+      ]
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    "id": "tenant1:<kindSubType>:testIngest4<timestamp>",
+    "tags": {
+      "testtag": "testvalue"
+    },
+    "data": {
+      "Field": "OSDU OFFICE - 2",
+      "Location": {
+        "lat": 32.406402588,
+        "lon": -86.565592762
+      },
+      "Basin": "Houston",
+      "County": "Harris",
+      "State": "TX",
+      "Country": "USA",
+      "WellStatus": "Under development",
+      "OriginalOperator": "OFFICE2",
+      "WellName": "Data Platform Services",
+      "WellType": "Data Lake Cloud",
+      "EmptyAttribute": "",
+      "Rank": 1,
+      "Score": 10,
+      "Established": "2000-03-27T23:38:48Z",
+      "TextArray": [
+        "Wgs84Coordinates",
+        "Petroleum Field"
+      ]
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    "id": "tenant1:<kindSubType>:testIngest5<timestamp>",
+    "tags": {
+      "testtag": "testvalue"
+    },
+    "data": {
+      "Field": "OSDU OFFICE - 2",
+      "Location": {
+        "lat": 32.406402588,
+        "lon": -86.565592762
+      },
+      "Basin": "Houston",
+      "County": "Harris",
+      "State": "TX",
+      "Country": "USA",
+      "WellStatus": "Under development",
+      "OriginalOperator": "OFFICE2",
+      "WellName": "Data Platform Services",
+      "WellType": "Data Lake Cloud",
+      "EmptyAttribute": "",
+      "Rank": 1,
+      "Score": 10,
+      "Established": "2000-03-27T23:38:48Z"
+    }
+  },
+  {
+    "id": "tenant1:<kindSubType>:testIngest6<timestamp>",
+    "tags": {
+      "testtag": "testvalue"
+    },
+    "data": {
+      "Field": "OSDU OFFICE - 2",
+      "Location": {
+        "lat": 32.406402588,
+        "lon": -86.565592762
+      },
+      "Basin": "Houston",
+      "County": "Harris",
+      "State": "TX",
+      "Country": "USA",
+      "WellStatus": "Under development",
+      "OriginalOperator": "OFFICE2",
+      "WellName": "Data Platform Services",
+      "WellType": "Data Lake Cloud",
+      "EmptyAttribute": "",
+      "Rank": 1,
+      "Score": 10,
+      "Established": "2000-03-27T23:38:48Z"
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file