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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Deployment and Operations / helm-charts-azure
Apache License 2.0This project is the home for required helm charts to install OSDU on Azure.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Indexer
Apache License 2.0The Indexer Service indexes the metadata store to support the Search Service.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Indexer Queue
Apache License 2.0The Indexer Queue Service provides a set of APIs that help in forwarding the messages to and from the Storage Service and Indexer Service.
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Azure Infrastructure provisioning scripts and templates
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / Ingestion Workflow
Apache License 2.0The Ingestion Workflow service provides a wrapper functionality around the Apache Airflow functions and is designed to carry out preliminary work with files before running the Airflow Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) that will perform actual ingestion of OSDU data.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Security and Compliance / Legal
Apache License 2.0Legal service is to help ensure data compliance with legal data governance when dealing with data in the Data Ecosystem by managing legal tags
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Seismic / MDIO
Apache License 2.0MDIO: examples, documentation, references Python code: osdu-segy-to-mdio-conversion (new folder): util takes SEGY and returns MDIO+manifest
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Notification
Apache License 2.0The Notification service allows interested consumers to subscribe to data and metadata changes using a publish/subscriber pattern.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / gcp / OBM
Apache License 2.0OBM (Object to Blob) Mapper
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Reservoir / Open ETP Client
Apache License 2.0Typescript client for open-etp-server, including REST API
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Domain Data Management Services / Reservoir / Open ETP Server
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Open ZGY contribution
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / core / OS Core Common
Apache License 2.0This project provides Java client libraries for using OSDU core services.
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OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / aws / OS Core Lib AWS
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / azure / OS Core Lib Azure
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / System / Lib / cloud / ibm / OS Core Lib IBM
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OSDU / OSDU Data Platform / Data Flow / Data Ingestion / osdu-airflow-lib
Apache License 2.0The project contains all Airflow dependencies need to OSDU.
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Command-line interface for interacting with OSDU.