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Feature/checkrefs authority

Mark Hewitt requested to merge feature/checkrefs-authority into main

Fixes #7 (closed)

Usage: osdu dataload checkrefs [OPTIONS]

Find any referenced id's missing in OSDU (work in progress).

This command will try and extract all referenced id's in the given manifests and then check whether these exist in OSDU. You might typically use this command prior to ingestion to check whether ingestion might fail due to the referential integrity check.

Options: -p, --path PATH Path to a manifest file or files to check. [required] -g, --generated DIRECTORY Path where manifests for missing references should be created. -a, --authority TEXT Schema authority to use when generating manifest files. [default: osdu] -aclo, --acl-owners TEXT Acl owners to use when generating manifest files. If not specified the global value is used. -aclv, --acl-viewers TEXT Acl viewers to use when generating manifest files. If not specified the global value is used. -l, --legal-tags TEXT Legal tag to use when generating manifest files. If not specified the global value is used.

Common Options: -o, --output [json] Output format (default is a user friendly table format). --query TEXT JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples. --debug / --no-debug Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs. -c, --config PATH Path to a configuration file. You can configure the default file using 'osducli config default'. -h, --help Show this message and exit.

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