From 0db7ecc1d892bcf26a197a28bb2b0ee4367722df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rustam_Lotsmanenko <>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2020 12:34:54 +0400
Subject: [PATCH] GONRG-1041 Indexer should support HTTP Target Cloud Tasks

*Added request authentication incoming from Http cloud task
based on token verification
*Updated core-lib-gcp version in pom
*Added property with service acc mail, for token validation
*Updated google-cloud-datastore lib version , for reusing
 provider/indexer-gcp/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/provider/indexer-gcp/ b/provider/indexer-gcp/
index 23c482574..373972ee9 100644
--- a/provider/indexer-gcp/
+++ b/provider/indexer-gcp/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ In order to run the service locally or remotely, you will need to have the follo
 | `GOOGLE_AUDIENCES` | ex `*****` | Client ID for getting access to cloud resources | yes | |
 | `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` | ex `/path/to/directory/service-key.json` | Service account credentials, you only need this if running locally | yes | |
 | `` | ex `false` | Elastic client connection uses TrustSelfSignedStrategy(), if it is 'true' | false | output of infrastructure deployment |
+| `indexer.que.service.mail` | ex `` | IndexerQue environment service account mail, required if Indexer Que deployed in cloud task mode, to validate token from it | yes | - |
 ### Run Locally
 Check that maven is installed: