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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • SLI: Platform Traction
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / Audit and Metrics
  • SLI: Search
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / Audit and Metrics
  • SLI: Platform Reliability
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / Audit and Metrics
  • SLI: Security
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / Audit and Metrics
  • DDMS
    OSDU Software / OSDU Data Platform
    Component related to DDMS
  • IssueDefect
    OSDU Software
    A defect is an issue that is a software error, flaw or fault that causes that project or repo or service to produce an incorrect or unexpected result per the OSDU standard or requirements or that it behaves in unintended ways. A defect can be further categorized as a defect in the common code in the PMC project or as a defect within the CSP realization of the PMC project to ensure that it can be targeted towards the right development resource to address this issue.
  • Pipeline Failure
    OSDU Software
    MR pending failures and requires investigation
  • M13
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M13 milestone
  • M12
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M12 milestone
  • M10
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M10 milestone
  • M9
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M9 milestone
  • M8
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M8 milestone
  • M11
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M11 milestone
  • M6
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M6 milestone
  • M7
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M7 milestone
  • M10 Patch
    OSDU Software
    Label used to indicate issue found during M10 Patch milestone
  • KBBacklog
    OSDU Software
    Issue life cycle label: Label applied to indicate that issues are confirmed, but no active work are in progress. Pending volunteers to pick up.
  • IssueUnder Review
    OSDU Software
    This issue needs to be confirmed if this is the intended behavior of the service
  • PriorityCritical
    OSDU Software
    Catastrophic issue identified - Severe impact, contain breaking workflow/data loss, zero-day/critical security vulnerabilities No workaround and should be fixed as an immediate priority Need to be released as a patch during regular milestone cycle as soon as a fix is available
  • PriorityHigh
    OSDU Software
    Major issue identified - High impact, might contain breaking workflow/data loss, critical/high security vulnerabilities There is a workaround that exists but should be fixed as the next priority Might need to be released as a patch during regular milestone cycle/N+1 milestone release